Polhograjski baroni, plemiška rodbina slov. pokolenja, s prvotnim imenom Kunstelj (Khunstl), dobila plemstvo 1646, baronstvo 1684, izumrla 1869. ( Slov. biografija )Njih predhodniki enakega imena, toda v nobenem sorodstvu z njimi, so bili v srednjem veku gospodje polhograjski, ki se omenjajo prvič v listinah 1261 (Stiški arhiv). O Wersu Polhogr. je izpričano, da je 1295 v družbi s hertenberškim...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Lipowicja (Lipowice), southeast of Dolina, in Galicia
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Jan is in 1738 gehuwd met Marie Dirckx van DALEN in Woerden
'' Leopold Auer, his predecessors and successors''==
This project is intended to match up and connect all the trees of Zel families originating in The Keidania region of Lithuania - including the towns of Dotnowa, Keidan and others.
Hurt At Work NYC, actively involved in civic and charitable organizations. Workers Compensation and Social Security Disability are individual and unique, each with its own circumstances and degree of injury. Visit us at
Rašome viską,ką žinote apie Valiūnus.Šio projekto dokumentuose yra įdėta informacija apie Valiūnas pavardės išplitimą Lietuvoje.
Company B=== ? - Richmond, Lancaster ==The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
40th Virginia Infantry=== Summary and Engagements ==This is an umbrella project for all of the companies of the 40th Virginia Infantry. See the Related Projects for details. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Hungary, mosonmagyarovár 1917. május 28. született Rodák Irén, annya neve Mehsam Erzsébet, apa neve Rodák Jozsef.Eltünt 1944-48 között budapesten.Segitséget kérek adatgyujtéshez, mi történt vele!email.cim: mehsam00@gmail.com