Immediate Family
About Udalrich, graf von Ebersberg
- Wodalricus I, de Semta et Ebersberg, comes Marche Carniole († 1029)
- De domo comitum de Semta et Ebersberg
- frater Hademoudis I
- maritus Richarde, de Eppenstein
- pater Eberhardi II, marchionis Carniole
- pater Williburge II, comitisse
- pater Adalberonis II
UDALRICH von Ebersberg, son of ADALBERO Graf von Ebersberg & his wife Liutgard --- (-11 Mar 1029, bur Schloß Ebersberg). The Chronico Eberspergensi Posteriore names "Adelperum…pater Udalrici"[719]. Vogt von Obermünster [990]. Vogt von Tegernsee [1004/09]. "Heinricus…rex" donated property "in pago Spehtreino et in comitatu Odalrici comitis" to Bamberg by charter dated [1011/12][720]. Marchese di Carniola 1011. The Chronico Eberspergense records that he died "senex IV Id Mar 1029" and was buried "Ebersperc iuxta coniugem"[721]. The necrology of Ebersberg records the death "V Id Mar" of "Odelrich com"[722].
m RICHARDIS von Viehbach, daughter of MARKWARD [II] Graf von Viehbach [Eppensteiner] & his wife --- (-23 Apr 1013, bur Schloß Ebersberg). The Chronico Eberspergensi Posteriore names "comes Udalricus uxore Richardem"[723]. The Chronico Eberspergense names "Rihcardem sororem Marhwardi presidis de Carinthia" as the wife of Udalrich[724]. On the other hand, the De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses names "Kunizza comitissa" as wife of "Fridericus comes dictus Roch", specifying that she was the sister of "sancta Richgardis que Ebersberg ceonbium construxit" and that "Otto imperator magnus" was their "avus"[725]. The wife of Graf Friedrich "Roch" is recorded elsewhere as the daughter of Konrad I Duke of Swabia, whose wife is recorded as daughter of Emperor Otto. No other indication has been found that Richardis may have been her sister. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records in Mar the donation of "com Uolricus de Bavaria, Richkarta uxor eius"[726]. The Chronico Eberspergensi Posteriore records the death "1013 Non Kal Mai" of "coniunx eius [=Udalrici] Richardis"[727]. The Chronico Eberspergense records that she was buried "in eodem castro"[728]. The necrology of Ebersberg records the death "IX Kal May" of "Rihkart com uxor Odalrici"[729].
Graf Udalrich & his wife had [six] children:
- Josip Banic (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 2: A 804 usque ad 1077, doc. 1045_HD, fontesistrie.eu/1045_HD (retrieved 31 March 2022) “Notices from the cartularies of the Ebersberg and Geisenfeld monasteries regarding the heirs of the house Sempt-Ebersberg: Williburga II, her daughter Hademoud II, and her grandson Ulrich I.” < link >
My 30th grt grandfather - Phillipp Weyers
Udalrich, graf von Ebersberg's Timeline
945 |
Ebersberg, Ebersberg, Bayern, Germany
995 |
1029 |
March 11, 1029
Age 84
Ebersberg, Bayern, Germany
March 11, 1029
Age 84
Schloß Ebersberg
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