A tax collector (also called a taxman) is a person who collects unpaid taxes from other people or corporations. The term could also be applied to those who audit tax returns. Tax collectors are often portrayed as being evil, and in the modern world share a similar stereotype to that of lawyers. Tax collectors, also known as publicans, are mentioned many times in the Bible (mainly in the New Te...
The 101st Airborne Division ("Screaming Eagles") is an elite modular specialized light infantry division of the US Army. Trained for air assault operations. it has been referred to as "the tip of the spear." It is the most potent and tactically mobile of the U.S. Army's divisions. The 101st Airborne is able to plan, coordinate, and execute brigade-size air assault operations capable of seizing ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Wayne County, Indiana. Official Website The first permanent European-American settlers in the area were Quakers from North Carolina. They settled about 1806 near the east fork of the Whitewater River, an area including what is today the city of Richmond. Jeptha Turner, the first white child in the county, was born here in 1806. Way...
Hyvinkää on kaupunki Uudenmaan maakunnan pohjoisosassa. Hyvinkää itsenäistyi omaksi kunnakseen Hausjärven ja Nurmijärven alueista vuonna 1917. Vuonna 1960 Hyvinkään kauppalasta tuli kaupunki ja vuonna 1969 kaupunki ja Hyvinkään maalaiskunta yhdistyivät.*Tilan nimi Ahdenkallionimi KuumolaTilan nimi Perttula
Um luxemburgo-brasileiro é um brasileiro de total, predominantemente ou parcial ascendência luxemburguesa ou um imigrante luxemburguês no Brasil. Estima-se que existam cerca de 50 mil brasileiros com algum ascendentes luxemburguês.A imigração luxemburguesa para o Brasil teve início em 1828 quando cerca de mil luxemburgueses estabeleceram-se no país[2]. A maior parte dos descendentes encontra-se...
Eesmärk on koondada siia isikute profiilid, kes omavad/sid seost Eestiga ning on elanud, kas terve elu või mingi ajajärgu Linda külades Abhaasias. Seos Eestiga võib olla pereliikmete kaudu, päritolu kaudu või hilisem asumine Eestisse. Oodatud ka ettepanekud muudatuste osas!
Dutch Brazilians (Portuguese: Neerlando-brasileiro; Dutch: Nederlandse Brazilianen) refers to Brazilians of full or partial Dutch ancestry. Dutch Brazilians are mainly descendants of immigrants from the Netherlands. The Dutch were among the first Europeans settling in Brazil during the 17th century. They controlled the northern coast of Brazil from 1630 to 1654. A significant number of Dutch i...
John Johnson was born about 1592 in Ware, Herts, Kent, England. He died on 30 Sept 1659 in Roxbury, Suffolk, MA. Others give his birth date as 1590. John Johnson was one of the founders of the town and church at Roxbury, Massachusetts and, with his sons Issac and Humphrey, was an original donor to the Free School in Roxbury. John Johnson's parents are unknown!!! See Gerald Garth Johnson (Herita...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Spencer County, Indiana. Official Website Spencer County was formed in 1818 and was named for Captain Spier Spencer, killed at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Abraham Lincoln lived in Spencer County from 1816 to 1830, between the ages of seven and twenty-one. Originally, the area his family settled in was in Perry County with Sp...
Ambassadors of the United States > Ambassadors of the United States to individual nations of the world, to international organizations, to past nations, and ambassadors-at-large are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. * Jon Huntsman - China* Gary Locke - China* General Walter Bedell Smith - Soviet Union * Thomas J. Watson Jr - Soviet Union
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Official Website The county was created in 1855 and was named for David Olmsted (1822-1861), a member of the first territorial council and the first mayor of St. Paul. Adjacent Counties Fillmore County Winona County Mower County Dodge County Goodhue County Wabasha County Cities
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. Official Website Kandiyohi County is named for a Dakota word meaning "where the buffalo fish come". It was organized on March 20, 1858. Adjacent Counties Chippewa County Swift County Renville County Meeker County Pope County Stearns County Cities Atwater Blomkest
Radnice (German, Radnitz) is a town in the Plzeň Region of the Czech Republic. It lies some 20 km (12 mi) to the northeast from the region capital of Plzeň. Radnice is also the seat of the Municipality with Commissioned Local Authority within the Plzeň Municipality with Extended Competence. In 19th century coal mining developed in vicinity of Radnice, igniting industrial development, especial...
Pomfret School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory boarding and day school in Pomfret, Connecticut, United States, serving 350 students in grades 9 through 12 and post-graduates. The school opened on October 3, 1894, founded by William E. Peck and his wife Harriet.
Wikipedia =Dickinson College=Dickinson College is a private, residential liberal arts college in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States. Founded in 1773 as Carlisle Grammar School, Dickinson was chartered September 9, 1783, six days after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, making it the first college to be founded after the formation of the United States. Dickinson was founded by Benjamin Rush,...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Sac County, Iowa. Official Website Sac County was created in 1851 and was named after the Sac Indian Tribe. Adjacent Counties Buena Vista County Cherokee County Ida County Crawford County Carroll County Calhoun County Pocahontas County Cities, Townships & Communities
Marinos Sobrevivientes del Combate Naval de Iquique, del 21 de Mayo de 1879, entre las naves Covadonga,Huáscar,Independencia,Lascar y Esmeralda. Los 58 sobrevivientes fueron de la Corbeta Esmeralda . El Total de Tripulantes de la Esmeralda al momento del combate fueron 198 marinos de los cuales murieron en combate 140. Proyecto creado por Jaime Ross(c) el 21 de Mayo de 2018. Teniente1º : L...
Sources: Acadian Communities in Louisiana as they existed at the time of the first Acadians arrival to present-day Louisiana: Louisiana was under Spanish rule (1762-March 1801) at which time many records were recorded in Spanish (Hence the Spanish names often associated with French names). Louisiana was known as New Spain, officially the Viceroyalty of New Spain, or Kingdom of...
This project is for working on the genealogies of people who have been featured in notable documentaries, including full-length films and special series. Criteria Thousands of documentaries are produced worldwide each year. It would be impossible and impractical to include everyone in this project. Therefore, we focus on the subjects of notable documentaries -- ones that received critical ac...
Freedom Activist Dissidents Human Rights Activists by Nationality - Wikipedia List of Political Dissidents - Wikipedia Burma Aung San Suu Kyi , the soft-spoken, iconic political activist whom devotees call simply "the Lady." ] She remained under house arrest in Burma for almost 15 of the 21 years from 20 July 1989 until her most recent release on 13 November 2010, becoming one of the ...
Projekti aloitettu 18.8.2024. Teuvan Norin kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Teuvan kylät Horo , Kauppila , Kirkonkylä , Nori , Perälä , Riippi , Äystö , Luovankylä
In dit genealogisch onderzoeksproject zal getracht worden om een substantiële lijst met namen te produceren van mensen met een joodse achtergrond die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Nederland verzet hebben gepleegd, voorzien van foto's, mini biografie waar mogelijk en bijbehorende bronnen. Beschikt u over informatie die relevant is voor de verdere ontwikkeling van de lijst dan kunt u een ema...
Dit genealogisch onderzoeksproject wil eer betonen aan alle Engelandvaarders tijdens de bezettingsjaren 1940-1945. Dit project bestaat uit een lijst van namen gebaseerd op deels digitale, deels literaire bronnen van officiële archieven, stichtingen, verenigingen, musea, losse verhalen en auteurs. Daarnaast wordt er een verzameling links geboden die kunnen verwijzen naar websites en of krante...