Metsavennad olid mehed ja naised, kes aastatel 1940-1941 ja alates 1944. aasta septembrist, mil Eesti oli okupeeritud nõukogude võimu poolt, sõdisid relvastatult okupatsioonivõimu vastu. Metsavendade võitluse eesmärk oli kaitsta oma perekondi ja iseennast võõrvõimu vägivalla vastu. Nad lootsid taastada Eesti iseseisvuse. Metsavendi oli sõjajärgsel ajal kokku tõenäoliselt umbes 30 000. Ühel ajal...
Священнослужители и церковнослужители Ярославской епархии город Ярославль Ярославский уезд город Ростов Ростовский уезд город Углич Угличский уезд город Данилов Даниловский уезд город Любим Любимский уезд город Молога Мологский уезд город Мышкин Мышкинский уезд город Пошехонье Пошехонский уезд город Романово-Борисоглебск Романово-Борисоглебский уезд город Рыбинск Рыбинский...
Ronneby, Blekinge, Sweden This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Ronneby , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a part of a...
Sandviken municipality in the province of Gästrikland=THIS TEXT WILL BE TRANSLATED LATER, THE PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Sandvikens kommun är en kommun i Gävleborgs län. Centralort är Sandviken. Kommunen var indelad i följande socknar/församlingar till 2016: * Järbo församling,* Ovansjö församling,* Sandvikens församling,* Årsunda-Österfärnebo församling. Från och med 2016 delas kommunen in i ...
Hylte, Halland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Hylte , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a part of a larger...
Mölndal municipality has decided to call themself a "town" since 2004. THE TEXT IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. THE PROJECT WAS STARTED 2021-09-22. Mölndals kommun eller Mölndals stad är en kommun i Västra Götalands län (tidigare Göteborgs och Bohus län), med Mölndal som centralort, som även är en del av tätorten Göteborg. Mölndal är en av 14 svenska kommuner som har beslutat sig för att använda sig av ...
Somehow, Generation Z had been extended. These ten years are in between GenZ and GenAlpha. Theoretically, consistency should have made Gen Alpha as 1996-2005. The children born 2000 and beyond are able to say to the "older generations": "you are born in the 1900 ... in the late 1900s (1990)". For this group it would be 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004. Platform Networks for Social Media Influe...
Reality Television Generation 1984-1995: Babies 1996-2005: Tweens/Teens 2006-2015: Twenties Historic Predecessor of Reality Television: 1940–1950: Queen for a Day, Cash & Carry, Candid Camera, Beat the Clock, Truth of Consequences, You Asked For It 1960–1970: Seven Up!, Up Series, The American Sportsman, Let It Be, An American Family, The Dating Game, The Newlywed Game, The Gong Show, Th...
Dartmouth College Wikipedia Dartmouth College (commonly referred to as Dartmouth ( /ˈdɑrtməθ/ DART-məth) is a private Ivy League research university located in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States. The institution consists of a liberal arts college, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business, as well as 19 graduate programs in the arts an...
First Nations====Inuit====Métis=====Links=== Naming Conventions ==Working Notes for ref only==Some Canadian TribesIncludes the Following Indian TribesAlgonkin Anicinape' Arapaho Assiniboin Atsina Bellabella Bellacoola Beothuk Family Chilliwack Chippewa Cowichan Cree Crow Dakota Etchaottine Etchareottine Etheneldeli Haida Hidatsa Huron Iroquois Kawchodinne Kitksan Kutchin Kutenai Kwakiutl Lilloo...
My old profile was associated with an email that is no longer in use. Now I cannot log into geni and my main tree. How can I update my old profile with a new email address so I can access my tree. This is critical since the tree goes back to the 900 BC range. That email was also associated with a facebook account that is no longer in existance and Geni keeps trying to access that facebook acco...
Mänttä-Vilppulan kaupunki syntyi Mäntän kaupungin ja Vilppulan kunnan yhdistyessä vuonna 2009. Kun lisäät Mäntässä, Vilppulassa ja Mänttä-Vilppulassa eläneiden henkilöiden profiileihin paikkatietoja, ole huolellinen, että Geniin tulee tallettua oikea paikkatieto. Mänttä-Vilppulaa ei pidä käyttää paikkatietona ennen kaupungin perustamista (v. 2009). Naapuriseurakunnat Mänttä-Vilppulan naapu...
