public profile
Robert 'le Danois' d'Evreux, Archbishop of Rouen.
Parents: Richard I Sans-Peur of Normandy & Gunnora
Spouse: Herlève de Rouen
1. Richard, Count of Évreux (d. 1067). m. Godechildis, widow of Roger de Conches de Tosny
2. Raoul d'Évreux married Basilie, daughter of Gerard de Fleitel
3. Guilllaume d'Évreux m. Hawise d'Echaffour
4. Gautier (Walter) de Rosmar, possible father of Edward of Salisbury: [According to the Book of Lacock, “Edwardum, natione Anglicum natum, postea vicecomitem Wiltes” was the son of “Walterus le Ewrus, comes de Rosmar”[1430]. The Complete Peerage describes this supposed father as “a fictitious person” and states that Edward´s parentage is unknown] (from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL1.htm, Earls of Salisbury)
Robert had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
5. RAOUL de Vacé (aka Ralph de Gace).
French sources show that Robert the Archbishop is identical to Robert "the Dane" - le Danois.
ROBERT, son of RICHARD I Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnora (-1037). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Richard, Robert, Mauger" as three of the five sons of Duke Richard and Gunnor, recording in a later passage that Robert succeeded Hugues as Archbishop of Rouen[1371]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Robertus archiepiscopus Rothomagensis" as brother of "dux Normannie Richardus II"[1372]. He is named as brother of Richard II Duke of Normandy by Orderic Vitalis[1373]. Robert of Torigny names "Ricardum…qui ei successit et Robertum postea archiepiscopum Rothomagensium et Malgerium comitem Curbuliensem, aliosque duos" as the sons of "Ricardi primi ducis Normanniæ" & Gunnora[1374]. Comte d'Evreux. Bishop of Rouen 989, after his parents married to legitimise him to regularise his appointment[1375]. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Robertus archiepiscopus…ecclesie Rotomagensis et Vuillelmus et Malgerus fratres Richardi comitis…"[1376]. He quarrelled with his nephew Robert II Duke of Normandy and took refuge in France. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1037 of "Robertus…archiepiscopus Rothomagensis"[1377].
m HERLEVA, daughter of ---. She is called "a wife named Herleve" whom the bishop took "in his capacity as count" by Orderic Vitalis[1378]. Orderic Vitalis, in another passage, says that "the practice of celibacy among the clergy was so relaxed that not only priests but even bishops freely shared their beds with concubines and openly boasted of their numerous progeny"[1379]. Chibnall[1380] mentions that clerical marriage was formally prohibited in Normandy in the 1064 Council of Lisieux. Ambivalence towards the marriage of senior members of the clergy in early medieval times is discussed by Taglia[1381]. The author highlights the uncertainty existing before the 12th century regarding the regularity of such marriages, and the legitimacy of any children produced, the position remaining unclear until the ecumenical councils of Lateran I (1123) and Lateran II (1139) which ruled that the major holy orders were an impediment to marriage.
Robert & his wife had four children:
1. RICHARD d'Evreux (-1067, bur Fontenelle, monastery of Saint-Wandrille[1382]). Orderic Vitalis names him son of "Archbishop Robert"[1383]. Comte d'Evreux. "Ricardus Rotberti archiepiscopi filius" donated a mill at Evreux to the abbey of Jumièges by charter dated [26 Mar 1038/14 Apr 1039][1384]. "Ricardus comes Ebroicensis" donated the church of Gravigny to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, dated [1052/66][1385]. He took part in the battle of Hastings 14 Oct 1066[1386].
m (after [1040]%29 as her second husband, GODECHILDIS, widow of ROGER [I] de Conches [Tosny], daughter of ---. Guillaume de Jumièges records the marriage of the widow of "Roger du Ternois" and "Richard comte d'Evreux et fils de Robert l'archevêque"[1387]. The Miracles of Sainte-Foy recount her being cured of a serious illness by miracle, when she was still married to her first husband[1388]. Comte Richard & his wife had three children:
a) GUILLAUME "Crespin" d'Evreux (-18 Apr 1118, bur Fontenelle, monastery of Saint-Wandrille[1389]). Guillaume de Jumièges names Guillaume as son of "Richard comte d'Evreux et fils de Robert l'archevêque" & his wife[1390]. He contributed 80 ships to the fleet of Guillaume II Duke of Normandy which invaded England in 1066[1391]. Comte d'Evreux. He was taken prisoner during the siege of the castle of Sainte-Suzanne in 1085[1392]. He and his wife were exiled from Normandy to Anjou in 1112 by Henry I King of England who restored the county to them in late Feb 1113[1393]. He was "struck down by apoplexy" and, after his death without children, King Henry "took the county of Evreux into his own hands" because the count's nephew Amaury de Montfort "had forfeited the king's favour by his effrontery"[1394].
