Immediate Family
About Renaud I (II) de Breteuil, Chamberlain of France, Lord of Creil & Clermont-en-Beauvaisis
Renaud's parentage is uncertain, though many position him as son of Hildouin de Breteuil and Emmeline de Chartres. Documentation is needed.
Conflicting information about Renaud's parentage needs to be resolved. Was he the son of a Hildouin of Creil and Breteuil, of a Hugh/Hugues Pincerna (as Cawley notes that Depoin posited), or someone else? It also hinges upon whether he acquired the lordship and title of Count of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis by marriage to Ermentrudis (said to be daughter of Baldwin II), as several recent secondary or tertiary sources propose (mostly Wikipedia--better sources are needed) or if he inherited Clermont from his paternal line.
Renaid was called "Camerarius" and was reportedly the Chamberlain of France. More documentation is needed.
RENAUD [II], son of [HUGUES [I] & his wife ---] (-after 1058). According to Depoin, Renaud was the son of Hugues pincerna, but he does not cite the corresponding primary source[13]. His hypothesis may be based solely on the charter dated 1067 under which his son "Hugues fils de Renaud" consented to the donation of "la moitié de la terre de Rungis" by "son cousin le chambrier Galeran" to Paris Saint-Martin-des-Champs[14]. "…Ragenaldi camerarii…" witnessed the charter dated 17 Apr 1048 under which Henri I King of France donated "fiscum…Uni-Gradus" to Chartres Notre-Dame[15]. "Rainaldus…senioris camerarius" renounced rights relating to "Villare" in favour of Fécamp by undated charter, dated to before 1060, witnessed by "Hugo filius meus cum uxore sua et uxor mea Ermentrudis…"[16].]
m ERMENTRUDE, daughter of ---. "Rainaldus…senioris camerarius" renounced rights relating to "Villare" in favour of Fécamp by undated charter, dated to before 1060, witnessed by "Hugo filius meus cum uxore sua et uxor mea Ermentrudis…"[17].
Renaud [II] & his wife had one child:
1. HUGUES [II] de Creil (-after Nov 1099). Joint holder of the castle of Creil: an undated charter names "Hugo Rainaldi camerarii filius, regis beneficio Credulii dominus" and "[Galerannus] ipsi Hugoni et consanguinitate et eiusdem castelli participatione conjunctus"[18]. "Hugo filius Reginaldi camerarii" donated "tributum navium…per Cretellum transeuntium" to Fécamp by undated charter, witnessed by "Haimericus de Haurecey nepos Hugonis…"[19]. "Rainaldus…senioris camerarius" renounced rights relating to "Villare" in favour of Fécamp by undated charter, dated to before 1060, witnessed by "Hugo filius meus cum uxore sua et uxor mea Ermentrudis…"[20]. "Hugues fils de Renaud" consented to the donation of "la moitié de la terre de Rungis" by "son cousin le chambrier Galeran" to Paris Saint-Martin-des-Champs by charter dated 1067[21]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[22]. Seigneur de Mouchy: "…Hugo de Montiaco" witnessed the charter dated to [before 1092] under which "Radulphus de Basincourt et Helvidis uxor eius…" donated property "juxta Manusdivillam" to Pontoise Saint Martin[23]. Seigneur de Clermont: "Hugo Clarimontis dns" confirmed his donations to the church of Saint-Germer-de-Flay, with the consent of "filiis meis Rainaldo et Guidone", by charter dated to before Nov 1099[24]. m (before 1060) MARGUERITE de Ramerupt, daughter of HILDUIN [IV] de Montdidier et de Ramerupt Comte de Roucy & his wife Adelaide de Roucy. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Margareta" as third daughter of Hilduin Comte de Roucy and names her husband "comiti Hugonis de Claromonte Baluacensi"[25]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "secundam filiam comitis Helduini de Rameruth dictam Margaretam" as wife of "Hugo comes de Claro-monte"[26]. Her marriage date is estimated from the undated charter, dated to before 1060, under which "Rainaldus…senioris camerarius" renounced rights relating to "Villare" in favour of Fécamp, witnessed by "Hugo filius meus cum uxore sua et uxor mea Ermentrudis…"[27]. An undated charter records the grant of pasturage rights "ad castrum Claromontis, Credulii, Gornaci, Lusarchiarum" to Saint-Leu d’Esserant by "Hugo comes Cestrensis" and "Hugo Claromontensis et Margarita uxor eius", later confirmed by "Rainaldus comes" with the consent of "uxore eius Clementia et filiis eius Guidone et Rainaldo"[28]. Hugues & his wife had eight children:
a) RENAUD [III] de Clermont (-before 1162). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Guido dictus Qui-non-dormit et Hugo Pauper et comes Rainaldus et sorores eorum" as children of "Hugo comes de Claro-monte" and his wife Marguerite[29]. He assumed the title Comte de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] after his marriage.
b) GUY de Clermont (-Rouen 1119). A manuscript entitled Genealogia regum Francorum tertiæ stirpis names "Guido dictus qui non dormit et Hugo pauper et comes Rainaldus" as the sons of "Hugo comes de Claromonte" and his wife "filiam…comitis Helduini de Rameruth…Margaretam"[30]. "Hugo Clarimontis dns" confirmed his donations to the church of Saint-Germer-de-Flay, with the consent of "filiis meis Rainaldo et Guidone", by charter dated to before Nov 1099[31]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Guido de Claromonte" was captured at Rouen and died in jail[32].
