Immediate Family
About St. Mary Magdalene
Sources say two things: both that Jesus had a wife and children, and also that Jesus had no wife! Mary Magdalene or Mary of Magdala (original Greek Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνή) is described, in the New Testament, as one of the most important women associated with Jesus during his ministry.
Mary inherited the position as the Temple Magdala’s High Priestess--the keeper of the Doves, the Sacred Symbol for the Holy Spirit, Chryseis Daughter--Mary Magdalene.
The late 20th and early 21st century has seen a restoration of the New Testament figure of Mary Magdalene as a patron of women's preaching and ministry. Her new popularity has stemmed in part from the recognition that Mary Magdalene has suffered from what is believed to have been a historical defamation of character. Some argue that she has been misidentified as a repentant prostitute in historical tradition and as depicted in art as a weeping sinner wiping Jesus' feet with her hair.
According to Luke 8:2 and Mark 16:9, Jesus cleansed her of "seven demons." Some contemporary scholars contend this concept means healing from illness,not forgiveness of sin. On the other hand, some major Christian saints, including St. Bede and St. Gregory, interpret the seven devils to signify that she was "full of all vices."Hence, on this interpretation, the episode does signify the forgiveness of sins.
Mary Magdalene is the leader of a group of women disciples who are present at the cross, when the male disciples (excepting John the Beloved) have fled, and at his burial. Mary was a devoted follower of Jesus, entering into the close circle of those taught by Jesus during his Galilean ministry. She became prominent during the last days, accompanying Jesus during his travels and following him to the end. She witnessed his Crucifixion and burial. According to all four Gospels in the Christian New Testament, she was the first person to see the resurrected Christ.
Mary Magdalene is referred to in early Christian writings as "the apostle to the apostles." In apocryphal texts, she is portrayed as a visionary and leader of the early movement, who was loved by Jesus more than the other disciples.
Several Gnostic gospels, such as the Gospel of Mary, written in the early 2nd century, see Mary as the special disciple of Jesus who has a deeper understanding of his teachings and is asked to impart this to the other disciples. Speculations (though unsupported in Christian biblical canons) have emerged in antiquity and in modern times regarding Mary, including claims that she was Jesus' wife and bore him a daughter named Sarah.
Mary Magdalene is considered by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches to be a saint, with a feast day of July 22. The Eastern Orthodox churches also commemorate her on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers which is the second Sunday after Pascha (Easter) .-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Mary's surname is of Magdalo, a castle, and was born of right noble lineage of kings of Egypt. She, with her brother Lazarus, and her sister Martha, possessed the castles of Magdalo and Bethany, and also a great part of Jerusalem. Mary's father is said to have had a Persian or Parthian name. In the book "Cleopatra to Christ" about the lineage of Mary's family, it is claimed that much of this information originated with Hegesippus, a second century Christian chronicler. Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene are the same person. Mary was also the one who performed the anointing of Jesus feet with oil in solemn ceremony to consecrate and enthrone a new king of Judaeo-Syria. In normal times this would have been a formal state occasion on the Temple Mount, but in these troubled times the family had resorted to a more private ceremony with a few dozen relations and dignitaries.
St. Mary Magdalene's Timeline
-10 |
Migdal, Israel
63 |
Age 72