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Curci Genealogy and Curci Family History Information

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  • Amelita Galli-Curci (1882 - 1963)
    Amelita Galli-Curci, nata Amelita Galli (Milano, 18 novembre 1882 – La Jolla, 26 novembre 1963), è stata un soprano italiano, dal 1916 stabilitasi permanentemente negli Stati Uniti. Fu uno dei più am...
  • Carlo Maria Curci (1809 - 1891)
    Carlo Maria Curci (Napoli, 4 settembre 1809 – Firenze, 8 giugno 1891) è stato un gesuita e teologo italiano.
  • Federico "Freddy" Curci
    Federico "Freddy" Curci is a Canadian singer and songwriter. He was lead vocalist for the rock band Sheriff and later founded and became frontman for the band Alias, a position he retains to this day...
  • Fran Curci
    Fran Curci (born June 11, 1938) is a former American football player and coach. He was an All-American quarterback at the University of Miami in 1959. He served as head coach at the University of Tam...
  • Francesco Paura
    Francesco Paura , pseudonimo di Francesco Curci (Camposano, 20 gennaio 1976), è un rapper italiano, noto per essere stato membro dei 13 Bastardi dal 1995 al 2004 e dei Videomind dal 2009 al 2011.

About the Curci surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Curci surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Curci surname.

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