m HELVISE de Nevers, daughter of GUILLAUME I Comte de Nevers & his first wife Ermengarde Ctss de Tonnerre (-[Feb 1113/18 Apr 1118], bur Noyon[1395]). She, her father and her husband are named by Orderic Vitalis, who says she was "clever and persuasive, but cruel and grasping", and recounts her anger towards "Isabel de Conches" which led to a bitter war with the latter's husband Raoul de Tosny[1396]. "Willelmi comitis Ebroicensis, Helvisse comitisse" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin, Troarn by charter dated to [1100/14][1397].
b) AGNES d'Evreux . Orderic Vitalis says that Ralph de Tosny "carried…away by night" his uterine sister and gave her in marriage to Simon de Montfort, receiving in return Simon's daughter Isabel as his wife[1398]. In other passages Orderic names her and specifies that she was the daughter of Richard and sister of Guillaume[1399].
m as his third wife, SIMON Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury, son of AMAURY Seigneur de Montfort & his wife Bertrade --- (-25 Sep [1087], bur Epernon).
c) GODECHILDE d'Evreux . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Nun at Evreux.
2. RAOUL d'Evreux (-1051). Orderic Vitalis names him as the son of "Archbishop Robert"[1400]. Seigneur de Gacé et de Varenguebec. m as her first husband, BASILIE, daughter of GERARD Flaitel & his wife --- (-16 Jan [1099/1100]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gautier-Giffard 1er" married an unnamed daughter of "Girard Flatel", his other daughter "Basilie veuve de Raoul de Gacé" marrying Hugues de Gournay[1401]. She married secondly Hugues de Gournay. The Chronicon Beccense records a donation by "tres matronæ nobiles…Basilia uxor Hugonis de Gornaco, et Amfrida neptis ipsius Basiliæ, et Eva uxor Guillelmi Crispini", who lived at the abbey, adding that they died on three Sundays, "Amfrida…IV Non Jan…Basilia…XVII Kal Feb…Eva…X Kal Feb" [dating the passage to 1099 or 1100][1402]. Raoul & his wife had one child:
a) ROBERT d'Evreux (-[1063]). Orderic Vitalis records the death of "Rodbertus de Waceio, filius Rodulphi filii Rodberti archiepiscopi", and that Guillaume II Duke of Normandy took his territory, dated to [1063][1403]. Seigneur de Gacé.
3. GUILLAUME d'Evreux . He is named as "son of Archbishop Robert" by Orderic Vitalis[1404].
m as her second husband, HAWISE, widow of ROBERT de Grantmesnil, daughter of GIROIE Seigneur d'Enghien & his wife Gisla de Bastenbourg. Orderic Vitalis names her, gives her parentage, her two husbands and seven children, six by her first marriage, one by her second[1405]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Hadvise fille de Giroie et veuve de Robert de Grandménil" as wife of "Guillaume frère de Richard [comte d'Evreux et fils de Robert l'archevêque]"[1406]. Guillaume & his wife had one child:
a) JUDITH d'Evreux (-1076). Orderic Vitalis names her, gives her parentage and records her marriage[1407]. In another passage, the same source specifies that her mother had only one daughter by her second marriage[1408]. Her half-brother Robert de Grandmesnil, Abbé de Saint-Evroul-sur-Ouche, was her guardian. After quarrelling with Guillaume II Duke of Normandy, he fled Normandy with Judith, her brother and sister, first to Rome where he tried to seek redress from the Pope, and then to Robert Guiscard in Apulia who had founded the abbey of Santa Eufemia in Calabria for him[1409]. Malaterra records the marriage "apud Sanctum Martinum" of "abbatum Sanctæ Euphemiæ Robertum…Judicta sorore sua" and Count Roger[1410].
m (San Martino d'Agri Nov 1061) as his first wife, ROGER de Hauteville, son of TANCRED de Hauteville & his [second wife] [Fressenda] ([1031]-Mileto 22 Jun 1101, bur Mileto, Abbey of the Holy Trinity). His brother installed him as ROGER I Count of Sicily in 1072.
