Matching family tree profiles for William Ray
Immediate Family
About William Ray
Evidence needed to support William Ray as son of Alexander Ray & Joane Ray
Immigrated to MD prior to 1696. Received 158 acres called "Bread and Cheese" from Ninean Beall in 1698.
Was Mary a "Beall?" William was related to Gladys Wray, c. 9 Oct. 1651, Fewiton, Yorkshire, England Ray, Wm., son of John and Mary c. 5 July 1676 (Kirby Overblow).
More About WILLIAM RAY, SR.: Fact 6: Bef. 1696, Came to MD, 158 ac "Bread & Cheese"1698 Fact 7: 1697, Served on jury. Fact 8: Had 13 children. Fact 9: July 5, 1732, Will, Prince George Co., MD, No. 1, f. 271 Fact 10: January 12, 1737, Will p., Upper Marlborough, MD
Children of WILLIAM RAY and MARY RAY are:
- i. JOHN3 RAY5, b. 1680, Lancashire, England; d. April 12, 1718, Prince George Co., MD. 5.
- ii.WILLIAM RAY, JR., b. 1685, Prince George Co., MD; d. May 1760, Frederick Co., MD. 6.
- iii. JOSEPH RAY, b. 1687, MD; d. 1744, Frederick Co., MD.
- iv. LUKE RAY6, b. 1688, Lancashire, England; d. 1718, MD7; m. SUSANNAH ???7, MD. More About LUKE RAY: Fact 9: 1718, Inv, Bond, Accts Fact 10: 1720, Inventory 7.
- v. ELIZABETH BOYD RAY, b. August 24, 1689, MD; d. Deceased, MD.
- vi. JANE RAY8, b. 1691, MD; d. Dead, MD; m. WILLIAM WARD, 1732, MD. Notes for JANE RAY: W P Gilbert gives 1696, Lancashire, England, m. 1719, PG, d. 1734 PG.
- vii. MAGDALEN RAY9, b. 1692, MD; d. Deceased, MD; m. JOHN LOCKER10, August 31, 1713, St. John's, Prince George Co., MD11. Notes for MAGDALEN RAY: W P Gilbert gives b. as Lancashire, England. Notes for JOHN LOCKER: Transported 1669, 1677 f. 12, p. 416, 15 - 433. More About JOHN LOCKER: Fact 6: 1669, Transported f. 12, p. 416 15-433. 8.
- viii. MARY RAY, b. 1696, MD; d. Deceased, MD.
- ix. FRANCIS WHITTNER RAY12, b. 1697, MD; d. Deceased, MD. Notes for FRANCIS WHITTNER RAY: W P Gilbert gives 1690, Lancashire England as b.
- x. ANNE RAY12, b. 1699, MD; d. MD; m. JOHN NORRIS, 1737, MD. Notes for ANNE RAY: W P Gilbert gives 1682, Lancashire, England - 1728, and James Norris as spouse.
- National Records of Scotland (Old Parish Registers Births)....Haddington....1639.....William Rie and Margaret Clerk (had) son borne 7 October called William...witness: Andro Marteine and John Monilaus
- William Ray Sr.of Prince George's County, Md. married Jeane Moor at Haddington, Scotland in1665. Daughter of John Moor and Marion Bryssan. They registered the births of 6 children at Haddington, Scotland before immigrating to Calvert County, Maryland about the year 1680 when the Rays were seated on " Beall's Hunting Quarter " by James Moore, a relative of Jeane Moor, both from Haddington, Scotland.
- That William Ray Sr. is one and the same as the William born to William Rie and Margaret Clerk Oct. 7, 1639 at Haddington ,Scotland is evidenced by the fact that the George Wilson who witnessed nearly all the baptisms of the children of William Ray Sr. and Jeane Moor at Haddington was married to Jeane Clerk.
- ( National Records of Scotland, 1665 REA, WILLIAM ,Old Parish Registers 709/Haddington, page 34 of 453)....May 30, 1665..... William Rea (married) Jeane Moure... (witness) George Stewards and John Warrander
- National Records of Scotland( Old Parish Registers Births)...
