public profile
Please see Charlemagne Project for Source Details
Theodrada (b.784), Abbess of Argenteuil [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne
THEODRADA ([785]-[9 Jan 844/853]). "Theoderadam et Hiltrudem" are named daughters of King Charles & Fastrada by Einhard[142]. Angilbert's poem Ad Pippinum Italiæ regum names (in order) "Chrodthrudis…Berta…Gisla et Theodrada" as daughters of King Charles[143]. Theodulf's poem Ad Carolum Rege changes the order slightly when he names "Berta…Chrodtrudh…Gisla…Rothaidh…Hiltrudh, Tetdrada" as daughters of the king[144]. Named as abbess of Notre-Dame d'Argenteuil, near Paris by her father before 814, until 828. "Ludowicus…rex" names "Theodrada amita nostra filia…avi nostri" in a charter dated 9 Jan 844 which confirms her life interest in the abbey of Schwarzach-am-Main, donated to the church of Würzburg, previously belonging to "Blutendæ filiæ Folkberti quondam comitis"[145]. Theodrada arranged for the church of Würzburg to recognise her great niece Hildegard, daughter of Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks as her successor. This must have taken place before 853, at which date Hildegard was abbess of Zürich[146].
785 |
Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
844 |
Age 59
Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany