Seeking info on Moshe Brucker and descendents. Brucker was from Radowicz, Romania and emigrated to Montevideo, Uruguay in about 1924. He was married to Rachel Goldenberg. Children were David and Miriam. He had a newsstand there. His mother's maiden name was Kastner. Any info appreciated.
Steinsapir Family
To ALL Azzam Family, everywhere in the Planet: Join the Geni "Azzam" Tree and write to me at about any updates you deem necessary. Your Comments are appreciated. Also, you may want to use this Link , where needed.
Degļu mājās dzīvojuši
Want to know more about my Shillings ancestors, I understand that their name is Jewish and am very interested to learn more!!!!
This is my project
This is a history of the Langenback family that moved from Germany to New york in the 1880's.
A one name survey study for the surname Volkenant.
Nama cokro wijoyo itu nama tua(istilah org jawa) nama itu itu saya ambi dr nama eyang saya muttaqin cokro wardoyo dr garis ayah, dan kebetulan dr garis ibu jg ada yaitu eyang cokro yudo, sampai sekang tiap sebulan sekali ada pertemuan arisan cokro yudan, sedang dr garis ayah yg masih ada setiap bulan ruwah antara tgl 17-30 jg masih ada pertemuan keluarga besar eyang jayeng kewuh bergabung dng k...
you think life is hard well step into my shoes and go thru my history lol
Looking for family history for Hager Venable Carr and Gardner.Also for my half sister Charlotte Renee Venable born January 1969 in Tarrant County to Donna C. Whitley and Claude Wayne Venable.