Some of many Bruck families may be descended from Ber-Rawak-Ha son of Shammar-Gawa , likely identical with Samar ,king of Georgia ,son of Ashak-Ken-Nawa-Ha that is of Alexander .
He may also be the ancestor of the wandering medicine men on the Andes in the Holy Land called in Spanish generally 'brujo' ,that is magician ,having Callawaya and similar forms as their own ethnonym . They have in the extent of time of space many of the local langauges spoken but their original one, even if not spoken any more ,could have been some closest to Araucanian .
His borther though ,Ag-Had-Ta might well be the ancestor of Diaguita chiefs as Had(és) was in the antiquity also known as Di(s) . Another sibling was A-Shan-Petta ,who might have Asheninka and Wapett'shana people as issue mixed with Campa and similar Arawak tribes and adopting their language ,as the whole family itself was and is of Inca race ,first incarnation of which was the mentioned Alexander alias Dhu-el-Qarnain . A-She may be the forefather of Sea people,who may be the Ona or Selk'nam living recently in small number Karuk-Inka .
First Diaguitas though might have been descended from Da-ya-'Agga the Yamamadi .
See Buharin,Alexander,Inca,Tucuman,Arauco,Horalek,Peru,David,Vajda,Kano,Bantu,Abashidze,Fürst, Shemmari,Arsch,Zague,Gelb,Denkstein,Antalik and more !
Balázs Déri