Historical records matching Sir William Plumpton, Kt.
Immediate Family
About Sir William Plumpton, Kt.
Held the title Sir William Plumpton.
Sided with Richard II and adherents against Henry IV; executed for treason, June 8, 1405.
Father of Robert, Thomas, Isabella, Bryan, Katherine, Jane, George, William, and Richard
Brother of Alice and Joan
Half brother of Joan
ID: I03699
Name: William Plumpton 1
Sex: M
Title: Sir
Birth: 1362
Death: 1405 of Death on the scaffold!
Note: "William suffered death on the scaffold in 1405 for taking part in an insurrection stirred up by his uncle Richard, archbishop of York, whose sister his father had married. He is described by a contemporary historian as a brave and daring Knight."
Note 2: Archbishop of York Richard le Scrope led a failed rebellion against Henry IV in northern England (1405). Scrope and other rebel leaders were executed. This was the second of three attempts to overthrow Henry IV lead by Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland and his allies. Percy again fled to Scotland as he had after his defeat at the Battle of Shrewsbury (1403). [Percy Rebellion (1402–1408): three attempts by the Percy family and their allies to overthrow Henry IV]
Father: Robert Plumpton
Mother: Isabella Scrope
Marriage 1 Alice Gisburn
Robert Plumpton b: 1383
Richard Plumpton
George Plumpton
Thomas Plumpton
Bryan Plumpton
Isabell Plumpton
Katherin Plumpton
Title: Coat of Arms Sutliff, Sutliffe, or Sutcliffe
Author: Compilation: Samuel Milton Sutliff, Jr. (1909); Donald D. Sutliff; Bennett Hurd Sutliff
Publication: 1995
Note: Not clear who published the final manuscript.
Note: A monumental work.
Note: Donald D. Sutliff, 605 SE 98th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98664 Phone 1-360-892-0949
Media: Book
Page: 36
Born: 1362 - Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Marr: 1381/1382 - Of, York, Yorkshire, England
Died: 8 Jun 1405 -
Father: Robert PLUMPTON
Mother: Isabella SCROPE
Other Spouses:
Born: ABT 1364 - Of, York, Yorkshire, England
Died: 1424 -
Father: John De GISBURN
Mother: Ellen
Other Spouses:
1. Robert PLUMPTON
Born: 1383 - Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Marr: 1392 - Alice FOLJAMBE (other spouses)
Died: 8 Dec 1421 - 2. Thomas PLUMPTON
Born: ABT 1385 - Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Died: 18 Jul 1420 - 3. William PLUMPTON
Born: 1387 - Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Died: - 4. Richard PLUMPTON
Born: 1389 - Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Died: 1443 - 5. George PLUMPTON, [REVEREND]
Born: ABT 1392 - Of, Bingham, Nottinghamshire, England
Died: 1451 - 6. Bryan PLUMPTON
Born: ABT 1395 - Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Died: 1424 - 7. Jane PLUMPTON
Born: ABT 1397 - Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Marr: - William MALLORY, [Sir Knight]
Died: - 8. Isabella PLUMPTON
Born: ABT 1400 - Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Marr: 1425 - Stephen THORPE (other spouses)
Died: - 9. Katherine PLUMPTON
Born: ABT 1403 - Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
Marr: - Gilbert DABENHAM, (Sir) (other spouses)
Died: 1463 -
Om Sir William Plumpton, Kt. (Norsk)
Sir William av Plumpton, ridder
Williiam døde på skafottet i 1405 for å deltatt i et opprør pisket opp av hans onkel Richard, erkebiskopen av York, bror av hans mor.
William er beskrevet av en moderne historiker som en modig og dristig ridder."
Erkebiskop av York Richard le Scrope ledet et mislykket opprør mot Henrik IV i Nord-England (1405). Scrope og andre opprørsledere henrettet. Dette var det andre av tre forsøk på å styrte Henrik IV ledet av Henry Percy, jarlen av Northumberland og hans allierte. Percy flyktet igjen til Skottland etter hans tap i slaget av Shrewsbury (1403).
Sir William Plumpton, Kt.'s Timeline
1362 |
Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
1383 |
Plumpton, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Plumpton, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1385 |
Of Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
1389 |
Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
1392 |
Plumpton, Spoffoth, North Yorkshire, England
1395 |
Of, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
1400 |
Plumpton, Spofforth, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom