An attempt to piece together the family tree of Jewish Niedermayers who originated in Chernovitsi.
I am wanting to collaborate with Henry Bailey descendents to find out more about our mutual ancestors. Henry Bailey was my ggg grandfather. His son Walter my gg grandfather, his daughter Ivy my great grandmother. I am particularly interested in being able to share and find stories and photos of our ancestors.
História da Chegada desses Ribeiro (s) ao Brasil, em 1920. Existem registros de chegada da família, chegaram em 16 de Junho de 1920 pelo porto de Santos. Eles vieram num Navio (Vapor) chamado DEMERARA, isso esta registrado no Livro 093, Página 025, eles eram a Família 34010, como podem ver no documento. Eles partiram de Caniceira, Portugal e vieram até Lisboa onde embarcaram num Vapor como se ...
История села Вослебово (Вослеба) и его жителей. АРХИВНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ, ХРАНЯЩИЕСЯ В ГАРО 1850 (IX ревизия) - оп. 46 д. 269 св. 762-7 1834 (VIII ревизия) - оп. 32 д. 170 св. 5501 1816 (VII ревизия) - оп. 19 д. 157 св. 384 1811 (VI ревизия) - оп. 17 д. 98 св. 246 Вослебовское волостное правление, с. Вослеба Ф. 579, 5 ед. хр., 1866–1872 гг. Скопинская уездная земская управа,...
Kirjoittakaa sukunne esittely tänne"
This discussion concerns Jacques de la Porte/Delporte who went to South Africa.The ancestry of this Jacques de la Porte/Delporte does not seem to be correct on his tree on Geni..The surname Delporte, as well as de la Porte existed in the northern region of France.