Per "The Visitation of Suffolk, 1561", William Hervy, Clarenceux King of Arms, page 382:
Wyllm Baret of Westhall in counte of Suff gent maryed to his firste Wyffe Jane Daughtr to Wyllm Claxton of Cheston in the counte of Suff esquyre & by her had yssue Hamonde Barett sone & heyre Wyllm second sonne Thomas third sonne, Ellenor, katheryn, and Margaret after the sayde Wyllm maryed to his second Wyffe Margaret Wingfed Daughtr to Pettinsall of Norwyche and by her hath yssue, Owen Barett.
Per "The Visitation of Norfolk, 1664", Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux King of Arms, page 15:
William Barrett of Westhall of Suffolk, will dated 11 April 1566, m. 1560 Margaret, dau. of Thomas Pettishall of Norwich and widow of Wingfield. Son, Christopher Barrett of Norwich, will proved 22 Aug. 1649, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Allen Clark of Hemmingstone in Linc., d. 13 Feb. 1660, will proved 25 May 1663.
Thomas Baret entered the family pedigree in the Norfolk Visitation of 1664, at which time he bore the arms already described. In 1671, he made the following statement to Sir Edward Bysshe:
William Baret of Blyborow in Suffolke married Margaret y, daughter & sole heiress of Rich a Love of - - - - William ye Eldest Sonn of ye foresaid vF Baret married Jane ye daughter of Will Claxton of Halesworth in Suffolke by whom he had issue, but all dyed without issue: his 2 wife was Margaret y widdow of Winkefeild, Abbot of Castle Acre in Northfolke, by whome he had Owen & Christopher and one daughter Prudence all of which were borne to him in Westall in Suff. The said William deceased y e II jh of March 1565. Owen married one Christian Randall by whom he had one sonn, 2 daught: y sonn dyed young: y daughters left issue, but can give noe account of them. Page 12. - - - - Page 15. (whose pedigree was entered in the Norfolk Visitation th of 1664 J to Sir Edward Blyshe, in a letter dated 4 Nov. 1671.
William died 11 March 1565 in Westhall, County Suffolk, England. He left a will dated 10 March 1565, the day before his death, proved in 1566. An abstract of that instrument follows: (23:6-7) The tenth of March 1565, I, William Barret of Westhale in the countie of Suffolk, gent., doe make and ordaine this my Testament & laste will in manner & forme followinge. That is to saye, first I bequeathe my Sowle to allmightie god, fyrmelie belevynge, throughe the merits of Jesus Christe my redemer, to have the ffruycion of his Dyvine maiestie.ch. Hamon Claxton Esq. to have the rents of all here ditaments I have of the lease of Margaret Barret my mother until my son Thomas be xxvi yeres of age. To Margaret my wife all my other lands, cc . , the wood and rounds called Westhall Wood, my lands & tenements called Prentouts, the close & meadow called Goddells Close & Goddells meadow together with the pasture parcell of the Wood now Walter Lenye's and lands I have of the lease of Thomas Rous Esquire, for her natural life, she bringing up my two sons Owen & Xpofer and my daughter Prudens. At wife's decease said lands to my said sons Owen & Christopher. To Margaret, Hellen & Katherine my daughters on their several daies of marriage. To Thomas my son one fetherbed & all that belongs thereunto. Residue of household stuffe with all my horses, to Margaret my wife whom with Richard Barret my brother I ordeyne my executors. This is the trewe will of the above named William Barret, gent., for so muche as is therein contained, beinge wrytten in his Lyfe tyme. These beinge wytness: Fraunces Bohun, James Wolnaughe, p me Robtu Thompson cler, Willm Wolnowghe.
A codicill anexed to the Will of the said Willm Barret, beinge "Pronounced and declared by hym in his Lyfetyme but not wrytten before his Deathe. he gave unto Margaret his wyfe all the mylche kine in the presence of Frances Bohun, Robert Thompsone priste, Willn Wolnowghe. Moreover the said Willm Barret did give unto Francis Sohun, gent., xx , these beinge wytness: James Wolnowghe, Willis Wolnaughe. Also he gave unto Owyn Barret, Xpofer Barret & Prudence Barret his three golde Rings that he used to weare, in the presence of the same wytnesses. And also to Thomas Barret his eldest son one sylver salte pcell gylte & xi silver spones whiche he had of his father's gyfte, in the presence of the last named three witnesses. Prob apud Norwicum undecimo die April I566 by Margaret the relict: & by Richard Barret another ex 9 August 1566. Norwich Consistory, Boo.-; Folkin, fo. 12.
1502 |
Halesworth, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1548 |
Westhall, Suffolk, England
1550 |
Westhall, Suffolk, England
1552 |
Westhall, Suffolk, England
1554 |
Westhall, Suffolk, England
Westhall, Suffolk, England
1556 |
Westhall, Suffolk, England
1558 |
Westhall, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)