Immediate Family
About daughter of Berenguer
Count Parkuritan II de Rennes [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 about 880 in Rennes, Bretagne, France. He married 4 Countess Daughter of Berenguer about 899 in France.
Judicael alias Berengar[1] was Count of Rennes in the mid-to-late 10th century. There are conflicting accounts of his parentage, one popular solution making him son and successor to a count Berenger (sometimes identified with Berengar of Rennes, sometimes with that man's supposed maternal grandson of the same name[2]) by a daughter of Gurvand, Duke of Brittany. However, an 11th century collection of Anjevin genealogies shows him to be son of Pascweten, son of Alan I, King of Brittany.
Spouse(s): Unknown.
Possible son:
MALE Juhel alias Bérenger, count of Rennes.
See the page on Juhel Bérenger for more details. Even if this affiliation is correct, there is no known justification in the primary sources for giving the title of "count of Rennes" to Pascweten, as is done by some modern secondary sources [e.g., Winkhaus (1950)].
GURWENT [Gurvand], son of --- (-877). Regino records that "Pasquitano et Vurfando" killed "Salomon rex Brittonum" in 874, specifying that they divided the kingdom between them although Pascwethen received the larger share[59]. Duke of Brittany. They were deposed in 876 and succeeded by Judicaël, Gurwent's son, and Alain Comte de Vannes who was Pascwethen's brother[60]. m ([after 857]) --- of Brittany, daughter of ERISPOË Duke of Brittany & his wife Marmohec ---. Her parentage is deduced from the Annales Mettenses which names "Judicheil ex filia Heriospoii regis natus" when recording that he ruled jointly with "Alanus frater Pasquitani"[61]. Her marriage date is suggested on the assumption that she was the same daughter of Erispoe who was earlier betrothed to Louis, son of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks (see above), but this is not certain. Gurwent & his wife had [two] children:
a) JUDICAËL (-killed in battle [1 Aug/8 Nov] 888). Comte de Rennes. Regino records that "Iudicheil, ex filia Herispoii regis natus" ruled Brittany jointly with "Alanus frater Pasquitani" after the death of Pascwethen in 876, and his death in battle against the Vikings[62]. He succeeded his father in 876 as joint Duke of Brittany, ruling jointly with Alain Comte de Vannes. Regino records disputes between "Alanum et Iudicheil duces Brittonium" in 890[63], which indicates that the date of his death recorded in the previous passage in the same source may not be accurate.
b) [daughter . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Borderie suggests that Judicael Comte de Rennes was the grandson of Duke Gurwent, but he does not cite any primary source which supports his reasoning[64].
m BERENGAR Comte [de Bayeux], son of ---. 889/before 931.]