Kilde Kilde Buksnes Bygdebok av Ola Berg , Bind II, 2. Opplag _____________________________________________________ Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 9 Ballstad og GÅRDSNR.10 Ballstadøy GÅRDSNR. 20 Bolle GÅRDSNR. 16 Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 31 Bø GÅRDSNR. 37 Farstad
Bienvenido al Portal de Colombia para colaborar con geni en relación a este portal primeramente le recomendamos la creación de una cuenta y el desarrollo de su propio árbol genealógico. También puede colaborar con nosotros en este hermoso proyecto que lograra digitalizar toda la vida y la historia de Colombia cómo unificar toda la información diseminada en Geni con relación a este país.. Pers...
This subportal is part of the State of Montana Portal . Wikipedia Please go to following link for further information: United States with Counties, Areas & Communities Project . Projects on Geni Cities, Towns, Communities Billings Counties Beaverhead Big Horn Blaine Broadwater
In the United States Armed Forces, a brigadier general is a one-star general officer in the United States Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force. A brigadier general ranks above a colonel and below a major general. The pay grade of brigadier general is O-7. It is equivalent to the rank of rear admiral (lower half) in the other United States uniformed services which use naval ranks. It ...
Location Information==This cemetery is in Rata Street, Inglewood.==Historical Information==There is 1 Anglo Boer War burial, 2 Commonwealth burials of the 1914-1918 war and 1 of the 1939-1945 war here.Anglo Boer War:* Private Albert Harry Blyde World War I:* Corporal Robert Jones * Sapper Arthur Norman Storring - Profile World War II:* Sergeant Cyril Winfield
Editor: A person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a text, particularly a newspaper or magazine
This area was inhabited for thousands of years by successive cultures of hunter-gatherer Indian peoples; artifacts have been dated to at least the late Woodland Period (c. AD 1000). An important village site known as Werowocomoco was occupied by c. AD 1200 by the Algonquian-speaking peoples of the numerous emerging tribes in the area. Before the late 16th century, the Powhatan Confederacy had ...
Projekti on aloitettu 17.5.2020. Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi Asikkala, Asikkalan kirkonkylä -projektiin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin ) Kun lisäät kylässä asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot ovat oikeassa kohdassa , mikä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua (ks. ohje: paikkatiedon tallennus profiiliin ). Tä...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Marquette County, Michigan.= Official Website =The county is named for Father Marquette, a Jesuit missionary. It was set off in 1843 and organized in 1851. Adjacent Counties * Alger County * Delta County * Menominee County * Dickinson County * Iron County * Houghton County * Baraga County
People on Coins Presidents George Washington $1, 25¢ John Adams $1 Thomas Jefferson $1, 25¢, 5¢ James Madison $1 James Monroe $1, 25¢ John Quincy Adams $1 Andrew Jackson $1
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Põldsama uus kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Põltsamaa (uus) kalmistu asub Põltsamaa kihelkonnas Viljandimaal, tänapäevase haldusjaotuse jär...
Wikipedia Ohio University is a public research university in Athens, Ohio, United States. One of America's oldest universities, its charter was approved in 1804, and opened for students in 1809. As of 2014, the Athens campus had 23,300 students; the other five campuses had approximately 10,000, and eLearning 5,900. Alumni
Lähteitä, kirjallisuutta ym.==* Maanmittaushallituksen historiallinen kartta-arkisto, Pitäjänkartasto, 3122 04 Sysmä * Maanmittaushallituksen historiallinen kartta-arkisto, Pitäjänkartasto, 3121 02 Sysmä Rusthollari Friedric Olofsson:n kuoleman jälkeisiä ruotujärjestelyjä n. 1790:* Hämeen läänin jalkaväkirykmentti - Luetteloita, 1708-1807 (55041 HJR 427); SSHY: / Viitattu 18.7.2020
The Women's Army Corps (WAC) was the women's branch of the United States Army. It was created as an auxiliary unit, the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) on 15 May 1942, and converted to an active duty status in the Army of the United States as the WAC on 1 July 1943. Its first director was Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby. The WAC was disbanded on 20 October 1978, and all WAC units were integrated w...