4. GAUTIER de Rosmar . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
Robert had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
5. RAOUL de Vacé . Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Raoul de Vacé, fils de Robert l'archevêque" was one of those responsible for the murder of Gilbert Comte d'Eu[1411] in 1040, and in a later passage that he was chosen as tutor of Guillaume II Duke of Normandy[1412]. Robert of Torigny names "Radulfo de Waceio filio Roberti archiepiscopi Rothomagensis" as murderer of "Gislebertus filius…Godefridi"[1413].
Robert le Danois fut archevêque de Rouen (989-1037) et comte d'Évreux (996-1037) au temps des premiers ducs de Normandie.
Fils du duc Richard Ier de Normandie et de Gunnor, il fait donc partie de ce puissant groupe aristocratique appelé les Richardides. Son père lui confie très jeune l'archevêché de Rouen, principal siège ecclésiastique du duché de Normandie. L'historiographe Guillaume de Jumièges rapporte que les clercs se sont opposés à cette décision tant que le duc refusait de se marier chrétiennement avec sa frilla Gunnor. Selon le voeu du clergé, Richard Ier de Normandie épousa finalement Gunnor et leur fils Robert put devenir archevêque.
Quelques années plus tard, peut-être juste après la mort de son père en 996, Robert reçoit la charge du comté d'Évreux. Cette double fonction – archevêque de Rouen et comte – fait de lui le plus puissant personnage de Normandie après le duc. De surcroît, le nouveau duc, Richard II (996-1026), est son frère.
Robert le Danois cumule donc une fonction religieuse et une fonction laïque. Au titre de comte d'Évreux, il se donne le droit de se marier : il épouse Herlève, probablement la fille de Turstin le Riche, dont il aura plusieurs enfants (dont Richard et Raoul). Robert est donc un archevêque marié et, de surcroît, père ! Même si la réforme grégorienne interviendra plus tard pour imposer le célibat, il faut avouer que les cas de mariage chez les hauts dignitaires ecclésiastiques sont déjà rares à cette époque. Pour l'historien François Neveux, il ne fait pas de doute que Robert est « un archevêque plus profane que religieux[1] ». À la fin des années 1020, nous savons toutefois qu'il commence les travaux d'agrandissement de sa cathédrale. Nous savons aussi, grâce aux fouilles de l'archéologue Jacques Le Maho, que l'archevêque-comte transforme son château de Gravenchon en un véritable palais rural au tout début du XIe siècle. Mécène, il entretient un cénacle littéraire autour de lui. Dudon de Saint-Quentin et le satiriste Garnier lui dédient en effet quelques œuvres.
En 1026, Robert le Magnifique, le neveu de Robert, succède de façon controversée à Richard III en tant que duc de Normandie. Peu après son avènement, il s'attaque à Robert le Danois. Est-ce parce que ce dernier complote contre lui ? Ou est-ce parce que l'archevêque proteste contre les usurpations de terres d'Église que pratique le duc pour récompenser ses amis ? En tout cas, Robert doit quitter Rouen et s'enfermer avec quelques chevaliers dans sa ville comtale d'Évreux. Le duc l'assiège. Après une résistance digne d'un chef de guerre, l'archevêque négocie son départ. Il quitte la Normandie pour la France mais, de son nouveau refuge, prononce l'excommunication du duc Robert le Magnifique. Il semble que cette sanction fasse plier le duc. Il se réconcilie avec Robert le Danois qui retrouve ainsi sa place à la cour ducale. Il devient même le premier conseiller du duché. Une position renforcée en 1035 après la mort de Robert le Magnifique qui laisse un enfant comme héritier (le futur Guillaume le Conquérant). L'archevêque-comte est l'homme fort du duché jusqu'à sa mort en 1037.
