Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Desbiens, Québec, Canada

    (en construction)==Indiquez les lieux dans Geni How to Input Locations in Geni ==> Standard Location Names for Québec, Canada * ... entre 1873 et 1925 :** Place Name = ** City = Saint-Jérôme ** County = Lac-Saint-Jean** State/Province = Québec** Country = Canada* ... entre 1926 et 1959 :** Place Name = ** City = Saint-Émilien** County = Lac-Saint-Jean** State/Province = Québec** Country = Canad...

  • משפחת פוספלוב

    סיפור המשפחה עד לפרטים הקטנים

  • Jewish Families from Maków Podhalański, Poland

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Maków Podhalański, Poland. Gesher Galicia - Maków Podhalański

  • Jewish Families from Głęboka, Ukraine

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Głęboka, Ukraine.

  • Jewish Families from Demnya, Ukraine

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Demnya, Ukraine.

  • Jewish Families from Bili Oslavy, Ukraine

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Bili Oslavy, Ukraine, also known as Osław Biały, Belyye Oslavy, Osławy Białe, Oslav Byaly, Білі Ослави. Gesher Galicia - Bili Oslavy JewishGen - Bili Oslavy

  • Hanson/Wright Family Tree Project

    I want to collaborate with you to fill in the blanks and enhance our family tree. Please login when you have time and add or update family members with as much information as you have.Thank you,Mark

  • Vlašić

    Projekt otovoren u svrhu povezivanja što većeg broja porodice Vlašić te istraživanja migracije predaka u prošlosti te mjesto potijeka.

  • Jankowski - Skała

    Drzewo genealogiczne potomków Wawrzyńca i Elżbiety Jankowskich ze Skały.

  • Jewish Families from Artasuv, Ukraine

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Artasuv, Ukraine. Artasuv-Gesher Galicia Artasuv-JewishGen

  • Karaaim

    To try and define the earliest splits in Judaic branches

  • Washington Area Music Association Hall of Fame

    year the Washington Area Music Association Board of Directors votes to recognize significant career achievements of area musicians by inducting them into the WAMA Hall of Fame. The awards are presented during the Wammies event.* Billy Stewart was inducted into the Washington Area Music Association Hall of Fame in 2002.

  • Frères mineurs capucins

    Les Frères mineurs capucins (en latin : Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum, abrégé en OFM Cap.) forment l'une des trois branches masculines du Premier Ordre de la famille franciscaine, approuvé comme véritable Ordre de saint François en 1517 par le pape Léon X. De nombreux frères provenant presque tous de la branche de l'Observance et séparée de celle des Conventuels ont rallié alors ce nouvel o...

  • Cap-Rouge, Québec, Canada

    Cap-Rouge, Wikipédia

  • Jewish Families from Děpoltovice (Tüppelsgrün), Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Děpoltovice (Tüppelsgrün), Czech Republic.

  • Neely Family - 1904 - Ennis Allgood Neely

    ENNIS ALLGOOD NEELY September 1, 1904 - January 26, 1905; Almost 5 months old By Roy "Buddy" Neely Jr. This boy was a twin to Allgood Ellis "Bud" Neely. He died as an infant at the age of four months and twenty-five days. There apparently remains nothing in oral history from living cousins that bears on the reason for his demise. However, it should be pointed out that our grandparents, Will and...

69501-69525 of 72044 projects