Upload photos of heirlooms you have received, who gave them to you and the approximate time you think that the original owner was presented with them. Any other information is also useful, such as physical description, (example: size, weight and material of object), when you think it was created, and where it was from (example: Vilna, Poland).
Karumathil house is said to have been originated from PANNIYUR, Anakkara. Kerala, and is known as Panniyur Karumathil House. This house is still at Panniyur. Later on Karumathil house split into different branches like Karumathil Pullara, Karumathil Pokkavil, Karumathil Nallekkattu, Etc.
15 North Dutcher Street is a house in Irvington , New York .
Keluarga Penghulu Man Special Project
Dette prosjektet har til hensikt å samle alle profilene til personer nevnt i det sjømilitære manntallet av 1706-1707 for Egersund og Ogna sogn.Manntallene ble innhentet mellom 30.10.1706 og 08.11.1706.
this is a branch of the loewe family tree coming from Loretto wich Loewe who was my great grandmother.
Ønsker å kartlegge forfedre og etterkommere etter Ole I. Kalbak, døpt Ole Iversen, født 1. april 1848, fra Hernes, Elverum.Ole var typisk fattigmann fra sin tid, bundet til Rogstad, Østre Hernes. Husmannsplassen het Kalbak, sannsynlig at han tok dette navnet. Ble gift med Karen Hansdatter Blix.
father of Harry Ryder
grandfather of Allan John Dymond
4th May 2013: A start-up project on the Mughal Dynasty, and families related via marriage association.
Westbrook Family Tree
This is my paternal grandfather's family. Even though we share the same last name, this is the part of the family that I know the least about. Originally from Ireland, they moved to the US during the potato famine.