ROBERT, first Count d'Evreux, who received that title in 989 and who was also appointed Archbishop of Rouen; died 1037; married Harleve and has as heir Richard.
(Fenwick Allied Ancestry, page 106)
Robert II was son of duke Richard I of Normandy and his second wife Gunnora. He was a younger brother of duke Richard II, and uncle of duke Robert II. He was archbishop of Rouen (989 to 1037), to which at that time his marriage was not an impediment, and also count of Évreux.
In the 990s, archishop Robert plotted to cause the overthrow of the Capetians from the throne they very recently had obtained.
The early years of duke Robert II's reign were turbulent: his elder brother Richard III had died suddenly after a year of ruling the duchy, and Robert II was naturally accused of fratricide. Archbishop Robert evidently believed it, and duke Robert II laid siege to him at Évreux, forcing him into exile: he laid all of Normandy under an interdict. For several years conditions worsened: with even Alan III of Brittany joining in the attack on the duke. But by 1031, "the situation had been largely retrieved, and the chief agent in effecting the recovery was the metropolitan archbishop of Rouen." Archbishop Robert was always closely involved in the government of the duchy. Without him, duke Robert II would never have been able to rule. His uncle's support was essential. Archbishop Robert was recalled from exile and the stabilization of Normandy began. A reconciliation took place: the interdict was lifted. The war with Brittany was ended by his mediation. From this time until his death in 1037 he was the dominant political influence in the duchy of Normandy.
Robert married Harleve of Rouen and had the following children by her:[1]
1. Richard, Count of Évreux (d. 1067).
2. Rudolph d'Évreux
3. daughter, married Gerard de Fleitel
4. William d'Évreux (may be fictitious)
Duke Robert II went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035 and died in progress. According to duke Robert's will, archbishop Robert became the regent of the duchy and the main guardian of the little heir, Robert II's bastard son, William.
For a couple of years all was peaceful enough. But the death of archbishop Robert on 16 March 1037 ended the stability of the duchy. William the bastard's relatives sought to remove him, resulting in the long anarchy of his minority.
Duke Robert II went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035 and died in progress. According to duke Robert's will, archbishop Robert became the regent of the duchy and the main guardian of the little heir, Robert II's bastard son, William.
For a couple of years all was peaceful enough. But the death of archbishop Robert on 16 March 1037 ended the stability of the duchy. William the bastard's relatives sought to remove him, resulting in the long anarchy of his minority.
1. * William the Conqueror, David C. Douglas, University of California Press, Berkley and Los Angeles, 1964.
2. * Foundation for Medieval Genealogy on Robert the Archbishop of Rouen & Count of Évereux
3. http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/continent/mn/normans1.htm
Robert, archevêque de Rouen et comte d' Évereux, married Herleve de Normandie before 986.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p339.htm#i7796 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
died in 1037. Archbishop of Rouen 989-1037 and Count of Evreux.
Family Links Spouses/Children: Herleve (Havlive) DE ROUEN Cte Richard D' EVREUX+ Rodolphe DE WACY Guillaume D' EVREUX+ Herleva D' EVREUX+ Drogo (Drew) DE MONTAGULES-BOIS+ Robert DE NORMANDIE Comte d'Evreux, Archbishop of Rouen 105
Born: 964, Normandie, Neustria Died: 1037
Ancestral File Number: 9GB4-KR.
Marriage Information:
Robert married Herleve (Havlive) DE ROUEN. (Herleve (Havlive) DE ROUEN was born about 968 in Normandy, France.)
Parents: Richard I Sans-Peur of Normandy & Gunnora
Spouse: Herlève de Rouen
1. Richard, Count of Évreux (d. 1067). m. Godechildis, widow of Roger de Conches de Tosny
2. Raoul d'Évreux married Basilie, daughter of Gerard de Fleitel
3. Guilllaume d'Évreux m. Hawise d'Echaffour
4. Gautier (Walter) de Rosmar, possible father of Edward of Salisbury: [According to the Book of Lacock, “Edwardum, natione Anglicum natum, postea vicecomitem Wiltes” was the son of “Walterus le Ewrus, comes de Rosmar”[1430]. The Complete Peerage describes this supposed father as “a fictitious person” and states that Edward´s parentage is unknown] (from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL1.htm, Earls of Salisbury)
Robert had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
5. RAOUL de Vacé (aka Ralph de Gace).
French sources show that Robert the Archbishop is identical to Robert "the Dane" - le Danois.
