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About Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall
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Wikitree: Richard (Plantagenet) of England (1209 - 1272)
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- Born 5 Jan 1209 in Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England
- Son of John (Plantagenet) of England and Isabella (Angoulême) de Lusignan
- Husband of Isabel (Marshal) of Cornwall – married 30 Mar 1231 in Fawley, Buckinghamshire, England
- Husband of Sancha (Provence) of Cornwall – married 22 Nov 1243 in Westminster Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex, England
- Husband of Beatrix (Falkenburg) Countess of Cornwall — married 16 Jun 1269 in Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Died 2 Apr 1272 at age 63 in Berkhamstead Castle, Hertfordshire, England
- 1. Richardson, Douglas. Royal Ancestry: A Study In Colonial And Medieval Families, in 5 vols. (Salt Lake City, Utah, 2013). CORNWALL. Richard of England is #6 on page 298, Volume II.
- 2. Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A Prosopography of Medieval European Noble and Royal Families, Online at Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Website. Profile for Richard, Earl of Cornwall.
- 3. M. Duffy. Royal Tombs of Medieval England 2003 p. 20, 22, 23, 72-74
- 4. History of St. Mary’s Abbey of Buckfast in the county of Devon: A.D. 760–1906, p. 7
- Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M. Stationery Office, London, 1904) Vol. 1: Henry III. Page 273-5: #808. "Richard King of Almain ... Sir Edmund, his son, aged 22 on the day of St. Stephen last, is his heir.”
Medlands: England, Earls 1138-1142 (20 June 2024) Earls of Cornwall 1227-1300
- RICHARD, son of JOHN King of England & his second wife Isabelle Ctss d'Angoulême (Winchester Castle 5 Jan 1209-Berkhamstead Castle, Herts 2 Apr 1272, bur Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire). The Chronicle of Ralph of Coggeshall records the birth in 1209 of "Ricardus secundus filius regis"[229].
- Matthew Paris records that "Isabel Anglorum regina" gave birth in 1208 to “Johanni regi filium legitimum... Ricardum”[230].
- He was designated Comte de Ponthieu before 14 Aug 1225. Created Earl of Cornwall 30 May 1227. In 1236, he was suggested as intermediary to negotiate an Anglo/imperial alliance proposed by Emperor Friedrich II but did not take up the post[231].
- The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records that "Ricardus comes Cornubiæ frater Henrici regis Angliæ" went to Jerusalem in [1239][232].
- Implementing a crusading vow taken in 1236, Richard arrived at Acre in Palestine 11 Oct 1240, re-established some order in the kingdom of Jerusalem, and left in May 1241[233].
- He renounced the county of Ponthieu in Dec 1243. Richard was one of the proposed candidates to replace Heinrich Raspe as anti-king of Germany in 1247, and in 1250 may have been offered the Sicilian crown by Pope Innocent IV[234].
- According to Matthew Paris, he refused the kingdom of Sicily on the Pope's terms, after which the Pope offered it to King Henry who accepted it on behalf of his son Edmund[235].
- In Dec 1256, Richard was offered the German crown by the archbishops of Köln and Mainz to whom promises of payment of 8,000 marks had each been made, supported by Ludwig II Duke of Bavaria, who was betrothed to the daughter of King Henry III with a dowry of 12,000 marks, and subsequently by Otakar II King of Bohemia[236].
- Richard accepted the offer before the English parliament, and sailed for Germany. The offer was confirmed by a limited election outside Frankfurt 13 Jan 1257, entry into the city being barred by Arnold Archbishop of Trier[237].
- He was crowned RICHARD King of Germany on 17 May 1257 at Aachen Cathedral with his wife[238].
- Although his rival Alfonso X King of Castile had initially enjoyed the support of France and the Pope, King Henry III's peaceful settlement with Louis IX King of France in Jan 1257 provided the basis for Pope Alexander IV to modify his own position and on 30 Apr 1259 he secretly invited Richard to Rome for his imperial coronation, although Richard was unable to leave England because of the deteriorating relations with the barons[239].
- He was elected Roman senator in Apr 1261, with the support particularly of cardinals John of Toledo and Ottobono Fieschi[240].
