Shmuel Schneerson, 4th CHABAD Rebbe, MaHaRash

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Shmuel Schneerson, 4th CHABAD Rebbe, MaHaRash (1834 - 1882)

Hebrew: שמואל שניאורסון, מהר"ש, Russian: Шнеерсон, 4th CHABAD Rebbe, MaHaRash
Also Known As: "הרבי מהר"ש", "Rebbe MaHarash", "4th Admor of Chabad Lubavitch", "Rebbe Maharash"
Birthplace: Lyubavichi, Province of Smolensk, Russian Federation
Death: September 26, 1882 (48)
Lyubavichi, Province of Smolensk, Russian Federation
Place of Burial: Lyubavichi, Province of Smolensk, Russian Federation
Immediate Family:

Son of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Tzemach Tzedek, 3rd CHABAD Admor and Rbzn. Chaya Mushka Schneerson, 3rd CHABAD Rbzn.
Husband of Sterna Schneerson [4th CHABAD Rbzn. #1] and Rivka Schneerson (Alexandrov) [4th CHABAD Rbzn #2]
Father of Rabbi Shneur Zalman Aharon Schneerson, [The RAZA]; Shalom Dov-Ber Schneerson, [RaShab, 5th Admor of CHABAD]; Avraham Sender Schneerson; Dvorah Leah Ginsburg; Menachem Mendel Schneerson and 1 other
Brother of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Schneerson, (RABASH); Yehuda Leib Schneerson; Chaim Shneur Zalman Schneerson, [of Liadi]; Israel Noah Schneerson, [HaRIN of Nizhyn]; Dvorah Leah Zalmanson and 3 others

Occupation: 4th ADMOR of CHABAD, Fourth Chabad Rebbe, Четвертый цаддик Любавичской ветви Хабада
Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Shmuel Schneerson, 4th CHABAD Rebbe, MaHaRash

Shmuel Schneersohn (or Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch or The Rebbe Maharash) (1834-04-29–1882-09-14 OS) was an Orthodox rabbi and the fourth Rebbe (spiritual leader) of the Chabad Lubavitch chasidic movement.

Schneersohn was born in Lubavitch, on 2 Iyar 1834, the seventh son of the Tzemach Tzedek. He faced competition from three of his brothers, primarily from Rabbi Yehuda Leib Schneersohn who established a dynasty in Kapust upon their father's death. Other brothers also established dynasties in Lyady, Bobruisk, and Nezhin. He did all he could to improve the lot of persecuted Jewry.

In 1848 Schneersohn was married to the daughter of his brother, Rabbi Chaim Shneur Zalman Schneersohn. After several months she died, and he then married the Rebetzin Rivkah, a granddaughter of Rabbi Dovber Schneuri, the Mitteler Rebbe.

Besides his communal activism, he had wide intellectual interests. He spoke several languages, including Latin and French. He wrote widely on a range of religious and secular topics, and much of his writing has never been published and remains in manuscript form alone. His discourses began to be published for the first time under the title Likkutei Torat Shmuel in 1945 by Kehot, and 12 volumes have so far been printed.

In addition to mentoring and teaching his disciples and penning many discourses on Chassidic teachings and philosophy, Rabbi Shmuel – despite his frail health – traveled extensively throughout Europe, meeting with government and business leaders and lobbying them to exert pressure on the Czarist regime to halt its instigation of pogroms against its Jewish citizens. His fluency in languages such as Latin, French and Russian assisted him in these selfless ventures.

He died in Lubavitch, on 13 Tishrei 1882, leaving four sons and two daughters, and was succeeded by his son Sholom Dovber.

Schneersohn urged the study of kabbala as a prerequisite for one's humanity:

   A person who is capable of comprehending the Seder hishtalshelus (kabbalistic secrets concerning the higher spiritual spheres) - and fails to do so - cannot be considered a human being. At every moment and time one must know where his soul stands. It is a mitzvah (commandment) and an obligation to know the seder hishtalshelus.


Birth: Apr. 29, 1834, Belarus

Death: Sep. 14, 1882, Belarus

Shmuel Schneersohn, also known as Rabbi Shmuel or Maharash was the fourth Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe based in the town of Lubavitch in present-day Belarus.

He was the son of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn who was the third Rebbe of Lubavitch.

During his years of leadership as "Rebbe" (1866-1882) he was instrumental in fighting Anti-semitic decrees and pogroms throughout Russia and beyond. For these purposes he traveled widely to places such as St. Petersburg, Kiev, France and Germany, doing all he could to improve the lot of his persecuted co-religionists.

The son of Menachem Mendel Schneersohn and his wife Chaya Mushka, he was born and died in the city of Lyubavichi. He is also buried there. Married twice; his first wife Sterna died and he then married Rivkah and they had the following children: Shneur Zalman Aharon, Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, Avrohom Sender, Menachem Mendel, Devorah Leah Ginsburg, and

Chaya Mushka Horenstein.

Burial: Lyubavichi Jewish Cemetery, Russian Federation



Admorim of Chabad Lubavitch Chassidic Dynasty








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About שמואל שניאורסון, מהר"ש (עברית)

רבי שמואל שניאורסון (ב' באייר ה'תקצ"ד - י"ג בתשרי ה'תרמ"ג; 1834 - 1882), מכונה "האדמו"ר מהר"ש". האדמו"ר הרביעי בשושלת אדמו"רי חסידות חב"ד, שעמד בראשה משנת 1866 ועד לפטירתו בשנת 1882.

קורות חייו

נולד בב' באייר ה'תקצ"ד (1834) בעיירה ליובאוויטש שבבלארוס, בן שביעי לאביו רבי מנחם מנדל שניאורסון (הצמח צדק), האדמו"ר השלישי של חב"ד. אמו הייתה חיה מושקא, בתו של ר' דוב בר שניאורסון שהיה קודמו של הצמח צדק ובנו של ר' שניאור זלמן מליאדי, מייסד חסידות חב"ד.

הוא למד מפי אביו ובשנת ה'תר"ח (1848) התחתן עם בת אחיו ר' חיים שניאור זלמן. כעבור כמה חודשים נתאלמן. לאחר זמן התחתן עם רבקה בת דודתו היתומה שאביה ר' אהרן אלכסנדרוב היה חתנו של ר' דובער מליובאוויטש.

קרוב לפטירתו של אביו הורה לו לקבל חסידים ולחזור לפניהם על מאמרי החסידות. אביו נפטר בי"ג בניסן ה'תרכ"ו (1866) והוא נתמנה לאדמו"ר במקומו. ב-1860 נולד בנו, שלום דובער שניאורסון, שהחליף אותו בתפקיד האדמו"ר לאחר פטירתו ב-1882.


   * ספר המאמרים - תורת שמואל - סדרה בת כעשרים וחמשה כרכים, של 'מאמרים' שאמר במשך שנות נשיאותו, מסודרים על פי סדר השנים.

* אגרות קודש - כרך אחד של מכתביו.

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Shmuel Schneerson, 4th CHABAD Rebbe, MaHaRash's Timeline

May 11, 1834
Lyubavichi, Province of Smolensk, Russian Federation
July 1, 1858
י"ט תמוז תרי"ח, Lubavitch, Belarus
November 5, 1860
Lyubavichi, Smolensk, Russia (Russian Federation)
November 5, 1860
כ בחשון ה'תרכ"א Lyubavichi, Soviet Union
Vitebsk, Belorus
- 1882
Age 31
Lubawitch, Belarus
February 11, 1867
Lubavitch, Belarus
Age 33
Lyubavichi, Smolensk, Russia (Russian Federation)