Northern Lights College is an institution that provides post-secondary education to residents of Northern British Columbia. It currently has campuses and access centres in eight communities across the northern third of British Columbia, with Regional Administration located on the Dawson Creek campus. NLC has a working agreement with the University of Northern British Columbia. The college Presi...
North Island College ( NIC ) is a community college located primarily on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. College facilities include four campuses and three centres serving a population of 155,000 and a geographic region of 80,000 square kilometers.The largest campus is in the Comox Valley, at 2300 Ryan Road in Courtenay, but there are also campuses in Campbell River, Port Alberni, a...
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology ( NVIT ) is British Columbia's Aboriginal public post-secondary institute in Merritt, British Columbia, Canada. It started in 1983.==History==NVIT is British Columbia's Aboriginal public post-secondary institute. NVIT was formed as a private institute in 1983 by the First Nations bands of Coldwater, Nooaitch, Shackan, Upper Nicola and Lower Nicola. NVIT was...
Waihi is a town in Hauraki District in the North Island of New Zealand, especially notable for its history as a gold mine town. The township grew around the mining operations since the discovery of gold in 1878 by prospectors John McCombie and Robert Lee. The town currently has a population of around 5,000.
Ønsker mitt eget prosjekt. Årsaken er at sammenslåing av mitt tre med andres har resultert i at jeg er 19 ganger oldebarn av Robert the Bruce, men når jeg går til dennes far, Robert Bruce, født ca. 1210, spør Geni om slektskap med denne personen...