ROBERT, son of RICHARD I Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnora (-1037). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Richard, Robert, Mauger" as three of the five sons of Duke Richard and Gunnor, recording in a later passage that Robert succeeded Hugues as Archbishop of Rouen[1371]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Robertus archiepiscopus Rothomagensis" as brother of "dux Normannie Richardus II"[1372]. He is named as brother of Richard II Duke of Normandy by Orderic Vitalis[1373]. Robert of Torigny names "Ricardum…qui ei successit et Robertum postea archiepiscopum Rothomagensium et Malgerium comitem Curbuliensem, aliosque duos" as the sons of "Ricardi primi ducis Normanniæ" & Gunnora[1374]. Comte d'Evreux. Bishop of Rouen 989, after his parents married to legitimise him to regularise his appointment[1375]. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Robertus archiepiscopus…ecclesie Rotomagensis et Vuillelmus et Malgerus fratres Richardi comitis…"[1376]. He quarrelled with his nephew Robert II Duke of Normandy and took refuge in France. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1037 of "Robertus…archiepiscopus Rothomagensis"[1377].
m HERLEVA, daughter of ---. She is called "a wife named Herleve" whom the bishop took "in his capacity as count" by Orderic Vitalis[1378]. Orderic Vitalis, in another passage, says that "the practice of celibacy among the clergy was so relaxed that not only priests but even bishops freely shared their beds with concubines and openly boasted of their numerous progeny"[1379]. Chibnall[1380] mentions that clerical marriage was formally prohibited in Normandy in the 1064 Council of Lisieux. Ambivalence towards the marriage of senior members of the clergy in early medieval times is discussed by Taglia[1381]. The author highlights the uncertainty existing before the 12th century regarding the regularity of such marriages, and the legitimacy of any children produced, the position remaining unclear until the ecumenical councils of Lateran I (1123) and Lateran II (1139) which ruled that the major holy orders were an impediment to marriage.
Robert & his wife had four children:
1. RICHARD d'Evreux (-1067, bur Fontenelle, monastery of Saint-Wandrille[1382]). Orderic Vitalis names him son of "Archbishop Robert"[1383]. Comte d'Evreux. "Ricardus Rotberti archiepiscopi filius" donated a mill at Evreux to the abbey of Jumièges by charter dated [26 Mar 1038/14 Apr 1039][1384]. "Ricardus comes Ebroicensis" donated the church of Gravigny to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, dated [1052/66][1385]. He took part in the battle of Hastings 14 Oct 1066[1386].
m (after [1040]%29 as her second husband, GODECHILDIS, widow of ROGER [I] de Conches [Tosny], daughter of ---. Guillaume de Jumièges records the marriage of the widow of "Roger du Ternois" and "Richard comte d'Evreux et fils de Robert l'archevêque"[1387]. The Miracles of Sainte-Foy recount her being cured of a serious illness by miracle, when she was still married to her first husband[1388]. Comte Richard & his wife had three children:
a) GUILLAUME "Crespin" d'Evreux (-18 Apr 1118, bur Fontenelle, monastery of Saint-Wandrille[1389]). Guillaume de Jumièges names Guillaume as son of "Richard comte d'Evreux et fils de Robert l'archevêque" & his wife[1390]. He contributed 80 ships to the fleet of Guillaume II Duke of Normandy which invaded England in 1066[1391]. Comte d'Evreux. He was taken prisoner during the siege of the castle of Sainte-Suzanne in 1085[1392]. He and his wife were exiled from Normandy to Anjou in 1112 by Henry I King of England who restored the county to them in late Feb 1113[1393]. He was "struck down by apoplexy" and, after his death without children, King Henry "took the county of Evreux into his own hands" because the count's nephew Amaury de Montfort "had forfeited the king's favour by his effrontery"[1394].
