This subportal is part of the USA Portal . = Ohio is a Midwestern state in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Ohio is the 34th largest by area, the 7th most populous, and the 10th most densely populated of the 50 United States. The state's capital and largest city is Columbus.The state takes its name from the Ohio River. The name originated from the Iroquois word ohi-yo’ , meaning "gr...
{in construction}The purpose of this project is to regroup miners of all types, all fields.See also Prospectors .=Coal Mining=* The Coalmining History Resource Centre from Raley’s Solicitors * Wikipedia: History of Coal Miners =Mining Towns=* Chibougamau {much more to come}
People Connected to Sussex=== Historic County of England See also>* Sussex - Main Page >* Historic Buildings of East Sussex >* Historic Buildings of West Sussex >* Sussex - Monumental Inscriptions and Graveyards >* World War One: Servicemen and Women from Sussex >* Sussex - Genealogical Resources
Please add profiles for people who were born in Summit County, Ohio. Official Website The county was formed on March 3, 1840. It was named Summit County because the highest elevation on the Ohio and Erie Canal is located in the county. Adjacent Counties Cuyahoga County Geauga County Portage County Medina County Wayne County Stark County Cities Akron (County Seat)
This is a project with profiles associated with Silesia (Schlesien, Śląsk, Slezsko, Schläsing, Ślōnsk). Feel free to improve and add to this text.
Teollisuusneuvos - Industriråd===Projektin tarkoitus on kerätä Suomessa teollisuusneuvoksen arvonimen saaneiden henkilöiden profiilit yhteen. Teollisuusneuvos on Suomessa myös valtionhallinnossa esiintyvä virkanimike. Sen haltijoita ei liitetä tähän projektiin.Projektikuvana on ylitarkastaja Lauri Kuoppamäki , joka oli teollisuusneuvoksen arvonimen ensimmäinen haltija v. 1930.
Suomalaisessa elinkeinoelämässä vaikuttaneita tehtailijoita ja liikemiehiä.
=Sepsis= ===Also known as blood poisoning, septicemia=== Even though blood poisoning, septicemia and sepsis are frequently used interchangeably, there are differences. * The trend in medicine currently is to decrease the use of the terms septicemia and blood poisoning in favor of the terms sepsis or septic, because sepsis is defined most concisely. Blood Poisoning: occurs when bacteria are in t...
It would be helpful if anyone adding profiles to this project could please also add them to the alphabetical list below: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z References Category:14th-century English politicians Category:14th-century English MPs
This Elmwood Cemetery Project is a memorial for those who are interested in the persons buried there. It is located west of the village of Minburn, in Sugar Grove Twp. near the center of Dallas County in the great state of Iowa. For diving directions, turn west at the crossroad at U.S. Hwy 169 & county road F-31, driving approximately two miles on F-31. It is a lovely, picturesque, well ma...
Vadsø Locality Project =Genealogy project for Vadsø, Norway== Vadsø village projects ==No village projects yet.== Regional Locality Projects == Finnmark: Alta I Berlevåg I Båtsfjord I Gamvik I Hammerfest I Hasvik I Karasjok I Kautokeino I Kvalsund I Lebesby I Loppa I Måsøy I Nesseby I Nordkapp I Nord-Varanger I Polmak I Porsanger I Sør-Varanger I Sørøysund I Talvik I Tana I Vadsø I Vardø Kola P...
Progenitors=See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Benigno* Benigno, Filippa - son was born in Belmonte MezzagnoDragotto* Draggotto, Ignazio - son was born in Belmonte MezzagnoMazzola* Mazzola, Giorigio - descendants born therePizzo* Pizzo, Grazia Sebastiana - son was born in Belmonte MezzagnoSpera* Spera, Angela - assumed based on descendant's pla...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Kivennavan Pihlaisten kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. Pihlainen oli kylä Kivennavan pitäjässä. Kylä sijaitsi kirkonkylästä 15 kilometriä luoteeseen, Muolaan ja Valkjärven pitäjien rajalla. Pihlaista lähinnä olivat Muolaan Jaarila ja Karhula. Kivennavan puolella lähimpiin kyliin Rantakylään ja Ahjärvelle oli matkaa, Ahjärvi oli kirkonkylään kuljettae...
If in your family tree you have persons that were faculty or students of Saint Petersburg University, Russia, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it o...
Projektin tarkoituksena on koota yhteen Tuomas Laurentii Paldaniuksen jälkeläisten sukupuu. Taustaa Paldanius-nimen varhaisin kantaja Tuomas Laurentiin poika Samuel Thomae Paldanius (k. 1651) toimi Paltamon kirkkoherrana. Paltamo”on johdos sanasta ” palta ”, joka merkitsee ’rinnettä, rantapengertä’, joten siihen sukunimikin pohjimmiltaan palautunee. Sukunimi Paldanius on muodoltaan ns. suoma...
Each birth place is unique but there are some places that stand out among others. One of such places is Institute Otta in Saint Petersburg, Russia(the former Imperial Institute of birth and gynaecology). The original Institute was founded in 1797 by the wife of Pavel I (20 September 1754 11 March 1801), Maria Fedorovna (25 October 1759 - 24 October 1828), and was occupying the building N 148 on...
Bohemian and Czech Jews in American History Miloslav Rechcígl, Jr. Jews have lived on the territory of the historic Czech Lands for some 1,000 years. They have played an important role in the social, economic and cultural development of the country since the times of the Duchy and the subsequent Kingdom of Bohemia, through the establishment of independent Czechoslovakia, and the Successor State...
(plot number) Franziszeischer Kataster Heugraben #1 (13) Imp Andreas Heugraben #2 (20) Sinkovits Mathias Heugraben #3 (30) Wukitsevits Josef Heugraben #4 (32) Orsolits Michael Heugraben #5 (35) Zloklikovits Simon Heugraben #6 (38) Stettner Andreas Heugraben #7 (42) Hacker Johan Heugraben #8 (45) Deutsch Johan Heugraben #9 (49) Fuick Georg Heugraben #10 (52) Kulovits Eva Heugraben #11 (55) Ors...
Eesti sport - kulturism ja fitness Kõik kulturistid, atleetvõimlejad, fitnessi tegijad ja seostuvad siia -
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude.
Prostvik is an old village in Nagu/Nauvo, former municipality now a part of Pargas. The village has been home to many large homesteads and still today has many, such as; Prostvik Söderby Skräddars Info & History: Oldest Known Inhabitants: Families: Other Families: Other People: Prostvik Söderby Hemmilä Info & Historia: Oldest Known Inhabitants: Families: Other Families: O...