Historical records matching Robert III de Flandre, seigneur de Béthune, comte de Nevers
Immediate Family
About Robert III de Flandre, seigneur de Béthune, comte de Nevers
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00013788&tree=LEO
- Wikipedia
- https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robrecht_III_van_Vlaanderen
- http://www.friesian.com/flanders.htm
- https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#RobertIIIF...
ROBERT de Flandre, son of GUY Count of Flanders & his first wife Mathilde de Béthune ([1249]-Ypres 17 Sep 1322, bur Ypres Saint Martin, transferred to Ypres Cathedral). The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ names (in order) "Robertum, Willelmum, Iohannem episcopum Leodiensum, Balduinem et Philippum" as the sons of "Guido…ex Mathilde filia Roberti Tenremontensis"[762]. The Annales Blandinienses name "Robbertum comitem Nivernensem et Philipphum" as sons of Guy Count of Flanders, when recording their war against Floris Count of Holland in 1290[763]. He was installed by his father in 1264 as Seigneur et châtelain de Béthune, Seigneur de Dendermonde, after the death of his mother. He accompanied his father-in-law Charles Comte d’Anjou in the conquest of Sicily in 1266, fighting at the battle of Benevento[764]. Comte de Nevers in 1272, in right of his second wife. The Chronicle of Guillaume de Nangis records that "Karolus comes Valesii" captured "Guido comes Flandrensium...cum duobus filiis Roberto et Guillermo" in 1299[765]. His father appointed him Governor of his lands 3 Nov 1299. He was captured by the French, but released under the Treaty of Athis-sur-Orge which the Flemish were obliged to sign in Jun 1305[766], a few months after he had succeeded his father as ROBERT III "de Béthune" Count of Flanders. He was forced to cede Lille, Douai and Orchies to France under the Treaty of Pontoise 11 Jul 1312, and under the terms of the Treaty of Arras in Jul 1313 Courtrai was placed under French rule. In 1314, Count Robert ejected the French from Courtrai and besieged Lille. He was preparing to attack Lille again in 1319, but renewed his allegiance to the French crown under the Treaty of Paris 5 May 1320, which was sealed by the betrothal of his grandson to the King of France's daughter[767].
m firstly (1266) BLANCHE d’Anjou, daughter of CHARLES de France Comte d’Anjou, [later CHARLES I King of Sicily] & his first wife Béatrice Ctss de Provence ([1250/52]-before 10 Jan 1270, bur Abbaye de Flines near Douai). The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ names "Blancham filiam Karoli regis Sicilie" as first wife of "Robertus primogenitus Guidonis"[768]. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon names "Blancham filia Karoli regis Sicilie" as wife of "Robertus primogenitus Guidonis et Mathilde"[769]. The Istoria of Saba Malaspina records that one "ex filiabus" [of Charles I King of Sicily by his first wife] married "filio comitis Flandriæ"[770]. An anonymous chronicle of the kings of France, written [1286/1314], records that "[le] filz au conte de Flandres...Robert...avouez de Béthune" married "[la] file à ce conte Charlle"[771]. The testament of "Beatrix…Regina Sicilie, Ducatus Apuliæ et Principatus Capuæ, Andegavensis, Provinciæ et Forcalquerii Comitissa" is dated "die Mercurii in crastino Beatorum Peteri et Pauli Apostolorum" in 1266, with bequests to "…filiam nostram Blancham maritatam Roberto Flandrensi…"[772]. She died in childbirth.
m secondly (Mar 1272) as her second husband, YOLANDE de Bourgogne Ctss de Nevers, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre, widow of JEAN “Tristan” de France Comte de Valois, daughter of EUDES de Bourgogne Comte de Nevers, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre & his wife Mathilde Bourbon [Dampierre] Dame de Bourbon, Ctss de Nevers, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre ([1248/49]-2 Jun 1280, bur Nevers, église Saint-François). The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ names "Yolendem filiam Odonis comitis Nivernensis et viduam Iohannis filii Ludovici regis Francie" as second wife of "Robertus primogenitus Guidonis", specifying that her husband obtained the county of Nevers by this marriage[773]. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon names "Yolandem filiam Odonis comites Nivernensis et viduam Iohannis filii Ludovici…regis Francie" as [second] wife of "Robertus primogenitus Guidonis et Mathilde"[774]. On the death of her mother in 1262, she claimed to succeed to the counties of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre as the eldest daughter, but they were split between the three sisters 1 Nov 1273 whereby Yolande became Ctss de Nevers: an arrêt of the Parliament dated 1 Nov 1273 addressed “dominus Ioannes de Cabilone miles...de parte Aalesin uxorem suam...Yolandim comitissam Niverrnensem [...Robertum de Flandria eius maritum] et Margaretam reginam Siciliæ sorores suas” in respect of the succession of “Mathildis quondam comitissæ Nivernensis matris suæ”, ordered the partition of “Nivernensi, Altissiodorensi et Tornodorensi comitatib.”, under which Nevers was granted to Yolande, Tonnerre to Marguerite, and Auxerre to Alix[775].
Robert III & his first wife had two children:
Robert III & his second wife had five children:
Robert III de Flandre, seigneur de Béthune, comte de Nevers's Timeline
1249 |
1265 |
Flanders, Belgium
1272 |
Nevers, France
1275 |
Vlaanderen, Belgium
1277 |
Nevers, France
1278 |
Nevers, France
1322 |
September 17, 1322
Age 73
Ypres, West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
???? |