m HELVISE de Nevers, daughter of GUILLAUME I Comte de Nevers & his first wife Ermengarde Ctss de Tonnerre (-[Feb 1113/18 Apr 1118], bur Noyon[1395]). She, her father and her husband are named by Orderic Vitalis, who says she was "clever and persuasive, but cruel and grasping", and recounts her anger towards "Isabel de Conches" which led to a bitter war with the latter's husband Raoul de Tosny[1396]. "Willelmi comitis Ebroicensis, Helvisse comitisse" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin, Troarn by charter dated to [1100/14][1397].
b) AGNES d'Evreux . Orderic Vitalis says that Ralph de Tosny "carried…away by night" his uterine sister and gave her in marriage to Simon de Montfort, receiving in return Simon's daughter Isabel as his wife[1398]. In other passages Orderic names her and specifies that she was the daughter of Richard and sister of Guillaume[1399].
m as his third wife, SIMON Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury, son of AMAURY Seigneur de Montfort & his wife Bertrade --- (-25 Sep [1087], bur Epernon).
c) GODECHILDE d'Evreux . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Nun at Evreux.
2. RAOUL d'Evreux (-1051). Orderic Vitalis names him as the son of "Archbishop Robert"[1400]. Seigneur de Gacé et de Varenguebec. m as her first husband, BASILIE, daughter of GERARD Flaitel & his wife --- (-16 Jan [1099/1100]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gautier-Giffard 1er" married an unnamed daughter of "Girard Flatel", his other daughter "Basilie veuve de Raoul de Gacé" marrying Hugues de Gournay[1401]. She married secondly Hugues de Gournay. The Chronicon Beccense records a donation by "tres matronæ nobiles…Basilia uxor Hugonis de Gornaco, et Amfrida neptis ipsius Basiliæ, et Eva uxor Guillelmi Crispini", who lived at the abbey, adding that they died on three Sundays, "Amfrida…IV Non Jan…Basilia…XVII Kal Feb…Eva…X Kal Feb" [dating the passage to 1099 or 1100][1402]. Raoul & his wife had one child:
a) ROBERT d'Evreux (-[1063]). Orderic Vitalis records the death of "Rodbertus de Waceio, filius Rodulphi filii Rodberti archiepiscopi", and that Guillaume II Duke of Normandy took his territory, dated to [1063][1403]. Seigneur de Gacé.
3. GUILLAUME d'Evreux . He is named as "son of Archbishop Robert" by Orderic Vitalis[1404].
m as her second husband, HAWISE, widow of ROBERT de Grantmesnil, daughter of GIROIE Seigneur d'Enghien & his wife Gisla de Bastenbourg. Orderic Vitalis names her, gives her parentage, her two husbands and seven children, six by her first marriage, one by her second[1405]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Hadvise fille de Giroie et veuve de Robert de Grandménil" as wife of "Guillaume frère de Richard [comte d'Evreux et fils de Robert l'archevêque]"[1406]. Guillaume & his wife had one child:
a) JUDITH d'Evreux (-1076). Orderic Vitalis names her, gives her parentage and records her marriage[1407]. In another passage, the same source specifies that her mother had only one daughter by her second marriage[1408]. Her half-brother Robert de Grandmesnil, Abbé de Saint-Evroul-sur-Ouche, was her guardian. After quarrelling with Guillaume II Duke of Normandy, he fled Normandy with Judith, her brother and sister, first to Rome where he tried to seek redress from the Pope, and then to Robert Guiscard in Apulia who had founded the abbey of Santa Eufemia in Calabria for him[1409]. Malaterra records the marriage "apud Sanctum Martinum" of "abbatum Sanctæ Euphemiæ Robertum…Judicta sorore sua" and Count Roger[1410].
m (San Martino d'Agri Nov 1061) as his first wife, ROGER de Hauteville, son of TANCRED de Hauteville & his [second wife] [Fressenda] ([1031]-Mileto 22 Jun 1101, bur Mileto, Abbey of the Holy Trinity). His brother installed him as ROGER I Count of Sicily in 1072.
4. GAUTIER de Rosmar . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
Robert had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
5. RAOUL de Vacé . Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Raoul de Vacé, fils de Robert l'archevêque" was one of those responsible for the murder of Gilbert Comte d'Eu[1411] in 1040, and in a later passage that he was chosen as tutor of Guillaume II Duke of Normandy[1412]. Robert of Torigny names "Radulfo de Waceio filio Roberti archiepiscopi Rothomagensis" as murderer of "Gislebertus filius…Godefridi"[1413].
