Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Perquimans County, North Carolina. Official Website The county was originally created as Berkeley Precinct. It was renamed Perquimans Precinct around 1684 and gained county status in 1739. Perquimans, means "land of beautiful women" and was named by its earliest inhabitants, the Yeopim Indians, a branch of the family of Algonquians....
(ruotsi: Pyterlax) Perustettu 2018 Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Virolahden kunnan kylän Pyterlahti kyläprojekti . Vanha Kuninkaantie Viipurista Turkuun kulkee Pyterlahden kylän läpi, tien kaartaessa lounaaseen ja Pietarin kivilouhosten jäädessä tien kaakkoispuolelle. Itäpuolella sijaitsee Santaniemi Virolahden rannalla, vastarann...
Projekti aloitettu 19.7.2024. Taipaleen kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Mikkelin kylät Alamaa, Anianniemi, Asila, Haahkala, Haapataipale, Harjujärvi, Harjumaa , Haukkakorhola, Heinälahti, Helppanala, Hiirola , Hyyrylä , Häyrylä, Ihastjärvi , Kaipiala, Karstula, Kirkonkylä, Ko...
This project seeks to list representatives of the Jewish families from the Moravian town of Ivančice (Eibenschütz) in today's Czech Republic.IVANCICE (Czech Ivančice ˈɪvantʃɪtsɛ; Ger. Eibenschütz, Eibenschitz), town in S. Moravia, Czechoslovakia. According to unattested records Jews built a synagogue there in 956, but documentary evidence of the existence of Jewish settlement begins in 1490, wh...
Stamps of the Soviet Union were issued in the period 1923 to 1991. They were labeled with the inscription Russian: "Почта СССР" ("Post of the USSR"). In the thematics, Soviet stamps reflected to a large extent the history, politics, economics and culture of this world's first socialist state. wikipedia
This project is for the descendants of Peter Harrelson/Harralson and Rebecca Mary Chambers Harrelson. From Peter Harrelson was born about 1633. He married Rebekka Mary Chambers. Rebekka was born about 1637. They had the following known children: 1. Paul Peter Harrelson. Rebekka died about 1664 in New Kent County, Virginia. Peter died about 1715 in New Kent County, Virginia. They were both...
This project is for descendants of the Harrell Family of Virginia, Eastern North and South Carolina. Please add Harrell family profiles here and any additional resources. ____________________________________ Disambiguations The Harrell family of this region are NOT descendants of the Hopewells or Harwells. Do not merge profiles from those families into these lines. Roger H. Harrell in his...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Carver County, Minnesota. Official Website Carver County is named for explorer Jonathan Carver, who in 1766–67, traveled from Boston to the Minnesota River, and wintered among the Sioux near the site of New Ulm. Adjacent Counties Wright County Hennepin County Scott County Sibley County McLeod County Cities, Townships...
Сандармох (или Сандормох ) - это название данное участку леса в Медвежьегорском районе, Карельской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики (КАССР) (сейчас Республика Карелия) на котором было расстреляно и захоронено около 9500 человек. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Республика Карелия Cause ...
Kivipellon kylä ulottui Tyyskänvirralta Timoskalan vastarannalle. Kylän halki kulki Särkisalo-Myllypellon tie. Kivipellon kylän pääelinkeinot olivat maa- ja metsätalous, karjanhoito ja kalastus. Kivipellossa ei ollut teollista toimintaa. Kylän keskus oli kansakolun seutu ja oma rakennus koululle valmistui 1936. Koulurakennus sijaitsi Särkisalo-Myllypellon tie varressa, noin kilometrin Härskeens...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Jefferson County, Ohio. Official Website Jefferson County was organized on July 29, 1797, by proclamation of Governor Arthur St. Clair. In 1786, the United States built Fort Steuben to protect the government surveyors mapping the land west of the Ohio River. When the surveyors completed their task a few years later, the fort was ab...
Demyansk Shield (German: Ärmelschild Demjansk) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to Wehrmacht personnel who fought in the Demyansk pocket on the Eastern Front in the early months of 1942. The pocket of German troops had been encircled and cut off by the Red Army around Demyansk (Demjansk), south of Leningrad, and was successfully defended with the aid of an airbridge. The sh...
The governor of Capiz is the chief executive of the provincial government of Capiz, Philippines. The provincial government of Capiz had jurisdiction over Romblon from 1907 to 1917 and Aklan from 1901 to 1956. Governors of Capiz Adolfo Martínez de Baños ( July 30, 1891 - March 31, 1892 ) Simplicio Jugo (1901-1903) Simeón Mobo (1904-1906) Emiliano Baltazar Acevedo (1906-1907) Antonio...
This is the project for the City of Gapan, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. Profiles included here are historical figures, heroes, politicians, athletes, celebrities, and anyone, resident or not, who have become part of the history of Gapan City.
The University of the Visayas is a private institution located in Cebu City, Philippines. It is the first school in the province of Cebu to attain university status. Wikipedia
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Lim Family of the Philippines. This study includes Lam (Cantonese), Lum (Cantonese), Liem (Indonesian), Lin (Mandarin and Wu), Ling (Eastern Min, Northern Min and Wu), as well as Hispanized surnames starting with Lim such as Limbaco, Limbitco, Limcangco, Limcangko, Limcaoco, Limchoc, Limjoco, Limjuco, Limlengco, Limpingco, Limtuaco; and...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Jacinto Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures, scions of the gentry ( de buena familia ), revolutionary heroes, scholars, government officials, national athletes and other public personalities (celebrities) in various fields. Find more surnames at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . ...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Düsseldorf (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Germany. JewishGen-Düsseldorf (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Projekti aloitettu 6.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileita tähän projektiin. Mouhijärven kylät Eskola I Hahmajärvi I Hermala I Hyynilä I Häijää I Iirola I Kairila I Kari I Kortejärvi I Lampinen I Mierola I Murto I Mustianoja I Pukara I Pyöräniemi I Rienilä I Ryömälä I Saikkala I Salmi I Selkee I Tervamäki I Tiis...
The U-boat Front Clasp (German: U-Boot-Frontspange) or U-boat Combat Clasp, was a World War II German Kriegsmarine military decoration awarded to holders of the U-boat War Badge to recognize continued combat service and valor.
The U-boat War Badge (German: U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen) was a German war badge that was awarded to U-boat crew members during World War I and World War II.
The Destroyer War Badge (German: Zerstörerkriegsabzeichen) as a World War II German military decoration and awarded to officers and crew for service on Kriegsmarine destroyers. It was instituted on 4 June 1940 by Grand Admiral Erich Raeder following the battle of Narvik. It was also awarded to the crews of torpedo boats and fast attack craft until the institution of the Fast Attack Craft War Ba...