- Pope Urban IV was less sympathetic to his cause, obtaining a more powerful military ally to protect his position in Italy in Charles Comte d'Anjou. The dispute was unresolved by the Papal Bull Qui Cœlum dated 27 Aug 1263 which found that both candidates for the German throne were king-elect. However, in 1266 Pope Clement IV appears to have favoured Richard's candidacy over a possible election of Konradin. After the latter's execution in 1268, Friedrich von Meissen emerged as a new possible candidate for the German throne and Richard renewed his efforts to increase his authority in Germany, in particular by his third marriage to a relative of Engelbert Archbishop of Köln[241].
- Richard suffered an apoplectic stroke in [Oct] 1271 which paralysed his left side and affected the balance of his mind[242].
- The Annales Halesiensibus record the death "1272 Berhamstede IV Non Apr” of "rex Ricardus Alemanie” and his burial "apud Heles"[243].
- The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records the death "IV Non Apr apud Berhamstede" [1272] of "Ricardus Alemannia rex" and his burial "apud monasterium de Hayles" which he had founded[244].
- A writ dated 5 Apr "56 Hen III", after the death of “Richard king of Almain”, records "Edmund his son, aged 22 on the day of St Stephen last, is his heir"[245].
- m firstly (Fawley, Buckinghamshire 13 or 30 Mar 1231) as her second husband, ISABEL Marshal, widow of GILBERT de Clare Earl of Hertford and Gloucester, daughter of WILLIAM Marshal Earl of Pembroke & his wife Isabella de Clare (Pembroke Castle 9 Oct 1200-Berkhamstead Castle, Hertfordshire 15 or 17 Jan 1240, bur Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire). The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage “III Kal Apr…apud Falle juxta Merlawe” in 1231 of “Ysabel comitissa Gloucestriæ” and “Ricardo comiti Cornubiæ, fratri Henrici regis Angliæ”[226]. Her (second) marriage is recorded by Matthew Paris, who names her "Ysabellam comitissam Gloverniæ" sister of William Marshall Earl of Pembroke, specifying that the marriage took place in April[227]. The Annales Cambriæ record the marriage in 1231 of "Ricardus comes Cornubiæ" and "Isabellam cometissam Gloucestriæ"[228]. The Annales Londonienses record the marriage in 1231 of "Ricardus frater regis" and "Isabellam comitissam Gloverniæ, relictam Gileberti de Clare"[229]. The Annales Londonienses record the death in 1240 of "comitissa Gloverniæ uxor comitis Ricardi" in childbirth[230]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “XVI Kal Feb…apud Berkhamstede” in 1239 of “Isabella comitissa Gloucestriæ et Hertfordiæ, Cornubiæ et Pictaviæ” and her burial “apud Bellum Locum Cisterciensis ordinis”[231]. Matthew Paris records that she died of jaundice contracted in childbirth[232].
- m secondly (Contract 17 Jul 1242, Westminster Abbey 23 Nov 1243) SANCHA de Provence, daughter of RAYMOND BERENGER IV Comte de Provence & his wife Béatrice de Savoie (Aix-en-Provence [1225]-Berkhamstead Castle, Buckinghamshire 5 or 9 Nov 1261, bur Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire). "Petrus de Sabaudia" acted as proxy for the marriage of "Richardo comite Cornubie" and "Sanccie filie…Raimundi Berengarii comitis provincie", recorded in a charter dated 17 Jul 1242[233]. The Annales Londonienses record the marriage "die Sanctæ Ciciliæ" in 1243 of "Ricardus frater regis" and "Beatrix uxor comitis Provinciæ…filiam suam Cyntiam"[234]. The marriage is recorded and dated by Matthew Paris, who confirms the bride’s parentage[235]. She was crowned Queen of Germany with her husband 17 May 1257 at Aachen Cathedral[236]. The Annales Halesiensibus record the death "1261 V Id Nov…apud Berhamstede" of "Sanchia regina Alemannie" and her burial "apud Heiles"[237]. The Annals of Osney record the death “die Mercurii proximo ante festum beati Martini apud Berchamstede” in 1261 of “Schenchia regina Alemanniæ, soror Elianoræ reginæ Angliæ” and her burial “ad domum de Hayles”[238].
