Immediate Family
About Siegbert I the Lame, king of the Franks at Cologne
Sigobert the Lame (also Sigibert or Sigebert, d. ca. 509) was a king of the Franks in the area of Zülpich (Latin: Tolbiac) and Cologne.
He was presumably wounded at the knee at the Battle of Tolbiac against the Alamanni.
According to Gregory of Tours, he was murdered by his son Chlodoric upon the instigation of Clovis I, sometime after his victory on the Visigoths (507). Clovis then accused Chlodoric of murder and had him killed in his turn. In this way Clovis became king of Sigobert's and Chlodoric's people.
Gregory suggests that Chlodoric was murdered in the same campaign that also killed the Frankish King Chararic. Before, Clovis had killed Ragnachar and his brothers. After all these murders Gregory tells us that Clovis lamented that he had left no family anymore, implying that amongst his own casualties were close relatives.
After all these murders Gregory tells us that Clovis lamented that he had left no family anymore, implying that amongst his own casualties were close relatives.
- Gregory of Tours. The History of the Franks. 2 vol. trans. O. M. Dalton. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.
Sigbert I (The Lame) Cologne Click to view Sigbert I (The Lame) Cologne in the family tree Click to view Sigbert I (The Lame) Cologne in the family tree in SVG format
The Lame was born in year 0445 in Cologne, Germany.1
o Birth Notes
+ B: Abt. 445
The Lame's father was Childebert I Cologne and his mother was Clovis the Riparian Cologne. He was an only child. He died, at the age of 64 years, in year 0509 due to murder / assassination (Murdered by Cloderic at instigation of Clovis I King of Franks).1
o General Notes
+ # Note: Sigebert The Lame [son of Childebert], King of Cologne, murdered 509, by his own son at the instigation of Clovis I, King of the Salic Franks, 481-511. [Ancestral Roots]
# Note: Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
# Note: Page: 190-3
The Lame's family with <Unknown>
were married (further details are not known). They had a son named Cloderic I "The Parricide".
Male Cloderic I "The Parricide" Cologne
Cloderic I "The Parricide" was born in year 0475 in Cologne, Germany.1
+ Birth Notes
# B: Abt. 475
He died, at the age of 34 years, in year 0509 due to murder / assassination (Murdered by agents of Clovis I King of Franks).1
1 http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=tamer&id=I21324&st...
This page is within a frameset. View the entire genealogy report of Cologne families, or surname index of Cologne pedigrees or report summary of Cologne heritage from "The Skaggs-Files".
genealogy tree.
Siegbert "the Lame" King of Cologne
Male, ( - 509)
Siegbert "the Lame" King of Cologne|d. 509|p30546.htm|Childebert King of Cologne||p30547.htm||||Clovis "the Riparian" Frankish King of Cologne||p30548.htm|a M. w.||p34597.htm|||||||
Siegbert "the Lame" King of Cologne was the son of Childebert King of Cologne.1,2,3,4,5 Siegbert married Theodelinde of Burgundy.2 Siegbert "the Lame" King of Cologne was murdered in 509 by his own son at the instigation of Clovis I.1,2,3,4,5
Child of Siegbert "the Lame" King of Cologne and Theodelinde of Burgundy
Cloderic "the Perricide" King of Cologne+ ( - 509)1,2,3,4,5
Weis, Frederick Lewis. Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England Between 1623 and 1650. Fifth Edition. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982.
Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002.
Moriarty, G. Andrews. "The Origin of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume XCVIII (October 1944).
Kelley, David H.. "Genealogical Research in England: A New Consideration of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume CI (April 1947).
Sewell Genealogy Site. Online http://www3.sympatico.ca/robert.sewell/sitemapweb.html
Roi de Cologne en 496-508
Sigebert le Boiteux et son fils Clodéric (Francs Rhénans)
Clovis avait sauvé Sigebert le Boiteux de l'invasion des Alamans l'année de Tolbiac (496) . Clodéric, fils de Sigebert, avait aidé Clovis à conquérir l'Aquitaine (Wisigoths 507). Le royaume des Francs Rhénans n'était point subordonné à Clovis , mais dans l'orbite Franque. C'était un vaste et riche royaume dont il est malaisé de fixer les limites, sa capitale était Cologne, sa population était païenne et en 508, le roi Sigebert fut assassiné mais revenons à l' histoire.
Pendant que Clovis séjournait à Paris il envoya en secret dire au fils de Sigebert " ton père vieillit et il boite, s'il mourait, son royaume te reviendrait de droit ainsi que notre amitié ". Séduit dans sa cupidité, ce dernier entreprit de tuer son père. Celui ci, ayant quitté la cour de Cologne et franchit le Rhin, se disposait à traverser la forêt de Buchau, fut tué pendant son sommeil dans sa tente. Clodéric envoya donc des messagers au roi Clovis pour lui annoncer la mort de son père. " mon père est mort et j'ai en ma possession ses trésors avec son royaume, envoie-moi tes gens et je leur remettrai de bon gré ce qu'il te plaît de prendre de ces trésors ". Clovis accepta et dès l'arrivée des envoyés, Clodéric étala les trésors de son père. Or pendant qu'il se pencha pour prendre une poignée du trésor, l'un des hommes, ayant levé la main, lui fracassa le crâne de sa hache. Clovis apprenant la mort de Sigebert et son fils, se rendit sur les lieux et dit au peuple "ralliez-vous à moi afin d' être sous ma protection " Entendant ces paroles, ceux qui était là applaudirent et ils le choisirent pour roi en l' élevant sur un pavois. Ayant reçut le royaume de Sigebert et ses trésors, il les soumit aussi à sa domination.