- John Rae b. Feb. 26,1666 son of William Rae and Jeane Moure
- William Rea b.Oct. 21. 1667 son of William Rea and Jeane Mour
- Jeane Rea b. Dec. 20, 1671 daughter of William Rea and Jeane Moure
- Margaret Rea b. Jan. 5, 1674 daughter of William Rea and Jeane Moure
- George Rea b. Feb. 16, 1676 son of William Rea and Jeane Moure
- Thomas Rae b. May 6, 1679 son of William Rae and Jeane Muir
- The Ray family disappears from the Scottish records after the birth of Thomas in 1679 and reappears on Beall's Hunting Quarter " patented by James Moore in 1681 where James Moore seated them and John Perry. John Perry eventually called his part of " Beall's Hunting Quarter" " Edenborow" ( Edinburgh). Edinburgh is 15 miles from Haddington.
- William Ray Sr. with a second wife (most likely Elizabeth Magruder) he married about 1689 he had Joseph, Elizabeth Boyd, Luke, Jane Ward( likely one and the same as his daughter Jeane born in 1671), Magdalen Locker, Mary Swearingan, Francis Whittner, and Ann Norris.
- (Prince George's County Certificates, unpatented, "Bealls Hunting Quarter," MSA S1226-54)........June the 23rd, 1713..." By virtue of a special warrant granted....unto James Moore...to resurvey a tract of land called Bealls Hunting Quarter including the surplus .....also to divide the same according to the direction of the partys posessed which warrant by the said Moore assigned unto William Ray and John Perry the partys in posession...... William Ray his part is bounded as follows.... two hundred seventy eight acres...William Ray has 58 acres surplus....John Perry his part is bounded as followeth.... beginning at the land of William Rays.... containing one hundred thirty five acres...." ( William Ray was seated on Bealls Hunting Quarter not long after James Moore patented the tract in 1680. William Rae and Jeane Moore recorded the birth of Thomas Rae at Haddington, Scotland in 1679 before disappearing from the records there with children John, William, George, Thomas,Margaret and Jeane)
- (Provincial Court Land records, vol. 718, p. 519)....Sept. 27, 1700...." Coll. Beale did declare upon his oath to be the bounded tree of Perrywood and the land called Chelsey and the land of William Ray called Beals Hunting Quarter as also the bounded tree of Majors Lott..."
- In 1710 John Perry purchased additional acres of " Beall's Hunting Quarter " from William Moore and Hugh Riley and Mary Riley who was previously married to John Moore.( John Moore was the brother of Jeane Moor, John Moor was a witness to nearly all the baptisms of the children born to William Ray and Jeane Moor at Haddington, Scotland.) At the end of the deed there is a notation stating that John Perry's new part is now called " Edenburough" (Edinburgh) and indicates not only John Perry came from Scotland but William Ray as well.
- Prince George's County Wills.....Wiiliam Ray....July 25, 1732...." I give unto my son Joseph Ray the remaining part of my personal estate both here and in Great Brittaine........ I give unto my grandson William Ray the son of my son Joseph Ray my now dwelling plantation with the land unto there belonging called 'Beal's Hunting Quarter ".....witness: Samuel Pottenger, Robert Pottenger and John Ridle..."
- William Ray's will proves he was not born in Maryland in that he refers to property still in Great Britain. ( Scotland was considered part of Great Britain from 1707 onward.)
- William Ray had 4 sons not mentioned in his will who predeceased him named John, Thomas, George and Luke,
- (Prince George's County Court Records, (Archives Online Vol. 202,p.406).."...John Mills - Debtor.....April 25,1692...to Will Ray......... in the books of John Veitch...."... *****( this is the first record William Ray ever appears in Maryland. John Mills was the son of William Mills, a Scotchman who named his plantation in Calvert County "Trenant" after his home in Scotland. The land had originally been called "Haddington" by the Scotchman John Boague. John Veitch was also the son of a Scotchman. In Scotland Trenant and Haddington are neighboring villages not 5 miles apart on the ancient road from Edinburgh to Dunbar.
- (Scotland Church Registers- Banns and Marriages).....William Rea married Jeane Moure May 30, 1665 at Haddington........
- (Scotland Church Registers-Births and baptisms).....John Rae born to William Rae and Jeane Moure...Feb. 27, 1666 at Haddington......Thomas Rae born to William Rae and Jean Muir...June 5, 1679 at Haddington.....
- (Prince George's Court Records (Volume 202, page 64)....November Court 1696...." Then was Constables chosen for each respective hundred to serve in this County for the ensueing year. .....Nathan Veetch Constable for Mount Calvert Hundred, ...WILLIAM RAY Constable for Colllington Hundred....George Miller Constable for New Scotland Hundred.."