- m thirdly (Kaiserslauten Stiftskirche 16 Jun 1269) BEATRIX [van Valkenburg], daughter of [DIRK [II] Heer van Valkenburg & his first wife Bertha van Limburg] (-17 Oct 1277, bur Oxford, church of the Franciscan Friars Minor). The Annales Halesiensibus record the marriage in 1267 of "rex Riccardus Alemannie" and "Beatricem cuius avunculus fuit archiepiscopus Colonie"[239]. The same relationship is hinted by the charter dated 13 Sep 1271 in which "Richardus…romanorum rex" refers to "E. Coloniensi archiepiscopi" as "affinis nostri"[240]. The primary source which confirms her parentage more precisely has not yet been identified,although the reference to "Falkestan" (presumably in error for Valkenburg/Falkenburg) in the record of her death quoted below suggests that she must have been the daughter of Dietrich [II] von Valkenburg if Engelbert Archbishop of Köln was her uncle. If this is correct, the date of her marriage suggests that she was the daughter of Dietrich [II]’s first wife, but this is not without doubt as other primary sources show marriages celebrated when the bride was aged 12 at that time. This marriage was arranged to bolster Richard's support in Germany, through the bride's influential uncle Engelbert Archbishop of Köln[241]. The Annals of Osney record the death “in vigilia Sancti Lucæ Evangelistæ” in 1277 of “Beatrix de Falkestan, regina Alemanniæ, uxor regis Ricardi” and her burial “in ecclesia fratrum Minorum Oxoniæ”[242].
Earl Richard & his first wife had four children:
- JOHN (Marlow, Buckinghamshire 31 Jan 1232-Marlow, Buckinghamshire 22/23 Sep 1232, bur Reading Abbey). The Annals of Tewkesbury record the birth “II Kal Feb” in 1231 of “Ricardo comiti Cornubiæ filius…Johannes”, and in a later passage his death “apud Merlawe X Kal Oct” in 1232 and burial “apud Radinges”[264]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Johannes filius Ricardi comitis Cornubiæ” was born and died in 1232[265].
- ISABELLA (Marlow, Buckinghamshire [8] Sep 1233-Marlow, Buckinghamshire 6 Oct 1234, bur Reading Abbey). The Annals of Tewkesbury record the birth “circa Nativitatem beatæ Virginis” in 1233 of “filia Ricardo comiti Cornubiæ…Isabel”, and in a later passage her death “circa festum Sanctæ Fidis” and burial “juxta fratrem suum apud Radinges”[266].
- HENRY (Haughley Castle, Suffolk 2, 4 or 12 Nov 1235–murdered Viterbo, Italy 13 Mar 1271, bur 21 May 1271 Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire). The Annals of Tewkesbury record the birth “V Non Nov” in 1235 of “filius Ricardo comiti Cornubiæ…Henricus”[267]. His parentage is recorded by Matthew Paris when he reports that he was knighted in 1257[268]. His father hoped that Henry would inherit his rights to the throne of Germany. Henry visited Rome in 1270 on his journey back from the crusade[269]. The Continuator of William of Tyre records that he was murdered by his cousins Guy and Simon de Montfort at Viterbo[270], either in the Church of San Lorenzo or the Church of San Silvestro or the Cathedral of St Niccolo. The Annales Londonienses record that "Henricus filius regis Alemanniæ" was murdered "a Simone et Guidone filiis Simonis de Monteforti apud Biterbe, in Quadragesima"[271]. The Annals of Osney record the burial “XII Kal Jun” in 1271 of “domini Henrici filii regis Ricardi Alemanniæ…in abbatia de Hayles”[272]. m (Windsor Castle 5 or 15 May 1269, repudiated 1270) as her second husband, CONSTANCE de Moncada Ctss de Bigorre Vicomtesse de Marsan, widow of Infante don ALFONSO de Aragón, daughter of GASTON [VII] de Moncada Vicomte de Béarn & his wife Mathe Ctss de Bigorre ([1245/50]-26 Apr 1310). The marriage contract between “Gastonem vicecomitem Bearnensem dominum Montis-Cathani et Castriveteris...primogenitam nostram dominam Constantiam” and “Henrico regis Alemanniæ primogenito” is dated 1268, and names “domina Matha coniuge nostra”[273]. The Annales Londonienses record the marriage in 1269 of "Ricardus rex Alemanniæ…Henricus eiusdem regis filius" and "filiam Gastuni de Byerne"[274]. The Chronicle of Thomas Wykes records that “Romanorum regis primogenitus…Henricus” repudiated “uxore sua…filia…Gastonis de Bierna” in 1270[275]. She married thirdly ([Jun/Aug] 1279) as his second wife, Aimon Comte de Genève. Edward I King of England recorded the marriage contract between “sa chere cosyne...Constance jadis femme de...Henri de Alemaine nostre cosyne” and “Edmun Genenue neuuz le esveke de Lengris et nostre cosyn” by charter dated 1279[276].
