This project is for profiles that are born twins, triplets or other multiple births. The chance of conceiving spontaneous triplets is as high as 1 in 8,000 (1 in 500,000 for identical triplets), there’s no question that multiples are somewhat of a rarity. Multiple births are much more common today than they were in the past. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the twi...
1918-LAPSIVANGIT KA UUSI ASTIA tarjoaa lisää skannattuja akteja Fb:491 Valtiorikosoikeuksien aktit 11.1.2022 alkaen Uusi täydentävä tutkimus julkaistu 2.6.2021 VANKILEIREISTÄ Koska tämä projekti käsittelee lasten ja nuorten kohtaloita sisällissodan vankileireillä ja tuomioissa, niin aluksi lyhyt koonti yleensä vankileireistä 1918, terroriteoista, teloituksista, kenttä- ja valtiorikosoi...
Posio locality project=Welcome to Posio locality project. This project is part of Lappi, Norrbotten & Finnmark and Pohjanmaa projects. You can add persons to the project who have been born, lived or died at Posio.You might be also interested in Finnish emigrants project.More info about Posio at Wikipedia .
This is a cooperation project for genealogical study of Ingrian families – Votian, Izhorian, Finnish, Estonian, Swedish or Russian –, all who have roots in this corner of the world or identify themselves as Ingrians. Historical Ingria (Finnish: Inkeri or Inkerinmaa; Russian: Ингрия, Ижорская земля or Ингерманландия, Swedish: Ingermanland; Estonian: Ingeri or Ingerimaa) is the geographical area...
Novelists This is a universal project for profiles of Novelists on GENiA novelist is a person who writes novelsA novel is a book length narrative, normally in prose, which describes fictional characters and events, usually in the form of a sequential story.Fictionality is most commonly cited as distinguishing novels from historiography.===References and Sources* List of Novelists from England *...
A poet's work can be literal, meaning that his work is derived from a specific event, or metaphorical, meaning that his work can take on many meanings and forms. Poets have existed since antiquity, in nearly all languages, and have produced works that vary greatly in different cultures and time periods. Throughout each civilization and language, poets have used various styles that have changed ...
{{}} The O. Henry Award is an annual American award given to short stories of exceptional merit. The award is named after the American short-story writer O. Henry . The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories is an annual collection of the year's twenty best stories published in U.S. and Canadian magazines. Along with The Best American Short Stories, the O. Henry Prize Stories is one of the two "best-kno...
Jurva locality project=Welcome to Jurva locality project. This project is part of Pohjanmaa project. You can add persons to the project who have been born, lived or died at Jurva.You might be also interested in Finnish emigrants project.More info about Jurva at Wikipedia . Digital index of the Jurva Evangelical Lutheran parish churchbooks Digital Archive: Jurva Parish Project started 8/26/2017.
For film actors of all nationalities, please see Entertainment industry people . French film actors are actors from France who perform on film.see the List in French Language
Entertainment industry people are people who work in the entertainment industry (also informally known as show business or show biz), which includes artists, such as actors, musicians and screenwriters, as well as businesspeople, such as agents, producers, and managers. Notable entertainment industry people For a complete list, please see: Entertainment industry people Profiles . Subprojec...
Ilmajoki locality project=Welcome to Ilmajoki locality project. This project is part of Pohjanmaa project. You can add persons to the project who have been born, lived or died at Ilmajoki.You might be also interested in Finnish emigrants project.More info about Ilmajoki at Wikipedia . Project started 8/26/2017.
Projekti aloitettu 7.1.2018 Tervetuloa kokoamaan historiallisen Satakunnan projektin alueelta sukujen vanhinta kantaisää! Projektiin kootaan entisen Satakunnan projektin alueelta sukujen ensimmäisten tiedossa olevien kantaisien henkilöprofiilit. Projektiin voidaan lisätä yksi edustaja kustakin suvusta. Projektiin liitetyn kantaisän voi vaihtaa, jos löytyy lähteissä varmennettu varhaisempi ...
Juupajoki on Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsee Pirkanmaan maakunnassa.===Naapuriseurakunnat===Kuorevesi, Längelmäki, Orivesi, Ruovesi, Vilppula===Kylät===Aakkola, Haavisto, Hirvijärvi, Hoivala, Höytee (Höydes), Hulipas, Kihlala, Kokkila, Kopsamo, Lylyjärvi, Melli, Pärrinautio (Pärri), Porvola (Borgerla), Pylkinautio (Pylkki), Sahrajärvi, Sukkila, Voitila===Muuta===Juupajoen sukupuu -projekti on aloi...
Actors, Movie directors italians or of italian origins
BAGNI DI LUCCA - Moglie Aiken CAMAIORE - Pelosi FORTE DEI MARMI GOMBITELLI - Iole Triglia MASSAROSA - Chiantelli VIAREGGIO - Bertacca Altopascio, , Barga, Borgo a Mozzano, , Camporgiano, Capannori, Careggine, Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Castiglione di Garfagnana, Coreglia Antelminelli, Fabbriche di Vallico, , Fosciandora, Gallicano, Giuncugnano, Lucca, , Minucciano, Molazzana, Montecarlo...
Pyhäjärvi Vpl paikkakuntaprojekti Pyhäjärvi Vpl ja lähialueen sukututkimusprojekti. Rekisteröidy paikkakuntaprojektin lisäksi suurempaan kokonaisuuteen, koko Suomen ja Karjalan sukupuuta rakentavaan Suomi ja Karjala -projektiin , sekä soveltuviin kyläprojekteihin (Harlun osalta kyläprojekteja ei vielä ole). Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin...
Kärkölä kuuluu Päijät-Häme en maakuntaan . Kärkölän pitäjätason Geni-projekti on aloitettu 9.6.2017. Kärkölän asukkaisiin, kyliin pääset tutustumaan jatkossa myös tarpeen mukaan perustettavien kyläprojektien kautta. Talojen isäntäväkien ja sukujen esittelyä varten voi perustaa Talonhaltijaprojekteja. Maakunta-tasolla toimii Keski-Suomen, Pirkanmaa ja Häme Geni-projekti , jonka tukena FB-ryhmä...
This project aims to honor noble ladies who contributed to the constitution, breadth and strengthening of their respective families, whether in the role of exemplary mothers - for the refined education offered to their children. In the field of politics, as leaders of large families who also played a prominent role as the leader of some regime, doctrine and principles, or in the economic contri...
Tervetuloa Laihia (ruots. Laihela) - sukutututkimusprojektiin! Tämä on sukututkimussivusto Genin Laihian - paikkakuntaprojekti. Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi. Projektiin voi liittää täällä syntyneiden, asuneiden, kuolleiden ja vaikuttaneiden henkilöiden profiileja sekä valokuvia ja dokumenttej...
Auschwitz concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager Auschwitz) was a network of concentration and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II. It was the largest of the German concentration camps, consisting of-: Auschwitz I (the Stammlager or base camp); Auschwitz II–Birkenau (the Vernichtungslager or exter...
Camp Gurs was an internment and refugee camp constructed by the French government in 1939. The camp was originally set up in southwestern France after the fall of Catalonia at the end of the Spanish Civil War to control those who fled Spain out of fear of retaliation from Francisco Franco's regime. At the start of the World War II, the French government interned Germans and citizens of other Ax...
Projekti alotettu 8.7.2017.