Arrived in Port Chalmers 13th of May, 1874.Passenger List -
Glasgow to Bluff - Arrived 4th September, 1864.Passenger List can be found at:
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Neuss (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Germany also known as Neuß [Ger]. JewishGen-Neuss (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
This Project is organized to discover, research and/or find answers to the primary origins of the Cargo(Slaves) aboard French and/or other Colonial Empires Cargo Ships including the United States of America and Great Britain that engages in the transfer of Human Souls(Slaves) from the African sources(traders) through the waters of the Atlantic Ocean on to the Island of Guadeloupe located in the...
עץ משפחת כבאסו יכלול את משפחת קצב ומשפחת שמוש כיוון שהסבתות היו אחיות מבית כבאסו