- NICHOLAS (b and d Berkhamstead Castle, Buckinghamshire 17 Jan 1240, bur Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified.
Earl Richard & his second wife had [three] children:
- [daughter (-after 25 Nov 1256). "L…comes palatinus Rheni, dux Bawarie" confirmed his betrothal "cum filia fratris…regis Anglie", or in case of impossibility "cum filia sororis eiusdem", by charter dated 25 Nov 1256[277]. This betrothal was arranged to confirm Duke Ludwig's agreement to support the candidature of Richard Earl of Cornwall as king of Germany, her dowry being 12,000 marks[278]. Duke Ludwig’s support for Earl Richard is confirmed in a charter dated 26 Nov 1256[279]. It is assumed that this daughter, concerning whom no other record has yet been found, was born from her father’s second marriage, as daughters from his first marriage would probably have been considered to old for betrothal at that date. Betrothed (Bacharach 26 Nov 1256) to LUDWIG II "der Strenge" Duke of Bavaria, son of OTTO II "dem Erlauchten" Duke of Bavaria & his wife Agnes von Braunschweig (Heidelberg 13 Apr 1229–Heidelberg 2 Feb 1294, bur Kloster Fürstenfeld).]
- RICHARD (Wallingford Castle, Berkshire Jul 1246–Wallingford Castle, Berkshire 15 Aug 1246, bur Grove Mile). His birth and death are recorded by Matthew Paris, although he does not name him or give the places or precise dates of the events[280]. The primary source which confirms his name has not been identified.
- EDMUND (Berkhamstead Castle, Buckinghamshire 26 Dec 1249–Ashridge Abbey, Herts 24/25 Sep or 1 Oct 1300, bur Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire). His parentage is recorded by Matthew Paris who records his birth[281]. A writ dated 5 Apr "56 Hen III", after the death of "Richard king of Almain", records "Edmund his son, aged 22 on the day of St Stephen last, is his heir"[282]. He succeeded his father 1272 as Earl of Cornwall, invested 13 Oct 1272. “Edmundus filius quondam Ricardi regis Alemanniæ et comitis Cornubiæ” donated property to Wallingford Church, Berkshire[283]. The Annals of Worcester record the death “Kal Oct” in 1300 of “Edmundus comes Cornubiæ”[284]. m (Ruislip Chapel, Middlesex 6 Oct 1272, divorced 1293/94) MARGARET de Clare, daughter of RICHARD de Clare Earl of Gloucester and Hertford & his wife Matilda de Lacy ([1249/50]-either before 16 Sep 1312 or Feb 1313, bur Chertsey Abbey, Surrey). The Chronica de Fundatoribus et Fundatione of Tewkesbury Abbey names “Isabella primogenita, Margareta et Roysea” as the three daughters of “Ricardus de Clare secundus filius et hæres…Gilberti et Isabellæ” and his wife “Matildem…filiam comitis Lincolniæ”[285]. The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records the marriage "in crastine Sanctæ Fidis" 6 Oct [1272] of "Eadmundus de Alemannia comes Cornubiæ" and "Margaretam sororem Gileberti comitis Gloverniæ"[286].
Mistress (1): [JOANNA [de Vautort]...
- Earl Richard had [one possible illegitimate child by Mistress (1)]:
- 8 [JOAN [de Cornwall]. Her possible parentage is indicated by the passage from Sir William Pole, quoted above under her supposed mother. The same passage also confirms her marriage. William Pole also records her descendants (no sources cited)[287]. As noted above, none of Pole’s information concerning Joanna and her supposed mother has been verified. m RICHARD [I] Champernon, son of HENRY Champernon of Clyst Champernon & his wife —.]
- Earl Richard had one illegitimate child by [Mistress (1)/Mistress (2)]:
- 9. RICHARD de Cornwall (-killed siege of Berwick [31 Mar] 1296). The primary source which confirms his parentage, in particular the identity of his mother, has not been found. – See below.