- (Prince George's County Court Record...(Vol.202,p.9)...May 7,1696...(cattle marks)....William Ray his mark on right ear a staple fork and crop, On the left a crop and a hole...
- ( P.G. Court Records, Vol.202,p.166)....March Court 1696/7....We doe present Jane Browne servant woman to Christopher Thompson for bearing a bastard child, by info of William Ray Constable of Collington Hundred..
- (P.G. Court Record..(vol.202,p.294)....Samuel Harwood demands subpoena for Francis Collier, Mary Evans, William Ray to testify inter he and Mathew Mockeboy..."
- (P.G. County Court Record June, 1698 ( Volume 202,pg. 347)..." Thomas Keirsey servant to William Ray adjudged to be 16 years of age to serve according to law etc. "
- (P.G. Court Record) ...November Court 1698..." The Carleton Merchants plaintiffes: John Mills Deffendant....John Mills Debtor Aprill the 25, 1692....pounds tobacco...to Richard Edwards...to Joshua Hall....to Will Ray 100, to one pair tobacco tongs....to the balance of your account in John Veitches book....to Thomas Swaringham....to John Cash....to Col. Ninian Beall..." *(This record proves William Ray was in Calvert County as early as 1692)*
- (Prince George's County Land Records...(liber A,pg. 150)...November Court 1698..." This indenture made the twenty eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ninety eight... between Col. Ninian Beall...Gentleman...and William Ray, planter....in consideration of five pounds of sterling money....confirm unto ye said William Ray..parcel of land called " Bred and Cheese"...beginning at a bounded oak a bound tree of a parcel of land formerly surveyed for major Thomas Truman... which is a bound tree of a parcel of land called "St. Andrews".....witness; Thomas Hollyday, Samuel Magruder and Benjamin Berry.....at the same time came Ruth Beall wife of the said Ninian..."
- (P.G. Land Records).....March 26, 1700....From: John Demall of PG County, planter To: Anthony Drayne of PG County, planter....tract called " Greenfield"...bounding on land of Capt. Broch, John Demall, and William Raye....witnes: David Small and Edward Willett.."
- (Provincial Court Land Records (1699-1707, vol. 718,p.519)....." we continued are course two hundred perches which brought us to a bounded red oake which the said Coll. Beale did declare upon his oath to be the bounded tree of " Perrywood" and the land called " Chelsey" and the land of William Ray called " Beall's Hunting Quarter"....given under our hands and seales this 27th day of September anno 1700....WBarton, sherrif, Wm. Hutchinsson, surveyor, Thomas Lucas, Daniel Dorminson (Danielson), Wm. Foot, Charles Williams, John Henry, John Barret, Sam. Magruder, John Brown,Anthony Drane, WILLIAM RAYE, John Waltem, Joseph West..."
- (P.G. County Land Records (Liber C folio 94)...March Court 1704...." Resurvey and layout the said tract of land called Major's Lott as also several parcels granted out of the same. In obediencethereto I having summoned and sworne Thomas Swaringen, Richard Pile, Archibald Edmundson, Thomas Plumer Charles Hyatt, John Turner, Anthony Drane, Solomon Rothery , Johnathan Simmons, WILLIAM RAY, William Moor, Thomas Wells..."
- (P.G. County Court Record...March Court 1706 (pg. 37)......" The humble petition of William Ray humbly sheweth that your petitioner living on ye west side of Collington Branch and the main road that comes over Collington lyes through your petitioners cornffield by reason whereof worshipp petitioner this year last past suffered an intollarable loss and damage..."
- (Prince George's County Court record).... March Court 1704 ..."Thomas Keysey/Casey servant of William Rays absented himself by his own confession out of his masters service.."
- (P.G. County Land Records (Liber E folio 250)...." May 12, 1713....Then came Ninian Beall and made oath to a bounded red oak that stands on a straight line of a tract of land called Thorpland the said oak was bounded by order of Charles Boteler for the said first bound tree of a tract of land called Brock Hall that the said Beall bounded the said oak with his own hands...Sworne before me Thomas Cagett..in presence of Mr. Tyler and Mr. William Ray
" ( Certificates unpatented, Prince George's County)...June the 23rd, 1713...By virtue of a special warrant granted out of his Lordships Land office unto James Moore...to resurvey a tract of land called " Beall's Hunting Quarter".....also to divide the same according to the direction of the partys posessed which warrant was by the said Moore assigned unto William Ray and John Perry the parties in possesion....William Ray his part....containing 278 acres..."
