Simon Heriot of Trabroun

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Simon Heriot of Trabroun

Immediate Family:

Son of John Heriot of Trabroun and Name Not Known
Husband of Name Not Known
Father of James Heriot of Trabroun; John Heriot of Trabroun; George Heriot and William Heriot
Brother of John Heriot and William Heriot

Managed by: Susan Muir
Last Updated:

About Simon Heriot of Trabroun


The ancestry of Simon Heriot of Trabroun has not been identified. However, he was the successor of John Heriot of Trabroun. NRS: GD157/373

Evidence from the National Records of Scotland


12 September 1452: Charter of confirmation granted by George, Lord Seton in favour of Adam Cant, burgess of Edinburgh of his tenandry of land with pertinents in Longniddry: to hold of him in fee. Dated at Edinburgh. Witnesses: Reginald of Dunbar, SIMON HERYOT, James of Alduistoun, Thomas Gybson, Schephan Bonkil, James of Bonkil and sir Mark of Wellis, chaplain, notary public. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Montgomerie Family, Earls of Eglinton, reference GD3/1/11/20/1


15 January 1457-58: (Contemporary or duplicate copy) instrument narrating that John Heryot, brother of SIMON HERYOT OF TRABROUN, compeared and produced a great seal charter of confirmation, 8 January (1424/5), of charter of inspection, 2 December 1423, by Archibald, earl of Wigtoun, lord of Esdale, of charter, 18 July 1423, by Archibald, earl of Douglas, lord of Galloway and Annandale and of regality of Lauder, to John of Heriot, armiger, son and heir of "dilecti confederati nostri"James of Heriot of Nudremarschel, of lands of Trabroun in regality of Lauder. Notary - Alexander Clerk, clerk of diocese of Saint Andrews. Witnesses to instrument - Robert of Saint Clare, son of John of Saint Clare, laird of Hirdmastoun, Alexander of Cranstoun of Brokismouth, Malcolm of Haliburtoun, esquires, John of Furde, Robert Laurenson and John Hughson (Hugonis), burgesses of Hadington. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Scott Family of Harden, Lords Polwarth, Berwickshire, reference GD157/373


9 April 1457: Special retour in favour of Bernard Hawdene [Haldane] as heir of deceased Sir John Hawdene, kt., his father, in third part of lands of Cotis [Coats] and a third part of lands of Hervynstoun [Harvieston] in barony of Byris [Byres], constabulary of Hadingtoun [Haddington], sheriffdom of Edinburgh, which have been in king's hands since death of said Sir John, 9 days after feast of St. Martin in winter last. Inquest held before Archibald of Hepburne [Hepburn], bailie of barony of Byris in that part. Inquest; William of Hume of Rauthburne, George Inglis, SIMON HERYOT [Herriot], James of Aldynistoun of that ilk, William of Aldynistoun, William of Cokburne [Cockburn], William of Haliburtoun [Halliburton], John of Grenlaw [Greenlaw], Alexander Clerk, Thomas of Woddale, John Wawane, John of Claphame, Patrick ?Scleth, John ?Scleth and Richard Thomsone [Thomson]. 7 tongues, seals gone. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Haldane Family of Gleneagles, Perthshire, reference GD198/222


21 June 1471: Procuratory of resignation by SIMON HERYOT OF TRABROUN in favour of Richard of Congyltoun of that ilk, John Broun of Comercolston, John Heryot and William Heryot, granter's brothers, to resign lands of Trabroun in hands of king. Witnesses - George Heryot, William Heryot, granter's sons, John Cassy, Andrew Symson and Robert Bel. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Scott Family of Harden, Lords Polwarth, Berwickshire, reference GD157/374


16 July 1471: Til al and sindry to qwhais knawlage thir present lettres sal cum James Gybsoun, sheref in that part to our soverane lord the kyng greting in the glorious Virgyn, Your universite mot wit that ... I ... throw virtu and strenth of a precep of sesyng direct to me under a quartar of our soverane lordis gret seil hafand lauchful power and speciale, passit to the cheif chymmis of THE LANDIS OF TRABROUN ... the quhilkis war SYMON HERYOTIS heretabilly and the quhilkis the said SYMON of his awyn fre wil ... had upgiffyn and purly and symply resignyt And that ... I gaf heretabil sesing state and possessioun be erd and stane to James Heryot, son and apparand ayr to the said SYMON of al and sindry the forsaid landis of TRABROUN with tenandis and tenandriis of the samyn ... Befor thir witnes William Sandsoun, John Rounsyman, Thomas Johnsoun, Robert Johnsoun, Jamy Johnsoun, Adam Heryng and utheris diverss And this til al and sindry to qwha it afferis or may affer I mak knawyn be thir present lettres In witnes of the qwhilk thing to thir lettres I haf hungyn my seil' National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Scott Family of Harden, Lords Polwarth, Berwickshire, reference GD157/375


2 April 1478: Instrument of resignation by SIMON HERYOT OF TRABROUN in hands of James Heryot, his eldest son, of lands of Trabroun. Notary - Robert Aytone, priest, Saint Andrews diocese. Witnesses - John Martyne and William Litstare, burgesses of Hadingtone, and Mr. George Litstare. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Scott Family of Harden, Lords Polwarth, Berwickshire, reference GD157/377


14 April 1483: Retour of Inquest made in the tolbooth of the burgh of Hadingtone on 14 April 1483 in presence of Adam Johnneston, son and apparent heir of Sir Gilbert Johnneston of Elphinstone, knight, sheriff of Edinburgh and within the constabulary of Hadingtone, and James Douglas of Raufburne, deputes of the said Sir Gilbert, finding that William Keith was lawful and nearest heir of his father William, Earl Marescall, Lord of Keith, in the barony of Keith (O.E. and N.E. £60), and the office of marshall of the same, lying in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh and constabulary of Hadingtone; and that the said lands and office were held of the king and had been in non-entry since the death of the Earl about 2 months before the date of the inquest. Names of Assise: John Swyntone of that Ilk, knight, William Hog of Wygronshalch, Thomas Fawsyde of that Ilk, John Newtone of that Ilk, William Levingtone of Saltcottis, SIMON HERYOT OF WALDERSTONE, John de Aytoune, Archibald Lylle, John Nesbyt, John Redpeth, John Abbirnethy, George Ramsay, Adam de Johnestone, John de Manderstone and Richard Lawson. Attested by the seals (all gone) of certain members of the assise and also of James Douglas, depute sheriff. National Records of Scotland, Sir William Fraser Charters, reference GD86/33


  1. Collections and Notes Historical and Genealogical Regarding the Heriots of Trabroun: 29 pp.
  2. Stirnet: Heriot 01