Tähän projektiin voi liittää sellaisia Pudasjärven pitäjään liittyviä profiileja, joille ei vielä ole löytynyt esipolvia, mutta jotka kuitenkin ovat mukana Genin yhteisessä sukupuussa jotain muuta kautta (esim. puolisonsa). Kun henkilölle on löytynyt vanhemmat, hänet voi poistaa projektista. Kokonaan sukupuusta irti olevia profilleja (joihin Geni ei pysty etsimään sukuyhteyttä), voit halutess...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Rokytnice v Orlických horách (Rokitnitz im Adlergebirge) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Žamberk (Senftenberg) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Projekti aloitettu 21.8.2017.
Munozero (Olonets Karelia, Russia) locality project =Genealogy project for Munozero and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Act...
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moravian town of Hranice (Weisskirchen) in the Czech Republic. HRANICE (Ger. Maehrisch-Weisskirchen; Heb. רייניץ, הרייניץ), town in Moravia, Czech Republic. According to tradition Jews settled there between 1475 and 1553, but the first documentary mention dates from 1644. Among the Jewish settlers were refugees f...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Cieszyn, CZ/Poland (formerly Teschen, Austrian Silesia). Jewish Cemetery is one of two Jewish cemeteries in Cieszyn, Poland; together with New Jewish Cemetery. Situated on Hażlaska Street 39, it is the oldest of them.Land for the cemetery was purchased in 1647 and has since belonged to the Singer family.[1] In 1785, the c...
Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin. Voit lisätä projektiin Vimpelistä lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Vimpelin projektit Paikkakunta Vimpeli, Etelä-Pohjanmaa Paikkakunta Vimpeli, Etelä-Pohjanmaa Siirtolaiset pa...
Jewish Mysticism & Kabbalah refers to the doctrines, practices and esoteric exegetical method in Torah, that emerged in 12th-13th century Southern France and Spain, and was developed further in 16th century Ottoman Palestine. ==Mystics & their Works: Jewish Mystics Geni Profiles # Rabbi Moshe Cordever: Pardes Rimmonim of . # R. Eliezer of Worms: Sefer HaShem# Rabbi Vital: Shaarei Kedusha# Rabbi...
Start 8.4.2018.Under construction Eskilstuna (Swedish pronunciation: [%C2%B2%C9%9Bsk%C9%AAls%CB%8Ct%CA%89%CB%90na]%29 is a city and the seat of Eskilstuna Municipality, Södermanland County, Sweden. Borås I Göteborg I Eskilstuna I Kalmar I Sundswall I Södertälje I Visby I Västerås I
Progenitors See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Abbate Abbate, Maria - assumed to be living in Casteldaccia when son Lorenzo Canale was born in Casteldaccia Abbate, Onofrio Agnello Agnello, Nicolo Barreca Barreca, Basilia Barreca, Caterina - assumed to live in Casteldaccia based on son's birth Butera Butera, Frank - bor...
Wikipedia Western Kentucky University is a public university in Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States. It was founded by the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1906, though its roots reach back a quarter-century earlier. In the fall 2011 semester, enrollment was approximately 21,000. The subject of heavy construction since the late 1990s, the main campus sits atop a hill with a commanding view of ...
The University of Chicago ( UChicago ) is a private research university in Chicago, Illinois. Founded in 1890, its main campus is located in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood. In Fall 2021, it enrolled 18,452 students, including 7,559 undergraduates and 10,893 graduate students. The university is composed of an undergraduate college and five graduate research divisions, which contain all of the...
Nahkuri eli karvari on nahankäsittelyn perinteinen käsityöammatti. Nahkurin työn eri vaiheiden kautta tulee nyljetystä raakanahasta nahas ja lopuksi eri tavoin viimeistelty nahka, jota käytetään esimerkiksi jalkineiden ja muiden nahkatuotteiden valmistukseen. Nahkurintyö oli perinteinen ammattikunnassa tekijältä toiselle välittyvä ammatti. Kuitenkin 1900-luvun alkupuolelta on Suomesta olemassa ...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Narva saksa sõjaväekalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * Narvas taastati Saksa sõjaväekalmistu * Hauarüüste Saksa sõjaväekalmistul Narvas * Valmis nimekiri saksa sõjaväekalmistutele maetud eestlaste kohta * Narva saksa sõjaväekalmistu taasavam...
Projekt Pataljon "Narwa" - kõigi jaoks keda see ühendab. Nimed / isikud ka siin:
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Lawrence County, South Dakota. Official Website Lawrence County was created January 11, 1875, and was organized in 1877. The county was named for "Colonel" John Lawrence, who came to the county as first treasurer in 1877. Adjacent Counties Butte County Meade County Crook County, Wyoming Weston County, Wyoming Pennington...
Московская 10-я мужская гимназия — казённое среднее учебное заведение, действовавшее в Москве с 1902 по 1918 год. Была образована в 1902 году из Московской шестиклассной прогимназии, директором которого был В.М. Михайловский, назначенный директором 2-й Московской гимназии. Располагалась в доме камергера С.М. Сухотина (1818-1886) на Большой Якиманке (д.33). Ещё в конце XIX века для размещения пр...
The University of Texas School of Law (Texas Law) is the law school of the University of Texas at Austin. Texas Law is consistently ranked as one of the top law schools in the United States and is highly selective—registering the 8th lowest acceptance rate among all U.S. law schools for the class of 2022—with an acceptance rate of 17.5%. According to Texas Law’s 2019 disclosures, 90% of the Cla...
Projekti kogume erinevad Eesti luurajad (ERNA; HAUKKA; SISU, saksa öölendude luure,agendid jne) * ERNA grupp/pataljoni liikmete ja langenute nimekirjad 1941 ERNA grupp/pataljon HAUKKA Eesti luurajad ja täpsustusi Tõnis Ritsoni artiklile Toomas Hellat ja KGB brigaad Sisu
Eestlased Vene sõjavangis 1941-1945 (ka hiljem, kui ei vabanenud 1945) Nii seal surnud kui ka elusalt vabanenud. NB! Vene sõjavangi sattusid II MS ajal enamasti need kes olid võidelnud Saksa ja / või Soome sõjaväes ja vangi langesid.
Liver Failure Definitions: Liver failure occurs when large parts of the liver become damaged beyond repair and the liver is no longer able to function. Located in the upper right portion of the abdomen, the liver and gallbladder are interconnected by ducts known as the biliary tract, which drains into the first segment of the small intestine (the duodenum). Although the liver and gallbladder pa...
La Provincia de Mérida fue una de las provincias históricas que se constituyeron durante el periodo colonial venezolano y que terminaría formando parte integral de la Real Audiencia de Santafé de Bogotá. Más tarde formó parte de la Gran Colombia y una vez que este país desapareció, del Estado de Venezuela. Abarcó un territorio similar al de los actuales estados Mérida, Táchira, Barinas y Apure,...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .