Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Allen County, Kansas

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Allen County, Kansas. Official Website Allen County is a county located in southeast portion of the U.S. state of Kansas . It was named in honor of William Allen , a United States senator from Ohio. Adjacent Counties Anderson County Bourbon County Linn County Neosho County

  • Polk County, Iowa

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Polk County, Iowa. Official Website The county was established in 1846 and was named for United States President James K. Polk, who served from 1845 to 1849. Adjacent Counties Boone County Dallas County Madison County Warren County Story County Jasper County Marion County Cities

  • Osborne County, Kansas

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Osborne County, Kansas. The county was established in 1867 and was named in honor of Captain Vincent B. Osborne, a Civil War soldier who lost a leg in a battle on January 17, 1865, at Joy's Ford on the Arkansas River. Adjacent Counties Jewell County Smith County Mitchell County Lincoln County Russell County Ellis County...

  • Valguarnera Caropepe, Enna, Sicily, Italy

    Progenitors=See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Albano* Albano, Francesca Interlicchia* Interlicchia, Giuseppe Roccazzella* Roccazzella, Sebbastiano Vivinetto* Vivinetto,Giuseppe

  • Suomi ja Karjala - aliprojekti Erikoisprojektit ja ammattikuntaprojektit

    Finland and Karelia - Special projects and profession projects= Back to the main page of Finland and Karelia project Currently, the information on this page is in Finnish only. English text to be added. Tälle projektisivulle kootaan aihejärjestyksessä muut projektit kuin paikkaprojektit. Paikkaprojekteja ovat alueprojektit, paikkakuntaprojektit, kylä- ja taloprojektit sekä muut paikkakuntien ta...

  • Gove County, Kansas

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Gove County, Kansas. Official Website In 1868, Gove County was established and named for Granville Llewellyn Gove, member of the 11th Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and son of Moses Gove, a former mayor of Manhattan, Kansas. Adjacent Counties Graham County Lane County Logan County Ness County Scott County Sheridan ...

  • Confession of German professors to Adolf Hitler

    The Bekenntniss der Professoren an den deutschen Hochschulen und Universitäten zu Adolf Hitler und dem nationalsozialistischen Staat (confession of professors at German universities and colleges to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist state) was persented the 11. November 1933 'to celebrate the "National Socialist revolution" at a ceremony in the Albert Hall in Leipzig . But were not all sig...

  • Aitkin County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Aitkin County, Minnesota . Official Website Aitkin County was established in 1857 as Aiken County. The current spelling was adopted in 1872. It was named for William Alexander Aitken , a fur trader for the American Fur Company, under John Jacob Astor . Aiken County originally consisted of the 17 townships closest to Mille Lacs Lake....

  • University of Wyoming

    From the Wikipedia article on the University of Wyoming . The University of Wyoming is a land-grant university located in Laramie, Wyoming, situated on Wyoming's high Laramie Plains, at an elevation of 7,220 feet (2194 m), between the Laramie and Snowy Range mountains. It is known as UW (often pronounced "U-Dub") to people close to the university. The university was founded in March 1886, four...

  • Spokane (City), Washington

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in the city of Spokane, Washington. Official Website Spokane is located in Spokane County, sits on the Spokane River and is the county seat. Known as the birthplace of Father's Day, Spokane's official nickname is the "Lilac City". A pink, double flower cultivar of the common lilac, known as Syringa vulgaris 'Spokane', is named for the...

  • Spokane County, Washington

    The first humans to arrive in what is now Spokane County arrived between 12,000 and 8,000 years ago and were hunter-gatherer societies who lived off the plentiful game in the area. Initially, the settlers hunted predominantly bison and antelope, but after the game migrated out of the region, the native people became dependent on gathering various roots, berries, and nuts, and harvesting fish. T...

  • Ward County, North Dakota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Ward County, North Dakota. Official Website The Dakota Territory legislature created the county on April 14, 1885 and was named for Mark Ward, chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Counties during the session. For a complete list of Townships & Communities, please see Wikipedia . Adjacent Counties Renville...

  • Lake County, Indiana

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Lake County, Indiana. Official Website Originally inhabited by the Potawatomi and generations of indigenous ancestors, Lake County was established by European Americans on February 16, 1837. It was named for its location on Lake Michigan. Inland Steel Company established a plant in East Chicago in 1903 and U.S. Steel founded one i...