- (Prince George's County Court Session (Bonds).....Bond of Ann Lamar executrix of Thomas Lamar...Sureties: Charles Hyat and William Raye Sr..... May 29, 1714
- (Prince George's County Land Records)...,liber F,pg. 54....." Anne Fletchall and Charles Beall to William Ray.....This indenture made the ninith day of December in the year of our lord God one thousand seven hundred and seventeen between Anne Fletchall ...widow and relict of Thomas Fletchall..deceased and Charles Beall....and William Ray....all that tract....in the branches of Rock Creek and called the "Charles and Thomas".....beginning at a bounded Hickory standing between the said Rock Creek and Potomac...laid out for 419 acres....witness; Andrew Hamilton, Samuel Magruder and William Harben."
- (Calendar of Maryland State Papers-The Black Books p.22).....1719....Prince George's County. List of taxables in Rock Creek Hundred, taken by David Jones, Constable.....William McCoy, William Shephard, William Hallen, William Ray,...(William Ray Sr. also owned "Bread and Cheese" in Collington Hundred where he appears on 1719 taxable list also)..... List of taxables in Collington Hundred taken by Lamar, Constable......Charles Walker, John Child, William Ray, John Devall, Thomas Miles...
- (Prince George's County Court Session, Bonds)....bond of Jean Prather administratrix of Johnathan Prather Jr.....Sureties William Ray Sr. and Anthony Drane....Oct. 21, 1720..."
- (Prince George's County Court, Bonds).....March Court 1723..." Ordered by the court here that William Ray be discharged of paying levies for ye future for his two.. women Dorothy and Moll by reason of their age and impotence."
- Oct. 22, 1723...bond of Elizabeth Draine executrix of Anthony Draine.....sureties; Robert Wheeler and William Ray...
- ( Prince George's County,Md. Accounts).....Nov. 7, 1728.....Thomas Sprigg (deceased).....Received from: .......William Ray of the effects of John Powell...
- (Prince George's County Land Records)..liber M,pg.568..." At the request of William Ray Junior the following deed was enrolled March...seventeen hundred and thirty....Know ye that I William Ray of the county and province aforesaid planter, ..in consideration of the love good will and affection which I have...towards my son William Ray...planter...hereby grant to William Ray....a tract of land called the "Charles and Thomas"....containing and laid out for one hundred and forty acres....signed; William WR Ray Sen...his mark.... witness; John Magruder and Edward Sprigg. "
- (Prince George's County Court Session( Testamentary) ....May 14,1734.....William Raye , one of the sureties on estate of Johnathan Prather Jr. vs. William Ward and his wife Jane administratrix of said Prather...."
- (Prince George's County Land Records)..liber Q pg. 259....."..Know yee that I Willliam Ray Sen. of Prince George's County...planter.. for the natural love and affection I have and bear unto my grandson William Norris son to Benjamin Norris....alll that part of a tract I bought of Mr. Clement Hill...near Rock Creek... part of a tract of land called the "Forrest'....laid out for 100 acres of land...signed ;William WR Ray Sen...his mark...signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Joseph Newton and Samuel Magruder Sen.....Then came William Ray Sen. and acknowledged the above deed according to law before us- John Magruder and Alexander Magruder"
- (Prerogative Court P.G. County)...... June 27 1738.. WILLIAM RAY(deceased)... Appraisers: John Lamar, Samuel Pottinger Creditors: Sheriff Executor: Joseph Ray
- (Prince George's County Court Record)... June Court 1738.(pg.95,96)... WILLIAM RAY'S Executor vs. Daniel Lamports executor.. "William Ray Sen. his account" by Ann Lamport 1735 Nov 14 to his bill 5 May to John Magruder Jan 20 to goods by Dunkin Aug 2 1736 By proceed 3 HH'd Tobacco by Lux 1735 March 1 Ditto by Dunkin By Edward Jones's bill on Joseph Adams
- (Prince Georges County Court record)-.... June Court 1727..(p. 554)...Ordered by the court that William Rae Senior be allowed..for taking care of Elizabeth Bradgate ( a poor diseased helpless woman).."
- (P.G. Court record)...March Court 1734..(pg. 21)... "Jurors allowances....William Ray Sen. at Rock Creek.."
