public profile
Excuse me but just how can he be born "1338 when his father died 1346 it is not possible.
1. JEAN de Gavre (-1301). Goethals confuses him with Jan van Gavre “van den Eyghen”, son of Raso [X] van Gavre Heer van Liedekerke (see below)[562]. Heer van Schorisse [Seigneur d’Escornaix]. An epitaph at Oudenaarde records the burial of “Jan de Gavre sire d’Escornaij” who died 1301 [?] and “Willemine de Wavrin sa femme”[563]. m WILHELMINE de Wavrin, daughter of ROBERT [III Seigneur de Wavrin] & his wife Isabelle de Croisilles. Guy Count of Flanders granted revenue from “la terre de Wavrin, appartenante à ladite Wilhelmine” to “Jean de Gavre Sire d’Escornay et à madame Willelmine sa femme” by charter dated 17 Oct 1298[564]. An epitaph at Oudenaarde records the burial of “Jan de Gavre sire d’Escornaij” who died 1301 [?] and “Willemine de Wavrin sa femme”[565]. Jean & his wife had children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLEMISH%20NOBILITY.htm#ArnaudGavre...
a) ARNAUD de Gavre (-after 31 Mar 1336) son of JEAN de Gavre Seigneur d’Escornaix & his wife Wilhelmine de Wavrin (-after 31 Mar 1336). Goethals records his parentage without citing any source which confirms the information [567]. Heer van Schorisse [Seigneur d’Escornaix]. An epitaph at Oudenaarde records the burial of “Arnout de Gavre chlr seigneur d’Escornaij” who died 18 Sep 1316 [?] and “Cathelijne de Rode dame d’Escornaij et d’Asschove” who died 12 Mar 1314 [?][568].
m CATHERINE de Rodes, daughter of ---. Goethals records her family origin and marriage without citing any source which confirms the information [569]. An epitaph at Oudenaarde records the burial of “Arnout de Gavre chlr seigneur d’Escornaij” who died 18 Sep 1316 [?] and “Cathelijne de Rode dame d’Escornaij et d’Asschove” who died 12 Mar 1314 [?][570]. Arnaud & his wife had children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLEMISH%20NOBILITY.htm#ArnaudGavre...
1. ARNAUD de Gavre (-1 May 1418). Goethals records his parentage without citing any source which confirms the information [571]. Baron d’Escornaix 1378. m ELISABETH van Gistel, daughter of ROGER van Gistel Heer van Straete & his wife Elisabeth [Margareta van Dudzeele] (-after 1398). Goethals records her parentage and marriage without citing any source which confirms the information[572]. A charter dated 1398 names “vrauwe Ysabel van Ghistele, twijf mins heere van Schorsche” as holder of “Ter Quinten” in Sint-Walburga parish, held from Veurne[573]. Arnaud & his wife had children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLEMISH%20NOBILITY.htm#ArnaudGavre...
1338 |
Gistel, West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
1368 |
Gistel, West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
1374 |
August 4, 1374
1380 |
Age 42
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