Earl Richard had one illegitimate son by Mistress (3):
- WALTER de Cornwall (-1313). Kennett records that Edmund Earl of Cornwall “gave lands to Walter de Cornwall his base brother” (undated)[288]. The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified.
- Sir Richard, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans, Comte de Poitou1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
- M, #6565, b. 5 January 1209, d. 2 April 1272
- Father John Lackland, King of England, Duke of Normandy & Aquitaine, Comte d'Anjou, Lord of Ireland4,7,10 b. 24 Dec 1166, d. 19 Oct 1216
- Mother Isabella of Angouleme Taillefer4,7,10 b. 1188, d. 4 Jun 1246
- Sir Richard, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans, Comte de Poitou married Joan de Vautort (Valletort) DID NOT MARRY. Sir Richard, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans, Comte de Poitou was born on 5 January 1209 at Winchester Castle, Winchester, Hampshire, England.11,5,8 He married Isabel Marshal, daughter of Sir William Marshal, 4th Earl of Pembroke, Marshal of England, Sheriff of Gloucestershire & Sussex, Constable of Lillebonne and Isabel de Clare, on 30 March 1231 at Fawley, Buckinghamshire, England; They had 3 sons (John; Sir Henry; & Nicholas) & 1 daughter (Isabel).11,4,5,6,7,8,9 A contract for the marriage of Sir Richard, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans, Comte de Poitou and Sanchia of Provence was signed on 17 July 1242.8 Sir Richard, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans, Comte de Poitou married Sanchia of Provence, daughter of Raymond V Berenger, Count & Marquis of Provence, Count of Forcalquier and Beatrix of Savoy, on 23 November 1243 at Westminster Abbey, London, Middlesex, England; They had 2 sons (Richard; & Sir Edmund, Earl of Cornwall).11,3,4,5,6,7,8 Sir Richard, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans, Comte de Poitou married Beatrice von Valkenburg, daughter of Dirk II van Valkenburg, Seigneur de Montjoye and Bertha von Limburg, on 16 June 1269 at Kaiserslautern, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; No issue.12,4,5,6,7,8 Sir Richard, Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans, Comte de Poitou died on 2 April 1272 at Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire, England, at age 63; Buried with his 2nd wife, Sanchia, in Hailes Abbey, Gloucestershire, his heart being interred in the choir of the Franciscan church at Oxford. He also had several illegitimate children including Philip (clerk), Sir Richard, & Sir Walter.4,5,7,8
- Family 1 Isabel Marshal b. 9 Oct 1200, d. 17 Jan 1240
- Children
- John of Cornwall13,5,8 b. 31 Jan 1232, d. 22 Sep 1232
- Isabella of Cornwall13,5,8 b. c 9 Sep 1233, d. 6 Oct 1234
- Sir Henry of Almayne, Constable of Corfe Castle13,5,8 b. 2 Nov 1235, d. 13 Mar 1271
- Nicholas of Cornwall2,5,8 b. Jan 1240, d. Jan 1240
- Family 2 Sanchia of Provence b. c 1225, d. 9 Nov 1261
- Children
- Richard of England14,12 b. Jul 1246, d. 15 Aug 1246
- Sir Edmund, 2nd Earl of Cornwall, Sheriff of Cornwall & Rutland2,3,5,8 b. 1 Jan 1250, d. c 25 Sep 1300
- Family 3
- Child
- Sir Walter de Cornwall, Coroner of Cornwall+15,5,16,8,17 b. c 1254, d. c 20 Feb 1313
- Family 4 Joan de Vautort (Valletort)
- Children
- Joan de Cornwall+5,8 d. a 1316
- Sir Richard Cornwall, Steward of Knaresborough+5,8 b. c 1255, d. 1296
- Family 5 Beatrice von Valkenburg d. 17 Oct 1277
- From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p219.htm#i...
http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/PLANTAGENET.htm#Richard PLANTAGENET (1º E. Cornwall)
Citations / Sources:
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), pages 67-70. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003). Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
[S37] Charles Mosley, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition, volume 2, page 1670.
[S7] #44 Histoire de la maison royale de France anciens barons du royaume: et des grands officiers de la couronne (1726, reprint 1967-1968), Saint-Marie, Anselme de, (3rd edition. 9 volumes. 1726. Reprint Paris: Editions du Palais Royal, 1967-1968), FHL book 944 D5a; FHL microfilms 532,231-532,239., vol. 2 p. 485.