For naming conventions, see Medieval Kingdoms of Western Europe . The First Crusade was a military expedition from 1096 to 1099 by Western Christianity to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquest of the Levant, ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem. It was launched in 1095 by Alexios I Komnenos , who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and help to repel the ...
In 1941, prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union, the Bauleitung der Luftwaffe began to build airfields at Mokre and Labunie, near Zamosc. Jewish work camps were also established in these villages. A group of Jews from the ghetto worked in these camps, which survived the liquidation of the ghetto itself. The number of Jewish workers there was enlarged in 1942. Several dozens of the Czech Jews...
The Crusades were a series of religious expeditionary wars blessed by the Pope and the Catholic Church , with the main goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem. The Crusades were originally launched in response to a call from the leaders of the Byzantine Empire for help to fight the expansion into Anatolia of Muslim Seljuk Turks who had cut off access to Jerus...
The Defense Meritorious Service Medal (DMSM) is an award bestowed upon members of the United States military by the United States Department of Defense. In the order of precedence of the United States Armed Forces, it is worn between the Purple Heart and the Meritorious Service Medal. The medal is awarded in the name of the Secretary of Defense to members of the Armed Forces who, while serving ...
Vuolenkosken kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Vuolenkosken kyläyhdistys ry Vuolenkoski ...lyhyt katsaus Vuolenkosken ja Koskenniskan kylien historiaan -"Vuolenkoskea pidetään myöhäiskeskiajan iittiläisistä kylistä suurimpana ja vahvimpana ja vuoden 1539 Hämeen maakirjassa Ruuhij...
Projekti aloitettu 5.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallitusen paikkatieto Hirvola Hämeenkyrön kylät Haukijärvi I Heinijärvi I Herttuala I Hiironen I Hirvola I Ilottula I Jumesniemi I Järvenkylä I Kalkunmäki I Kierikkala I Kostula I Kuotila I Kyröspohja I Laitila I Lemmakkala I ...
Attention! Jeppo belonged to Nykarleby before 1870, so the affected profiles belong to the Nykarleby-project. Nykarleby ~ Uusikaarlepyy . Most of people in Jeppo before 1975 were Swedish speaking (84%).
Scope of Project ===A list of participants (on both sides) is included in the linked document: Military leadership in the American Revolutionary War * Loyalist on Wikipedia Most of us think of the American Revolution just concentrated on what became the continental U.S., but the Caribbean-West Indies plays a major part! At the end of the war, quite a few Blacks who fought with the British were ...
Scope of Project The objective of this project is to collect genealogically interesting information about university students representing the Northern European nationalities who studied in European universities from the time when first of them were established until 1640 , which was the year of the founding of the old Turku Academy (Academia Aboensis) in Finland, then part of Sweden. Stude...
Projekti aloitettu 24.6.2022. -Tulossa Entisen Satakunnan ja lähialueiden Kylät Talonhaltijat ja asukkaat Koivistonkylä Koivistonkylän Koiviston talonhaltijoita ja talojen asukkaita +
Tervetuloa Räinän suvun jälkeläiset yhteiseen sukututkimusprojektiin! Räinä Ancestors Project that connects all Räinä ancestors and descendants from the United States, Finland:Liminka, Oulu, Lumijoki, Muonio, Kemi, Helsinki, Vantaa, Kempele, Ii, Yli-ii. Projektiin kokoamme suvun jälkeläisten profiileita!. Tietoa Räinä- sukunimestä Sukunimeä on Oulun -Iin seudulla. Limingan käräjien p...
Projekti aloitettu 1.12.2017Tähän kyläprojektiin voi lisätä tekstiä ym. sisältöä. Oikea yläkulma Muokkaa ja sitten Tallenna.Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen Lohilahden kylällä syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuuta. Projekti täten toimisi myös työkaluna tallentamiseen ja olemassaolevien tietojen tarkistamiseen. Päällekäisyyksien...