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Albertson Genealogy and Albertson Family History Information

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  • Abigail Albertson (1689 - 1727)
    Biography Abigail Albertson was born on September 24, 1689 in Perquimans County, North Carolina, British Colonial America. Her parents were Samuel Nicholson and Elizabeth Nixon . Abigail married Nath...
  • Albert Albertson, Sr. (c.1642 - 1702)
    Not a proven child of 'Nicholas Albeson the Swede' >"The first Albertson ancestor of whom we can be certain was an Albert Albertson, who was in North Carolina very early, at least by 1668 when he marri...
  • Ann Borton Alberson (1703 - 1767)
    The children of Josiah and Ann Albertson were eight daughters and one son ; {numbering added by MvB} 1)Hannah, who married Jacob Clement; 2)Mary; 3)Cassandra, who married Jacob Ellis and Jacob Burrough...
  • Anna Margretha Albertson (1879 - 1962)
    Find a Grave
  • Bernard Albertson (1938 - 2019)

About the Albertson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Albertson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Albertson surname.

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