Only three generations ago there was a young woman who married my great grandfather Henry J. Sturwold, her name was Maria Bissing. Not much was talked about her past other than her parents were still in Germany and they gave her to her father's family coming to the USA to raise her. Well a century later, I found out that her mother, a Margravine married a commoner her father which was utterly f...
Building the Family Tree of Stephen Michael Zamagias and Norma Jean (Aquilo) Zamagias
Osobnosti rodiny Koláčkových - Marefy, Slavkov u Brna, Praha Brno, Roštín
How our members' families are connected!
Recabar datos, cronología y anécdotas de los integrantes de esta familia
Kadiki-Skadini no Libisiem
Velvel Rubinov Verlotzsky (1871-1945) was the son of Reevan Verlotzsky and Tuba (Taube?) Mednikov (Mednikopff). He was born in Radomyshl, Zhitomer, Ukraine. He married Rissel Hirsch (1874-1959), who was the great niece of Tuba. They had seven surviving daughters: Sonia/Sophie (1895-1971), Nechama/Nora (1897-1984), Malke/Mollie 1898-1980, Nussi 1901-1983, Hana/Helen (1905-1991), Golde/Gertrude (...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Potěhy (Potieh) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Lula was the wife of Charles Lindsey Baker. He passed away on February 3, 1958, at Kentucky Baptist Hospital. According to records, he is buried in Louisville, Kentucky; but I have no record of the cemetery.
Bismillah hirr-Rahmaan irr-Raheem
Zachario Lemire's Descendants
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Korniatkow, Poland.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Wojtkowa, Poland. Gesher Galicia - Wojtkowa
Within the Hindi film industry, commonly known as Bollywood, there is a common, reoccurring theme of many members of a family participating in the film industry over several generations.
Dear all, it would be interesting to find all relatives of Putvinskis.
Project dedicated to trace the ancestors of Simão Ferraz de Campos and Elisa de Almeida Claudio de Campos, from Tietê, SP, Brazil
Family from Pia di Borno and probably Borno before the. Notable members include Maffeo