Origin of the surname Alexander: Greek, Scottish, English
Definition: helper of mankind; defender of men
Variations: MaCallister, Alexandre, Alesander, Alesandre, Alaxandair, Alasdair, Alexandar
Balázs Déri :
The city of Uruk was named also Ini-Ga and was always ruled by the inga.
King Alexander of Makedonia descended according to reliable source from the lineage of Persian kings beginning in modern Persia with Dareios the magus-killer.
He was called in Arabia Dzu-al-Karnaini that should be freely understood as Dzu-al- Karn-a-Ini that is Possessor of the Inga Boon,or,alternatively as Dzu-al-Kar'nain meaning Ka-Runa-In that is Lord of Inka Runa.
He is known in Peru by the name Amaru inga (Amal-Ru) and was succeeded after 323 b.c. by first Sin-Cheroka,ancestor of cherokee nation,known in Europe as Prince Alexander : Sancho-Rike.
So we all ingas having the inga bone descend from him the first man of this kind in known history.
Nosotros ingas somos hijos d'el Sol.
See Horpáczky,Itzkovits,Tevan,Deutsch,Ashkenazi,Kenderesi,Gyulay ,László,Cherkasov,Schillinger,David,Hermányi,Pári !