Women in Military Conflicts - Doctors, Nurses and others The object of this project is to assemble profiles of women who played a roll in Military conflicts - mainly Doctors and Nurses - who were involved in wars up to and including World War II. Early records indicate that nursing was originally conducted by monks and nuns of various religious orders. It was considered to be work of a spiritu...
Traze se volonteri Kuratori za Geni - pogledajte nominacije --> Nominacije Radovi u toku - work in progress Hrvatsko podrucje vec godinu dana ima 3 Kuratora (Curator -Staratelj) koji su tu da pomognu korisnicima. Kuratori su volonteri koji su izabrani na temelju aktivnosti i kvalitete njihovih obiteljskih stabala -te imaju mogućnosti spajanja stabala i duplih profila, kao i neograničene moguć...
Māja ir ļoti nozīmīgs elements, kas var palīdzēt dzimtas vēstures izpētē. Tā ir ne tikai fiziska struktūra, bet arī vieta, kur ir norisinājušies svarīgi notikumi, kuru ietekmē ir attīstījusies dzimtas dzīve. Pētījumi par māju var sniegt daudz vērtīgas informācijas par senču ikdienas dzīvi, kultūru un tradīcijām. Šī saistība starp māju un dzimtas vēsturi var tikt izskatīta vairākos aspektos: 1. ...
The United States Virgin Islands, officially the Virgin Islands of the United States, are a group of Caribbean islands and a territory of the United States. The islands are geographically part of the Virgin Islands archipelago and are located in the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles. The islands have a tropical climate. This project is a meeting place for users from United States Virgin I...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Otepää uus kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul nii Otepää vanal kui uuel kalmistul oma rahu leidnud. * ]]
Keravan paikkakuntaprojekti===Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Keravan kauppalassa ja kaupungissa asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Vuonna 1924 Kerava erotettiin Tuusulasta omaksi kauppalakseen. Toivotaan, että profiilit liitettäisiin samalla Uusimaa ja Kymenlaakso- ja Suomi ja Karjala -projekteihin Kerava Wikipediassa. ===Kaupunginosat=== Ahjo, Alikerava, Jokivarsi, Kaleva, Kaskela, Kesk...
Projekti aloitettiin 17.9.2017Pyhäjärvi UL oli Uudellamaalla sijainnut Suomen kunta.Se liitettiin Karkkilan kauppalaan vuonna 1969 . Kunnan nimen lopussa ollut tunnus UL tarkoittaa Uudenmaan lääniä, sillä Suomessa oli ennen myös kaksi muuta Pyhäjärvi-nimistä kuntaa*Pyhäjärvi Wikipedia - ä - äjärvi UL seurakunnan digiarkisto - ja Pyhäjärven Historiaa - >* Pyhäjärvi UL kylät (Hiskin mukaan)Ahmo, ...
This is a Temporary project, to collect sources to identify,and discover the Closest Common Ancestor between Linda Zimmerman and William Owen "Bill" Irwin . It will be deleted, once everyone has been identified. NOTE: The current common ancestor pair is more than 10 generations away they are not truly the common ancestor.but are listed here for research AIDS. William Owen "Bill" Irwin ...
Jewish families of the Kurshany shtetl. Who were they? Where did they go? Families Adelshteyn Adelzon Bloch Browde (Broude) Fridman Gelman (Helman) Glezer Glick Gold Greenspon Gurvich (Hurwich) Kan Kagan Kats Katsev Kleyn Korol Kremer Kriger Lurie Lipshitz Mark Medalie Mitavsky Neyman Nurok Rabin Riff (Reiff) Shapiro Shchupak (Schupa...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors, who were residents of the Ingolstadt Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Ingolstadt , Germany.