[S22] #374 The Lineage and Ancestry of H. R. H. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales (1977), Paget, Gerald, (2 volumes. Baltimore: Geneal. Pub., 1977), FHL book Q 942 D22pg., vol. 1 p. 15-16.
[S23] #849 Burke's Guide to the Royal Family (1973), (London: Burke's Peerage, c1973), FHl book 942 D22bgr., p. 195-196.
[S32] #150 [1879-1967] A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, Together with Memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights (1879-1967), Burke, Sir John Bernard, (London: Harrison, 1879-1967), FHL book 942 D22bup., 1949 ed. preface ccliii.
[S37] #93 [Book version] The Dictionary of National Biography: from the Earliest Times to 1900 (1885-1900, reprint 1993), Stephen, Leslie, (22 volumes. 1885-1900. Reprint, Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1993), FHL book 920.042 D561n., vol. 48 p. 165-175.
[S39] Medieval, royalty, nobility family group sheets (filmed 1996), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Family History Department. Medieval Family History Unit, (Manuscript. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1996), FHL film 1553977-1553985..
[S40] Handbook of British Chronology (1986), Fryde, E. B., editor, (Royal Historical Society guides and handbooks, no. 2. London: Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1986), FHL book 942 C4rg no. 2., p. 37.
[S54] #21 The complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant, Cokayne, George Edward, (Gloucester [England] : Alan Sutton Pub. Ltd., 1987), 942 D22cok., vol. 3-p. 430-431.
b. 5 Jan 1209, Constable Wallingford Castle 1216, Knight 1224/5, Earl Cornwall abt 1227, Count Poitou Aug 1225, Com in Chief of the Crusades 1240-41, King of the Romans 17 May 1257 at Aachen, deposed; Heart to Rewley Abby, Oxon; 63 at death
[S68] #673 The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (1846-), (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1846-), FHL book 974 B2ne; CD-ROM No 33 Parts 1-9; See FHL., "Royal Bye-Blows" vol. 119 p. 98.
[S81] #125 The Royal Daughters of England and Their Representatives (1910-1911), Lane, Henry Murray, (2 voulmes. London: Constable and Co., 1910-1911), FHL microfilm 88,003., vol. 1 p. 59.
[S84] Plantagenet Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Richardson, Douglas, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. 21202, copyright 2004), p. xxviii.
[S97] #665 The Genealogist (1877-1922), (Old Series, 7 volumes, 1877-1883. New Series, 38 volumes, 1884-1922. London: George Bell, 1877-1922), FHL book 942 B2gqm; see FHL catalog for list of vo., 1879 vol. 3 p. 225.
[S106] #388 The House of Cornewall (1908), Liverpool, Cecil George Savile Foljambe, (Hereford: Jakeman and Carver, 1908), FHL book 929.242 C815L; FHL microfilm 1,426,037 it., p. 25, 33.
[S631] An Encyclopedia of World History; Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged (1972), Langer, William L., (5th edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972), p. 211.
[S673] #1079 A History of Monmouthshire from the Coming of the Normans into Wales down to the Present Time (1904-1993), Bradney, Sir Joseph Alfred, (Publications of the South Wales Record Society, number 8. Five volumes in 13. London: Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1904-1993), FHL book 942.43 H2b., vol. 3 p. 8.
[S843] #11728 The Lusignans in England, 1247-1258 (1950), Snellgrove, Harold S., (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1950), JWML book DA227 .S6..
[S2511] Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-century Colonists: the Descent from the Later Plantagenet Kings of England, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, and Edward III, of Emigrants from England and Wales to the North American Colonies Before 1701 (2nd ed., 1999), Faris, David, (2nd edition. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999), FHL book 973 D2fp., p. 280 PLANTAGENET:16.ii.
Son of King John (Lackland). Earl of Cornwall commencing 1225, Count of Poitou 1225 - 1243, elected "King of the Romans" (Germany) in 1257 and reigned as such through his death in 1272. One of the wealthiest men in Europe during his lifetime. Earl Richard was thrice married, fathered 7 children by these marriages, of whom only two survived to adulthood. Earl Richard was more fortunate with mistress Joan de Valletort (daughter of Sir Walter de Bath), fathering three sons and two daughters, all of whom survived to adulthood.
irth: Jan. 5, 1209
Winchester Hampshire, England Death: Apr. 2, 1272 Berkhamsted Hertfordshire, England
Knight, Earl of Cornwall, Count of Poitou, Lieutenant of Guienne, Privy Councillor, Joint Guardian of England.