Robert le Danois fut archevêque de Rouen (989-1037) et comte d'Évreux (996-1037) au temps des premiers ducs de Normandie.
Fils du duc Richard Ier de Normandie et de Gunnor, il fait donc partie de ce puissant groupe aristocratique appelé les Richardides. Son père lui confie très jeune l'archevêché de Rouen, principal siège ecclésiastique du duché de Normandie. L'historiographe Guillaume de Jumièges rapporte que les clercs se sont opposés à cette décision tant que le duc refusait de se marier chrétiennement avec sa frilla Gunnor. Selon le voeu du clergé, Richard Ier de Normandie épousa finalement Gunnor et leur fils Robert put devenir archevêque.
Quelques années plus tard, peut-être juste après la mort de son père en 996, Robert reçoit la charge du comté d'Évreux. Cette double fonction – archevêque de Rouen et comte – fait de lui le plus puissant personnage de Normandie après le duc. De surcroît, le nouveau duc, Richard II (996-1026), est son frère.
Robert le Danois cumule donc une fonction religieuse et une fonction laïque. Au titre de comte d'Évreux, il se donne le droit de se marier : il épouse Herlève, probablement la fille de Turstin le Riche, dont il aura plusieurs enfants (dont Richard et Raoul). Robert est donc un archevêque marié et, de surcroît, père ! Même si la réforme grégorienne interviendra plus tard pour imposer le célibat, il faut avouer que les cas de mariage chez les hauts dignitaires ecclésiastiques sont déjà rares à cette époque. Pour l'historien François Neveux, il ne fait pas de doute que Robert est « un archevêque plus profane que religieux[1] ». À la fin des années 1020, nous savons toutefois qu'il commence les travaux d'agrandissement de sa cathédrale. Nous savons aussi, grâce aux fouilles de l'archéologue Jacques Le Maho, que l'archevêque-comte transforme son château de Gravenchon en un véritable palais rural au tout début du XIe siècle. Mécène, il entretient un cénacle littéraire autour de lui. Dudon de Saint-Quentin et le satiriste Garnier lui dédient en effet quelques œuvres.
En 1026, Robert le Magnifique, le neveu de Robert, succède de façon controversée à Richard III en tant que duc de Normandie. Peu après son avènement, il s'attaque à Robert le Danois. Est-ce parce que ce dernier complote contre lui ? Ou est-ce parce que l'archevêque proteste contre les usurpations de terres d'Église que pratique le duc pour récompenser ses amis ? En tout cas, Robert doit quitter Rouen et s'enfermer avec quelques chevaliers dans sa ville comtale d'Évreux. Le duc l'assiège. Après une résistance digne d'un chef de guerre, l'archevêque négocie son départ. Il quitte la Normandie pour la France mais, de son nouveau refuge, prononce l'excommunication du duc Robert le Magnifique. Il semble que cette sanction fasse plier le duc. Il se réconcilie avec Robert le Danois qui retrouve ainsi sa place à la cour ducale. Il devient même le premier conseiller du duché. Une position renforcée en 1035 après la mort de Robert le Magnifique qui laisse un enfant comme héritier (le futur Guillaume le Conquérant). L'archevêque-comte est l'homme fort du duché jusqu'à sa mort en 1037.
ROBERT, first Count d'Evreux, who received that title in 989 and who was also appointed Archbishop of Rouen; died 1037; married Harleve and has as heir Richard.
(Fenwick Allied Ancestry, page 106)
Robert II was son of duke Richard I of Normandy and his second wife Gunnora. He was a younger brother of duke Richard II, and uncle of duke Robert II. He was archbishop of Rouen (989 to 1037), to which at that time his marriage was not an impediment, and also count of Évreux.
In the 990s, archishop Robert plotted to cause the overthrow of the Capetians from the throne they very recently had obtained.
