Siia kogume kokku kõik eestlased (Eestimaalased ja Liivimaalased) kes osalesid IX Vene-Türgi sõjas 1828–1829 Nii surmasaanud, vigastatud ja ka tervena tagasitulnud sobivad siia.
Project start 15.6.2018 Under construction
Project start 15.6.2018. Under construction
Projeto que visa reunir descendentes de imigrantes da Alemanha, Áustria e Baviera no intuito de facilitar pesquisas, documentações, reencontros e confiabilidade das fontes.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Karbach, Germany.
Trying to trace my Sherman side of the family back to Roger Sherman.
Pardon my level of 'newbie' to this site and purpose of this post (which has no content to read/follow).... but I am really curious about others with this specific haplotype and any information pertaining to it. Thanks in advance for any response. My email is .
Descendants of Anton Dexheimer (born June 2, 1817 - died August 10, 1897) Anton Dexheimer Dexheimer Family Members Facebook Group: Family Memorials: