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Developer Forum » API enhancement requests
Started by Private User on 7/28/2011
Displaying all 6 messages
Private User
7/28/2011 at 11:48
Please use this section to request API changes/additions.
Private User
7/30/2011 at 0:31
When returning multi-page results could you please include a parameter telling how many pages there are?

Private User
7/30/2011 at 0:36
2) We need some API version numbering as well the application can check when connecting.
Private User
3/12/2012 at 14:29
Support bulk-load of immediate-family records using an ids parameter?

Is it possible to get support for a ids=xxx,yyy option on loading immediate family?

When processing a family this seem to be a bottleneck.

Today I load all siblings with a single,102,103 statement and it would be nice to be able to bulkload their immediate-family records by using a similar URL:,102,103
Private User
10/17/2012 at 8:47
I posted some suggestions in the API project. Here they are again, just in case.
* I'd like to see an option in the Profile API to get information on projects for that profile. (i.e. In particular, I want to know what projects a profile is a profile in. But I could also see where people might want to see if a profile is a follower or collaborator of a project. (Note this is not the same as querying a Project, because I don't know the project before hand).
* If I have a GUID, I'd like to be able to get the Profile ID.
* Suggest including the Profile ID in the User query ( While I don't have a use yet, curator flag might be another one for the User query.
Job Waterreus
1/16/2015 at 14:53
Visitor statistics for a project, discussion and profile.
Or is there a way to get those without using the api?