- (Prince George's County Court Session, Testamentary)......March 28, 1738....bond of Joseph Ray executor of William Ray Sr.....sureties: Robert Pottinger, Thomas Mullikin..."
- Biography and records discovered by George Arthur Trail IV
William Ray Sr. (1639-1737) can be considered one of the ancient Scotch chiefs of the Patuxent River frontier settlement. Along with his Scottish comrades Col. Ninian Beall (92), James Moore (99),Simon Nicholls (100), and Thomas Beall (101), William Ray Sr. (98) lived well into his nineties at a time when most men were lucky to live half that long.
William Ray Sr. was born at Haddington, Scotland in 1639 to William Ray (Rea) and Margaret Clerk.
William Ray married Jeane Moor in 1665 at Haddington, Scotland daughter of John Moor and Marion Brysson.
William Ray and Jeane Moor registered the births of 6 children at Haddington.
John Ray born 1666 died 1718 Prince George's County, Md.
William Ray Jr. born 1667 died 1760 Frederick County, Md.
Jeane Ray born 1671 died after 1737 Prince George's County, Md.
Margaret Ray born 1674
George Ray born 1675 died 1735 Prince George's County,Md.
Thomas Ray born 1679 died 1722 Prince George's County, Md.
The family of William Ray disappears from the Haddington,Scotland records after the birth of Thomas Ray in 1679 then reappears residing on the land of James Moore of Calvert County, Maryland called " Beall's Hunting Quarter" where William Ray Sr. resided the rest of his life. William Ray Sr. mentioned real estate he still owned in Great Britain when he died in 1737 so he came to America a man of property. Jeane Moor's brother ,John Moor (1632- c.1695) also came to Calvert County and his son ,William Moor (c. 1680) was the nephew and long time neighbor of William Ray Sr. on "Beall's Hunting Quarter".
Jeane Moore apparently died not long after the birth of Thomas Ray in 1679 because there is a gap of about 10 years when William Ray remarried in the year 1689 at Calvert County to another woman( most likely Elizabeth Magruder, daughter of Alexander Magruder) with whom he had Elizabeth Boyd, Joseph, Luke, Magdaline Locker, Francis Whittner, and Ann Norris.
William Ray Sr. was a leader of his community and appointed Constable of Collington Hundred, Prince George's County in 1696 at the creation of the county.
- (Prince George's County Land Certificates, unpatented, MSA S1226-54)....June 23, 1713.....By virtue of a special warrant...unto James Moore....to resurvey a tract of land called Beall's Hunting Quarter...adding what vacant land should be discovered...also to divide the same according according to the direction of the partys possessed which warrant is by the said Moore assigned unto William Ray and John Perry the partys in possession....
- (Prince George's County Land Records, Liber I, folio 54)....Dec. 9, 1717.......Ann Fletchall, relict of Thomas Fletchall, and Charles Beall ....to William Ray of Prince George's County....a parcel of land lying in the branches of Rock Creek called Charles and Thomas.....witness; Andrew Hamilton, Samuel Magruder, William Harben...
- P. G. Land Records, I,p.119).....May 31, 1721..... William Ray Sr. to Clement Hill...land ...called Bread and Cheese...witness; Joseph Belt and Thomas Sprigg..
- (P.G. Land Records, liber T.p.260)...May 21, 1735.....at the request of John Perree Jun. the following deed of gift was recorded.......I William Ray of Prince George's County planter for...goodwill and affection I have....unto my granddaughter Priscilla Perree....child...called...Moll.....witness; Elizabeth Boyd and John Cook
- ( P.G. Land Records, liber T,p.375)......May 29,1736......Between William Ray...planter...and Edward Jones..planter....consideration..of seven pounds sterling....land being part of the tract called Charles and Thomas....beginning tree...standing on the west side of Rock Creek.....laid out for 60 acres.... William Rae Sen. (his mark)....witnesss; David Crauford and Thomas Clagett
William Ray's Timeline
1639 |
Manchester, Lancashire, England
1666 |
February 27, 1666
Haddington, Scotland, United Kingdom
1667 |
October 21, 1667
Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland, United Kingdom
1671 |
December 20, 1671
Haddington, Scotland, United Kingdom
1674 |
January 5, 1674
1676 |
February 16, 1676
Haddington, Scotland, United Kingdom
1679 |
Haddington, Scotland, United Kingdom
1690 |
Prince Georges, Maryland, USA
1695 |
Calvert County, Maryland, United States