  • McCook County, South Dakota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in McCook County, South Dakota. Official Website The county was established in 1873, and was organized in 1878. It was named for the former governor of the Dakota Territory and Civil War general Edwin Stanton McCook. Adjacent Counties Lake County Miner County Minnehaha County Hutchinson County Hanson County Turner Corner

  • St. Paul, Minnesota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in St. Paul, Minnesota. Official Website St. Paul is the twin city of Minneapolis and is the county seat of Ramsey County. Burial mounds in present-day Indian Mounds Park suggest the area was inhabited by the Hopewell Native Americans about 2,000 years ago. From the early 17th century to 1837, the Mdewakanton Dakota, a tribe of the Si...

  • Kylä, Aromäki, Kurkijoki

    Projekti aloitettu 8.7.2023 Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Kurkijoen kyläprojekteja Alho , Aromäki , Elisenvaara , Haapavaara , Haavikko , Huutomäki , Hämeenlahti , Ihojärvi , Kannansaari , Kirkonkylä (Lopotti), Korpisaari , Kuuppala , Lapinlahti , Lepousmäki , Levonpelto , Lopotti (kirkonkylä) , Luhovaara ...

  • Ramsey County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles for people who were born, lived or died in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Official Website Ramsey County was created in 1849 and was named for Alexander Ramsey, the first governor of the Minnesota Territory. Adjacent Counties Anoka County Washington County Hennepin County Dakota County Cities, Townships & Communities Arden Hills Bald Eagle Bellaire Blaine ...

  • Dakota County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Dakota County, Minnesota. Official Website The county was the site of historical events at Mendota that defined the state's future, including providing materials for the construction of Fort Snelling across the river and the signing of the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux which ceded land from the native Dakota nation for the Minnesota...

  • Kyläprojekti Sälinkää, Mäntsälä

    Pääprojekti Mäntsälä Tämä kylä-tason Geni-projekti aloitettiin 30.11.2022 kokoamaan Sälinkään Geni-profiilit ja helpottamaan profiilien löytymistä Geni -sukupuusta Tämä on alaprojekti ylätasolle Suomi ja Karjala jonka sivulta löydät ohjeet sekä linkkejä muihin projekteihin. Lue huolellisesti suomalaiset sukututkimuksen käytännesäännöt Kantatilat ja niiden haltijat ennen vuotta 1805 1 Ant...

  • Ranuan lotat

    Tähän Ranuan lotat -projektiin on tarkoitus koota Lotta Svärd -järjestön Ranuan paikallisosastoon kuuluneiden lottien profiileja. Tervetuloa mukaan täydentämään projektia vielä puuttuvilla ranualaisten lottien ja pikkulottien tiedoilla. Projektiin liittyminen: Valitse Geniin kirjautuneena tällä sivulla Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Profiilien lisääminen projektiin: Valitse profiilisivulla Toim...

  • Douglas County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Douglas County, Minnesota. The territorial legislature created Douglas County on March 8, 1858, shortly before Minnesota attained statehood. It was named for political figure Stephen A. Douglas, who was serving as a US Senator from Illinois at the time of the county's creation. The county organization was completed in 1866. Adjacen...

  • Paikkakunta Sippola

    SIPPOLAN PAIKKAKUNTAPROJEKTI Sippolan ja lähialueen sukututkimusprojekti. Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen projektialueella syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuuta. Rekisteröidy paikkakuntaprojektin lisäksi suurempaan kokonaisuuteen, Uusimaa ja Kymenlaakso -projektiin. Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikka...

  • Maly Trostinets extermination camp

    Maly Trostinets extermination camp (see alternate spellings), located near a small village on the outskirts of Minsk, Belarus, was the site of a Nazi extermination camp.Originally built in the summer of 1941, on the site of a Soviet kolkhoz, as a concentration camp, to house Soviet prisoners of war who had been captured following the German attack on the Soviet Union which commenced on June 22 ...

  • Hauklappi

    Profiilit toivotaan lisättävän myös pääprojekteihin: Suomi ja Karjala -projekti. Paikkakunta Ruokolahti -projekti. Ruokolahden Hauklappi (Село Хауклаппи). Hauklappi on tunnettu mm. siellä sijaitsevasta Kummakivestä. Kylän alkuperäinen nimi on ollut Professori Veijo Saloheimon mukaan Lappi ja sitä on asuttanut mm. saamelaiset. Lieneekö muuttunut Hauklapiksi, kun on maksettu veroja Viipurin li...

1676-1700 of 74234 projects