The early years of duke Robert II's reign were turbulent: his elder brother Richard III had died suddenly after a year of ruling the duchy, and Robert II was naturally accused of fratricide. Archbishop Robert evidently believed it, and duke Robert II laid siege to him at Évreux, forcing him into exile: he laid all of Normandy under an interdict. For several years conditions worsened: with even Alan III of Brittany joining in the attack on the duke. But by 1031, "the situation had been largely retrieved, and the chief agent in effecting the recovery was the metropolitan archbishop of Rouen." Archbishop Robert was always closely involved in the government of the duchy. Without him, duke Robert II would never have been able to rule. His uncle's support was essential. Archbishop Robert was recalled from exile and the stabilization of Normandy began. A reconciliation took place: the interdict was lifted. The war with Brittany was ended by his mediation. From this time until his death in 1037 he was the dominant political influence in the duchy of Normandy.
Robert married Harleve of Rouen and had the following children by her:[1]
1. Richard, Count of Évreux (d. 1067). 2. Rudolph d'Évreux 3. daughter, married Gerard de Fleitel 4. William d'Évreux (may be fictitious) Duke Robert II went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035 and died in progress. According to duke Robert's will, archbishop Robert became the regent of the duchy and the main guardian of the little heir, Robert II's bastard son, William.
For a couple of years all was peaceful enough. But the death of archbishop Robert on 16 March 1037 ended the stability of the duchy. William the bastard's relatives sought to remove him, resulting in the long anarchy of his minority.
Duke Robert II went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035 and died in progress. According to duke Robert's will, archbishop Robert became the regent of the duchy and the main guardian of the little heir, Robert II's bastard son, William.
For a couple of years all was peaceful enough. But the death of archbishop Robert on 16 March 1037 ended the stability of the duchy. William the bastard's relatives sought to remove him, resulting in the long anarchy of his minority.
1. * William the Conqueror, David C. Douglas, University of California Press, Berkley and Los Angeles, 1964.
2. * Foundation for Medieval Genealogy on Robert the Archbishop of Rouen & Count of Évereux
3. http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/continent/mn/normans1.htm
ID: I60689 Name: Robert D'evereaux Given Name: Robert Surname: D'evereaux Prefix: Count Suffix: Archbishop Of Rouen Sex: M Birth: Abt 964 in Evreux, Normandy, France Death: 1037 Note: Dy Event: Info 2 Unknown Archbishop Of Rouen Change Date: 21 Sep 2005 at 15:23 Note: !Sources: Norr, p60; Kraentzler 1153; RC 168; Davis; AF; Onslow; Fortune's Knave by Mary Lide; Davis; AF. RC: Robert, Count of Evreux. Archbishop of Rouen. Norr: Robert, Count d'Evreax, Archbishop of Rouen. Born about 974. Son of Richard I, whose sons took the title of Count. K: Robert, Count d'Evereaux, Archbishop of Roen. Born 933, Normandy. Lide: Robert, Archbishop of Rouen. Davis: Robert, Archbishop of Rouen, 989-1037. Stuart, Roderick W. _Royalty for Commoners_. 2nd Edition.Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company,Inc., 1992; line 168-33. He was the Archbishop of Rouen.
Robert, archevêque de Rouen et comte d' Évereux, married Herleve de Normandie before 986.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p339.htm#i7796 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
died in 1037. Archbishop of Rouen 989-1037 and Count of Evreux.
Family Links Spouses/Children: Herleve (Havlive) DE ROUEN Cte Richard D' EVREUX+ Rodolphe DE WACY Guillaume D' EVREUX+ Herleva D' EVREUX+ Drogo (Drew) DE MONTAGULES-BOIS+ Robert DE NORMANDIE Comte d'Evreux, Archbishop of Rouen 105
Born: 964, Normandie, Neustria Died: 1037
Ancestral File Number: 9GB4-KR. Marriage Information: Robert married Herleve (Havlive) DE ROUEN. (Herleve (Havlive) DE ROUEN was born about 968 in Normandy, France.)
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964 |
Évreux, Haute-Normandie, France
965 |
Age 1
[alternate birth date]
986 |
Evreux, Eure, Normandy, France
987 |
Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
988 |
Of, Rouen, Seine-Inferieure, France
1005 |
Evreux, Eure, Normandy, France
1008 |
Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
1037 |
March 16, 1037
Age 73
Évreux, Haute-Normandie, France
Age 73