Second son of John Lackland, King of England, and Isabel de Taillefer of Angouleme, born at Winchester Castle. Grandson of Henry II the King of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine, the House of Plantagenet. Only Geoffrey de Plantagenet actually used that term as a nsme as he wore a sprig of broom in his hat.
Husband of Isabel Marshall, daughter of Sir William Marshall and Isabel FitzGilbert, widow of Gilbert de Clare, the Earl of Gloucester. The marriage of his son to a wealthy, powerful family who repeatedly opposed him greatly displeasured King Richard. Richard became step-father to her six children by Gilbert, and they had four children:
- John of Cornwall, died as an infant
- Isabel of Cornwall buried with her brother, John
- Henry of Cornwall, m Contance de Bearn
- Nicholas of Cornwall, died as an infant
Secondly, Richard married Sanchia of Provence, daughter of Raymond de Berenger, on 23 Nov 1243 at Westminster Abbey. They had two sons:
- Unknown son born and died the same day
- Sir Edmund of Cornwall
Thirdly, Richard married Beatrice de Falkenberg, the daughter of Deitrich II de Falkenbrg. They had no children.
Richard also had several children by an unknown mistress:
- Philip of Cornwall, priest
- Sir Richard of Cornwall m Joan FitzAlan
- Sir Walter of Cornwall
- Joan of Cornwall m Richard de Champernoun & Sir Peter de Fissacre
1227 - Made High Sheriff of Berkshire, aged 8 1225 Feb 02 - knighted by his brother, King Henry III 1225 - granted the honour of Launceston, Cornwall, made him one of the wealthiest men in Europe 1229 - granted to honour of Berkhampstead 1231 - married Isabel Marshall, his main residence became Wallingford Castle in Berkshire 1232-3 - fought in Wales against Llywellyn ap Iowerth 1237 - openly spoke against his brother's greed and mis-administration, Henry bought his silence with more gifts 1237 - ambassador to Emperor Frederick 1233 - drove Llywelyn back, fortified Radnor Castle 1238 - Richard's sister, Eleamnor, marriedd Simon de Montfort 1240 - Isabel died, buried at Beaulieu Abbey 1240 - left to crusade for the Holy Lands 1241 - negotiated treaty with the sultan of Krak, releasing many French from captivity 1243 - married Sanchia of Provence, the sister of his brother's wife 1243 - demounced all his rights in Ireland and Gascony, abandoning the title of Count of Ponthieu 1244 - granted the honour of Bradninch, Devon 1250 - Joint Ambassador to France and to Pope Innocent IV 1257 - elected King of the Romans, styled King of Almain, Jan 13rd, crowned at Aachen Jan 1259 1259 - failed to establish authority in Germany and returned to England 1261 - wife Sanchia died 1263 - achieved a temporary truce between the barons and his brother 1264 - taken prisoner at the Battle of Lewes May 14 1265 - released and lands restored after the Battle of Evesham Aug 04 1629 - married Beatrice de Falkenburg 1270 - purchased the honour of Tremarton, Cornwall 1272 - April 2 or 3 - Richard died testate, buried with Sanchia 1277 - Oct 17 - Beatrice died, buried at Friars Minors, Oxford
Richard would raise his voice three times in protest against his brother, Henry the king's policies or his choices, and each time, Richard would receive generous gifts in order to placate and silence him. When his first wife, Isabel was on her deathbed, she asked to be buried next to her first husband at Tewkesbury, Gilbert de Clare. Richard had her interred at Beaulieu Abbey but sent her heart to Tewkesbury.
Richard fought in no battles but managed to negotiate for the release of prisoners and the burials of Crusaders killed at a battle in Gaza in 1239, and fortified Ascalon, which had been demolished by Saladin. On his return from the Holy Land, Richard visited his sister Isabella, the empress of Frederick II and met Sanchia (Cynthia) who he made his second wife.
On 27 May 1257 the archbishop of Cologne himself crowned Richard "King of the Romans" in Aachen, but only after large sums of money were paid to those who opposed him. and his title never meant much.
He founded Hailes Abbey by 1246, Burnham Abbey in Buckinghamshire in 1263, and the Grashaus, Aachen in 1266, fought with Henry against Simon de Montfort in the Second Barons' War (1264–67). After the defeat at the Battle of Lewes, Richard hid in a windmill, but was found and imprisoned until September of 1265.
Richard's third wife, Beatrice, was sixteen and one of the most beautiful woman of the era. They had no children, and she died at 24 in 1277 buried before the high altar at the Church of the Grey Friars in Oxford.
In December 1271, he had a stroke when his right side became paralyzed and he lost the ability to speak. On 2 April 1272, Richard died at Berkhamsted Castle in Hertfordshire, buried next to Sanchia of Provence and Henry of Almain, his son by his first wife, at Hailes Abbey.
Richard was succeeded by Edmund, son of his second wife Sanchia, and Rudolph I as the King of the Romans.
Family links:
King John (1167 - 1216)
Isabella of Angoulême (1188 - 1246)
Isabel Marshal de Clare (1200 - 1240)
Sanchia of Provence (1225 - 1261)
Beatrice De Falkenburg (1253 - 1277)
John de Cornwall (1232 - 1233)*
Isabella de Cornwall (1233 - 1234)*
Henry de Almain (1235 - 1271)*
Nicholas de Cornwall (1240 - 1240)*
Richard De Cornwall (1252 - 1296)*
Joan of Wales (1188 - 1237)**
King Henry (1207 - 1272)*
Richard of Cornwall (1209 - 1272)
Joan Plantagenet (1210 - 1238)*
Isabelle Plantagenet (1214 - 1241)*
Eleanor Plantagenet (1215 - 1275)*
Hugh Lusignan (1220 - 1255)**
Alice De Lusignan De Warenne (1229 - 1256)**
William de Valence (1230 - 1296)**
*Calculated relationship
- *Half-sibling
Burial: Hailes Abbey Hailes Tewkesbury Borough Gloucestershire, England
Maintained by: Anne Shurtleff Stevens Originally Created by: Jerry Ferren Record added: Aug 11, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 56917002
Made High Sheriff of Berkshire, aged 8, in 1227. Knighted by his brother King Henry III on Feb. 2, 1225. In 1225, granted the honour of Launceston, Cornwall; this made him one of Europe's richest men. In 1231, married Isabel Marshall and made his main residence Wallingford Castle in Berkshire; she died in 1240. Also in 1240, he left to crusade for the Holy Lands. Elected the "King of the Romans" in 1257, styled King of Almain, Jan. 13; crowned at Aachen; failed to establish authority in Germany and returned to England. Taken prisoner at Battle of Lewes, May 14, 1264; released in 1265; lands restore after Battle of Evesham Aug. 4 Purchased honour of Tremarton, Cornwall, in 1270. Founded Hailes Abbey by 1246, Burnham Abbey in Buckinghamshire in 1263; and the Grashaus, Aachen in 1266. Fought with Henry in Second Barons' War (1264-67).
He had his son Sir Walter of Cornwall with an unknown mistress; also by same mother, Philip of Cornwall (priest); Sir Richard of Cornwall (married Joan FitzAlan); Joan of Cornwall.
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Shropshire Walcot Family - Chart VII: The Cornwall Family; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id101.html. (Steven Ferry, May 1, 2020.)www.findagrave.com
Richard of Cornwall
BIRTH 5 Jan 1209
Winchester, City of Winchester, Hampshire, England
DEATH 2 Apr 1272 (aged 63)
Berkhamsted, Dacorum Borough, Hertfordshire, England
Hailes Abbey
Hailes, Tewkesbury Borough, Gloucestershire, England
Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall's Timeline
1209 |
January 5, 1209
Winchester Castle, Winchester, Hampshire, England
1227 |
1232 |
January 31, 1232
Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England (United Kingdom)
1233 |
September 9, 1233
Marlowe on Thames, Buckinghamshire, , England
1235 |
November 2, 1235
Haughley Castle,Suffolk
1240 |
January 17, 1240
Berkhamsted Castle, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1245 |
Branell, Hertfordshire, England
1246 |
July 1246
Wallingford Castle, Wallingford, Berkshire(now Oxfordshire), England (United Kingdom)