The surname Albee is of Scottish origin. It is derived from the son of the blond one, or son of Alpin. First found in Argylshire, the Albee's were descended from King Kenneth MacAlpin who was murdered by the Picts near Dundee in the year 834. MacAlpin is generally considered to have been the first king to rule both Scots and Picts, and as such, was the first king of Scotland.
Albee is also a variant spelling of the English Alb(e)y,a habitational name from Alby in Norfolk or Ailby in Lincolnshire, both named with the Old Norse personal name Ali plus the Old Norse byr meaning farmstead.
Variations include: MacAlpine, MacAlpin Gaelic- MacAllpein Spanish variations include- Alba, Albo, Albu, Albba, Albos, Albas, Albar, Albans, Albanos, Albor, Albanor, Dealba, Dalba