Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Mayors in East Flanders

    Burgemeesters in Oost-Vlaanderen Welkom op de verzamelplaats van alle burgemeesters voor de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen. In onderstaande lijsten vindt u de ambtsdragers van burgemeester terug vanaf het einde van het ancien régime, anno 1795. De lijsten werden grotendeels gehaald uit Wikipedia. Om een stad of persoonsnaam zelf vlug te vinden, typ in Ctrl + F uw stad met een komma erachter, bv...

  • Current United States Senators

    Please add to this project those currently serving as senators for the United States of America. Use "discussions" to identify any that need a curator to make into a public Master Profile. As someone leaves office their profile should be removed from this project . Resources List of current United States Senators Senator search form Geni photos and documents Current Leadership As...

  • United States Senators from West Virginia

    United States Senators from West VirginiaList of United States Senators from West Virginia (from U.S. Senate web site--no links) of United States Senators from West Virginia (with wikipedia links)

  • United States Senators

    Welcome to the United States Senators project on Geni! This project aims to bring together all of the profiles for the men and women who have served in the upper house of the American legislature since it was first convened in 1789. Anyone who has ever served in the United States Senate should be added to the project. Resources The Senate maintains a list of all senators in U.S. history , w...

  • Lithuanian-American Funeral Directors

    Funeral directors were generally prominent figures in Lithuanian-American communities (as they were in all communities). If they were born in Lithuania, they generally became well-assimilated in the United States, and often were the "go-to" people for others in the Lithuanian community. This project is for Lithuanian-American funeral directors. Please add only public profiles.


  • United States Senators from Utah

    United States Senators from UtahList of United States Senators from Utah (from the U.S. Senate web site--no links) of United States Senators from Utah (with wikipedia links) : Thomas Kearns (b.1862-d.1918)

  • United States Senators from Pennsylvania

    United States Senators from PennsylvaniaList of United States Senators from Pennsylvania (from U.S. Senate web site--no links) of United States Senators from Pennsylvania (with wikipedia links)

  • Provincia di Grosseto - Toscana, Italy

    FOLLONICA - Agostinelli MANCIANO - Fantini ORBETELLO - Amenta PITIGLIANO - Lattes Arcidosso, Campagnatico, Capalbio, Castel del Piano, Castell Azzara, Castiglione della Pescaia, Cinigiano, Civitella Paganico, , Gavorrano, , Isola del Giglio, Magliano in Toscana, , Massa Marittima, Monte Argentario, Monterotondo Marittimo, Montieri, , , Roccalbegna, Roccastrada, Santa Fiora, Scansano, Scar...

  • United States Senators from Montana

    United States Senators from MontanaUnited States Senators from Montana (U.S. Senate website): of United States Senators from Montana (with wikipedia links):

  • Firefighters

    Firefighters or Firemen This is a universal project - please link Geni profiles of Firefighters or Firemen to this project.===== Image Right - taken from "Ville-Marie, or sketches of Montreal, past and present. ... With ... engravings, etc" Burning Parliament Buildings - 1849 - Public Domain British LibraryA firefighter or fireman is a rescuer trained in firefighting, primarily to extinguish ha...

  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan (or the American war in Afghanistan) is the period in which the United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks. Supported initially by close allies, they were later joined by NATO beginning in 2003. It followed the Afghan Civil War's 1996–2001 phase. Its public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removin...

  • Ranger School

    The Ranger School is a 62-day United States Army small unit tactics and leadership course that develops functional skills directly related to units whose mission is to engage the enemy in close combat and direct fire battles. Ranger training was established in September 1950 at Fort Benning, Georgia (now called Fort Moore). The Ranger course has changed little since its inception. Until recentl...

  • United States Senators from Michigan

    United States Senators from MichiganList of United States Senators from Michigan (from the U.S. Senate web site--no links) of United States Senators from Michigan (with wikipedia links)

  • United States Senators from Maryland

    United States Senators from MarylandList of United States Senators from Maryland (from U.S. Senate web site---no links) of United States Senators from Maryland (with wikipedia links)

  • United States Senators from Indiana

    List of United States Senators from Indiana (from the U.S. Senate web site - no links) Indiana was admitted to the Union on December 11, 1816. Since then, the state has been represented in the United States Senate by 44 different men in class 1 and 3; David Turpie served non-consecutive terms in class 1, Dan Coats served non-consecutive terms in class 3, and William E. Jenner served in both...

  • People Connected to Edinburghshire (now Midlothian)

    People Connected to Edinburghshire ==(now Midlothian)== Historic County of Scotland 'Image right - Edinburghshire within Scotland in 1890See also >=====]]]

  • United States Senators from Delaware

    United States Senators from DelawareList of United States Senators from Delaware (from U.S. Senate web site--no links) of United States Senators from Delaware (with wikipedia links)

  • United States Senators from Arizona

    United States Senators from ArizonaUnited States Senators from Arizona (U.S. Senate website): of United States Senators from Arizona (with wikipedia links): Ashurst, Henry (1874 - 1962)# Cameron, Ralph (1863 - 1953)# DeConcini, Dennis (1937 - )# Fannin, Paul (1907 - 2002)# Goldwater, Barry (1909 - 1998)

  • Московская духовная академия - Выпускники, Преподаватели, Руководство

    Московская духовная академия (МДА) - старейшее высшее учебное заведение Русской православной церкви. Занимается подготовкой священнослужителей, преподавателей, богословов и служащих для Русской Православной Церкви. сайт Академии Ведёт свою историю от Троицкой лаврской семинарии, основанной в 1742 году. В 1814 году в исправленных и приспособленных зданиях Троицкой лаврской семинарии начала ...

  • Tartu Maarja kalmistu

    Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Maarja kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Asukoht: Raadi kalmistu kesk- ja põhjaküljel Kultuurimälestiste riiklik register vt. registrist ka kaasnevaid fotosid. Tartu Maarja kalmistu Vikipeedias -------------------------------...

  • Nederlandse Ondernemers

    Nederlandse Ondernemers Toelichting op gebruik Dit project is wellicht tijdelijk, want het bundelt vooralsnog de namen van ondernemers in de virtuele tentoonstelling van het Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief om geni-gebruikers te stimuleren de portretten van deze ondernemers ook in hun stamboom te gebruiken als illustratie. Daarom hier eerst dezelfde lijst als op de site, met voornamen...

  • Pühajõe kalmistu

    Pühajõe kalmistu Palun täiendage...

  • Brunswick County, Virginia, USA

    The first English settlers, in what was to become Brunswick County, swarmed into the relatively protected lands near Fort Christanna during its 4 years of operation (1714–1718). Among them were indentured servants, including men deported from Scotland in 1716 after being convicted by the Crown in the Jacobite rising of 1715. They were required to work under indenture to pay the Crown back for t...

3851-3875 of 74305 projects