Sigebert The Lame [son of Childebert], King of Cologne, murdered 509, by his own son at the instigation of Clovis I, King of the Salic Franks, 481-511. [Ancestral Roots]
- Note: Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
- Note: Page: 190-3
King Siegbert "the Lame" of Cologne sired his own murderer. In 509 he was murdered by his son, Cloderic "the Parracide," at the instigation of King Clovis I of the Franks (who then went on to murder Cloderic, too). Fortunately for you, Cloderic had already passed on the DNA to his own son Munderic, whose DNA contributed to you.
Laurel Logan
Sept 7, 2008
from www.art-science.com/Ken/Genealogy/PD/ch49_Charlemagne.html
Sigibert le Boiteux (the Lame) King of Cologne (?453 - ?509)
--Laurel Logan
Laurel Logan
Sept 7, 2008
from http://armidalesoftware.com/issue/full/Thaler_105_main.html
KING SIEGBERT THE LAME OF COLOGNE (Childebert2, Clovis the Riparian1) of Cologne, son of King Childebert, was born between 399 and 495, and died in 509.
Murdered 509 by his own son at the instigation of Clovis I, King of the Salic Franks, 481-511.
--Laurel Logan
Laurel Logan
Sept 8, 2008
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigobert_the_Lame
Sigobert the Lame (also Sigibert or Sigebert, d. ca. 509) was a king of the Franks in the area of Zülpich (Latin: Tolbiac) and Cologne.
He was presumably wounded at the knee at the Battle of Tolbiac against the Alamanni.
According to Gregory of Tours, he was murdered by his son Chlodoric upon the instigation of Clovis I, sometime after his victory on the Visigoths (507). Clovis then accused Chlodoric of murder and had him killed in his turn. In this way Clovis became king of Sigobert's and Chlodoric's people.
* Gregory of Tours. The History of the Franks. 2 vol. trans. O. M. Dalton. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.
--Laurel Logan
Suffix : Kung av Köln
Mördad av sin egen son på inrådan av Clovis I, kung av theFranks .
Känd under smeknamnet " lama " , han var en av flera frankishkings , hans rike är i Rhenlandet . När CLOVIS wasconsolidating sin makt som ensam kung över frankerna, Sigibert wasprobably hans starkaste rival. Det verkar som om två kungen var onfriendly villkor. Sigebert son, CLODERIC , även slogs med CLOVIS inhis kampanj mot visigoterna . Som närstående av Edward James i hisbook , " Frankerna ":" CLOVIS övertalade CLODERIC att döda sin far Ashe gick i skogen utanför Köln. Medan CLODERIC wasselecting sin belöning från sin fars skattkista , dela en av CLOVIS'Franks hans skalle med en yxa . CLOVIS meddelade till RhinelandFranks att CLODERIC dödat sin far och hade i sin tur beenkilled , de rök ihop sina sköldar , ropade deras godkännande, och madeCLOVIS sin konung . "
Eftersom den merovingiska dynastin utvecklades , den separata identiteter ofNeustria (hem för Saliska franker ) och Austrasien ( hem theRipuarian Franks ) bibehölls.
Sigobert the Lame (also Sigibert or Sigebert) (died ca. 509) was a king of the Franks in the area of Zülpich (Latin: Tolbiac) and Cologne. He was presumably wounded at the knee at the Battle of Tolbiac against the Alamanni. According to Gregory of Tours, he was murdered by his son Chlodoric upon the instigation of Clovis I, sometime after his victory on the Visigoths (507). Clovis then accused Chlodoric of murder and had him killed in his turn. In this way Clovis became king of Sigobert's and Chlodoric's people. Gregory suggests that Chlodoric was murdered in the same campaign that also killed the Frankish King Chararic. Before, Clovis had killed Ragnachar and his brothers. After all these murders Gregory tells us that Clovis lamented that he had left no family anymore, implying that amongst his own casualties were close relatives.
- Father: Chlodebaud King Of Koeln (ca0430 - 0483)
- Mother: Amalaberge (ca0435 - ca0478)
Sigebert "Le Boiteux" K. Of Koeln
b.; d. ca 0508; bur.; occ. Reigned 496 - 508
Cloderic King <
Sigibert de Cologne, dit "le boiteux" règne sur les Francs ripuaires autour des années 500, dans le Haut Moyen Âge.
Il se bat à Tolbiac contre les Saliens. Il boitait en raison d'un pied malade rapporte Grégoire de Tours. Selon Grégoire de Tours, il meurt assassiné par son propre fils, à l'instigation de Clovis, dans la forêt de Buconia, qu'on suppose située près de Cologne.
Son royaume constitue un noyau de la future Austrasie.
Murdered by his son. Called The Lame because he injured his knee in battle.
Siegbert I the Lame, king of the Franks at Cologne's Timeline
445 |
Köln Am Rhein, Westfalen, Preussen
475 |
Cologne, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
496 |
- 508
Age 51
Cologne, Allemagne
509 |
Age 64
Buconian Forest, Germany
???? |
King of Cologne
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
King of the Salic Franks