Rīgas apriņķis (vācu: Rigische Kreis, krievu: Рижский уезд) bija administratīva vienība Pārdaugavas hercogistes (1566—1582), Zviedru Vidzemes (1629—1721), Vidzemes guberņas (1721—1918), Baltijas hercogistes (1918), Latvijas SPR (1919), Latvijas Republikas (1918—1940), Latvijas ģenerālapgabala (1941—1944) un Latvijas PSR (1940/1944—1949) sastāvā. 1913. gadā Rīgas apriņķī bija 50 pagasti un 1 p...
The Defense Distinguished Service Medal is a military decoration of the United States Department of Defense, which is presented to United States Armed Forces servicemembers for exceptionally distinguished performance of duty contributing to the national security or defense of the United States. The medal was created on July 9, 1970, by President Richard Nixon in Executive Order 11545. President...
Air University is a professional military education university system of the United States Air Force . It is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award master's degrees.
The Air War College (AWC) is the senior Professional Military Education (PME) school of the U.S. Air Force . A part of the United States Air Force's Air University , AWC emphasizes the employment of air, space, and cyberspace in joint operations. Headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama , its higher headquarters is the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at Randolph ...
Kuvassa Vuottolahden kylän väkeä juhannuksen vietossa Hietalahden rannalla, taustalla Kirppuniemi. Vuosi on arviolta 1937 tai 1938 ja kokkomestarina toimi hra Koivisto. Kuva: Pekka Rönnyn kotialbumi, julkaistu luvalla.===Projekti on aloitettu 11.6.2018 ja siihen voit liittää vuottolahtelaisia, jotka ovat syntyneet, asuneet tai kuolleet Vuottolahdella. Profiilissa -> toiminnot -> liitä projektii...
Vitelen piirin kylä. Alagja eli Alanko (Nižni Konets), Annula (ven. Annjula), Hynny (Hjunnju), Kyylistö (Kirillovo), Rauhumäki (Železnaja Gora), Sirdilä (Sirtila), Tšoppila ja Ylägjä eli Ylänkö (Verhni Konets) yhdistettiin virallisesti Suurimäen kyläksi vuonna 1957 Большие_Горы#/maplink/1
This project is dedicated for the people that lost their lives in two separate accidents that took place at Hanna Mine, Wyoming, USA, in 1903 and 1908. At least 94 of the miners that died in 1903 were of Finnish origin. In 1908, it is written in newspapers that 13 Finns died in the same mine. 1903 event explained by Matti Kangas, who were working at the site during the accident: Kaleva, 01....
Preface, notes & introduction NL: ' There are many relationships between persons of Dutch and Indonesian descent. This project page will be part of several that deal with Dutch-Indonesian relations over the centuries. See also related pages for that, which have already been started. The intention is that one can place and find profiles of persons who can be related to the mentioned subject. In ...
Northwood Cemetery Cambridge, Guernsey County, Ohio, USA
West Salem Cemetery Shiloh Township, Jefferson County, Illinois, USA
USS Chivo (SS-341),
Prosjektet gir en oversikt over de viktigste personene i det Norske partiet Nasjonal Samling. Det ikke hensikten å bedrive politisk agitasjon i prosjektet. "Nasjonal Samling (forkortet NS) var et norsk politisk parti som ble dannet 13. mai 1933 av lederen Vidkun Quisling (1887–1945). Partiets offisielle stiftelsesdato var 17. mai 1933. Generalsekretær var fra 1934 Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang . V...
The aim of this project is to collect profiles of individuals or families of Germans of Baltic origin. By and large this definition includes i) Germans who lived in Baltic countries and ii) Germans who lived by the Baltic Ocean, such as merchants from the towns such as Lübeck.=== The Baltic Germans (German: Deutsch-Balten or Deutschbalten, later Baltendeutsche) are ethnic German inhabitants of ...
Ammattikuntaprojekti kirkollisina luottamushenkilöinä ja kirkon työntekijöinä toimineille suntioille, unilukkareille eli väkkäreille ja haudankaivajille. Projektiin liittyminen: Valitse Geniin kirjautuneena ollessasi tällä sivulla Toiminnot > Liity projektiin . Profiilien lisääminen projektiin: Valitse profiilisivulla Toiminnot > Lisää projektiin . ==Suntion tehtävät ovat muuttuneet ajan myötä=...
Viitasaaren kyläprojektien tarkoitus on toimia työkaluna Viitasaaren pitäjän asukkaiden tietojen systemaattisessa tallentamisessa, tietojen tarkistamisessa ja lähdeaineiston lisäämisessä. Toivomus olisi, että projekti säilytettäisiin nimenomaan työkaluna eikä sitä kasvatettaisi massa-ajoilla.
Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois Russian Cemetery (French: Cimetière russe de Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois) is part of the Cimetière de Liers and is called the Russian Orthodox cemetery, in Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, close to Paris, France. The Cimetière de Liers was created as the second communal cemetery on February 8, 1879 in the city of Sainte Geneviève des Bois in France, 25 km south from Paris. T...
Dit genealogisch onderzoeksproject heeft als doel om zoveel mogelijk de namen, portretten en mini-biografieën van vrouwen en zelfs minderjarige kinderen te verzamelen die zich onder de definities van verzet actief hebben opgesteld tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Nederland en de koloniën. Hoofdmenu: L / M / N / O / P / Q / R
Este é um subprojeto relacionado ao Projeto Maior Brasil: Imigrantes Portugueses ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants to Brazil Este subprojeto visa organizar dados genealógicos dos imigrantes portugueses que vieram ao Brasil do Concelho de ANGRA DO HEROÍSMO . Os imigrantes já identificados estão na lista de perfis deste subprojeto.
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija - Sitno Donje kod Šibenika / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Sitno Donje near SibenikOvaj projekt tj. potprojekt se odnosi na / This subproject is a related to Šibenik / Sibenik Ovaj projekt uključuje mjesto/ naselje: Sitno Donje * Lokacija / Location Sitno Donje, Šibenik==Sitno Donje, Šibenik / Sitno Donje, Sibenik==Sitno Donje je...
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija - Sitno, općina Prgomet / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Sitno, municipality of PrgometOvaj projekt tj. potprojekt se odnosi na / This subproject is a related to Sitno (Gornje), Prgomet Ovaj projekt uključuje mjesto/ naselje: Sitno (Gornje) .* Lokacija / Location Sitno (Gornje), Prgomet ==Sitno (Sitno Gornje)==Sitno je naselje u S...
François Bastiaanz SV/PROG==... the first 3 Generations in South AfricaRecent discussions between descendants of François Bastiaans prompted a thorough examination of the information available. This has resulted in the following interpretation of the information in the documents and references. The table follows the information as presented by Richard Ball very closely, and his interpretation h...
The citizens of Poland have the world's highest count of individuals who have been recognized by Yad Vashem of Jerusalem as the Polish Righteous Among the Nations, for saving Jews from extermination during the Holocaust in World War II. There are 7,112 (as of 1 January 2020) Polish men and women recognized as Righteous Among the Nations, over a quarter of the 27,712 recognized by Yad Vashem in ...
From Henry Sewell in 1856 to Jacinda Ardern in 2017, Aotearoa New Zealand has had 40 prime ministers and premiers. In the 19th century these political cabinet-makers were usually known as ‘premiers’ but since 1906, beginning with William Hall-Jones, all the leaders of New Zealand have been sworn in as ‘prime minister’. Photograph : Michael Joseph Savage the first Labour Prime Minister of New ...
Riigivapi teenetemärk Kõik selle kavalerid siia... Palume kõigil siia lisatud isikutel lisada isikukirjesse (profiili) viide Presidendi Teenetärgi Kavaleride andmebaasi kirjele (või ka muule samaväärsele kinnitavale allikale). See on vähim mida enne kavaleride projekti lisamist peaks tegema... Alates (05.?) 2023 toimib ainult: ja varasemad lingid ümber ei suuna