c) HUGUES de Clermont (-after 17 Nov 1099). A manuscript entitled Genealogia regum Francorum tertiæ stirpis names "Guido dictus qui non dormit et Hugo pauper et comes Rainaldus" as the sons of "Hugo comes de Claromonte" and his wife "filiam…comitis Helduini de Rameruth…Margaretam"[33].
d) ERMENTRUDE de Clermont (-after 13 May 1106). Orderic Vitalis records that “Hugonis de Abrincis filio Ricardi cognomento Goz” married “Ermentrudem filiam Hugonis de Claromonte Belvacensi”[34]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to a sister of "comes Rainaldus" as husband of "comiti Hugoni de Cestre"[35]. “Ricardus Cestrensis comes et Ermentrudis comitissa mater eius” confirmed donations to Abingdon by charter dated 13 May 1106[36]. m (before 1093) [as his second wife,] HUGUES d'Avranches Earl of Chester, son of RICHARD Le Goz & his wife --- ([1047]-St Werburg's Abbey, Chester 27 Jul 1101).
e) ADELISA de Clermont . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to a sister of "comes Rainaldus" as husband of "Gillebertus, filius Richardi Anglici"[37]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Giselbertus” married “filia comitis de Claromonte”[38]. "Hadalaidis filia Hugonis de Claromonte…uxor Gisleberti de Anglia" founded an anniversary at Saint-Leu d’Esserent, like the anniversaries of "patris sui Hugonis et matris sue Margarite", by undated charter[39]. Her second marriage into the Montmorency family is confirmed by the charter dated under which Robert Bishop of Lincoln confirms previous donations to Thorney, including one by “Adelidæ de Montemoraci” of “…terræ in Randa quas Turgisius tenuit et Toui prius dederat”[40], which clearly refers back to the earlier undated charter under which “Adeliz, uxor Gilberti filii Ricardi, et Gillebertus et Walterus et Baldewinus et Rohaisia pueri Gilberti” donated property “quod Tovi dedit…et in Randa…quas Turgisius tenebat” to Thorney Monastery[41]. The precise identity of Adelisa’s second husband has not yet been confirmed. According to Duchesne, Adelisa’s second husband was Hervé, son of Bouchard [III] Seigneur de Montmorency and his second wife, but he cites no primary source on which this statement is based[42]. As noted below, the first marriage of Mathieu [I] de Montmorency, who would have been Hervé’s older half-brother born from their father’s first marriage, is dated to [1126]. This suggests the birth of Mathieu [I] in [1095/1105]. If that estimated date range is correct, any half-brothers born from his father’s second marriage would probably have been too young to have married Adelisa. In addition, given Adelisa’s prominent family background and first marriage, it is unlikely that her second husband would have been the younger son of the seigneur de Montmorency. As Adelisa had several children by her first husband, she would have been considerably older than her second husband if he had been a younger son of Bouchard [III]. A more likely case is that Adelisa’s second husband was Bouchard [III] himself, whose age and position would have been more appropriate for the marriage. This is supported by the Liber Vitæ of Thorney abbey which lists "…Gilebt fili[us] Ricardi…Burchardus de Muntmorenci…Aaliz uxor Gilbti filii Ricardi…", suggested by Keats-Rohan as Adelisa and her two husbands[43]. m firstly [as his second wife,] GILBERT FitzRichard de Clare, son of RICHARD de Brionne Lord of Clare and Tonbridge [Normandy] & his wife Rohese Giffard (-1114 or 1117). m secondly (after [1114/17]%29 [as his third wife, BOUCHARD [III] Seigneur] de Montmorency, son of [HERVE Seigneur de Montmorency & his wife Agnes --- (-Jerusalem 2 Jan, after 1124)].
f) MARGUERITE de Clermont (-[1136]). "Margarita de Gerboreio, filia Hugonis de Claromonte", on her deathbed, summoned “Gerardum maritum suum” to donate property to Saint-Leu d’Esserent, with the consent of "Rainaldus comes frater domne Margarite…et Petrus filius Gerardi et Beatrix uxor Oddonis de Angivillari", by charter dated to [1136][44]. A charter which confirms donations to the abbey of Saint-Paul-en-Beauvaisis includes the donation of “sextam partem decimæ de Curleio” made by “Margaretæ vicedominæ de Gerberedo”[45]. m GERARD de Gerberoy, son of --- (-after 1136).
g) RICHILDE de Clermont . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified. Dame de Mouchy. Depoin states that the Histoire de Vézelay, by Hugues le Poitevin, names “Dreux de Mello...et...Richeud, fille de Hugues de Mouchy, sœur de Renaud II de Clermont et de Félicie reine d’Aragon” as the parents of Guillaume abbé de Vézelay[46]. However, the passage in question has not been found in the edition of the Histoire which was consulted during the preparation of the present document. A charter which confirms donations to the abbey of Saint-Paul-en-Beauvaisis includes the donation of “medietatem altaris de Camberonne” made by “Richeldis de Merloto” and of “aliam medietatem” by “Berneri de Claromonte” (the latter not yet having been identified, although his name and joint ownership of the property in question suggests a relationship between Richilde and the Clermont family)[47]. m (before 1101) DREUX [I] Seigneur de Mello, son of GILBERT [I] de Mello & his wife --- (-after [1117/18]).
h) BEATRIX de Clermont (-after 1110). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to a sister of "comes Rainaldus" as wife of "Matheus comes de Bello-monte, de qua genuit alterum Matheum comitem et fratrem eius et filias"[48]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to, but does not name, one of the sisters of "comitem Rainaldum" as "comites Bellimonti"[49]. The primary source which confirms her name has not been identified. Dame de ½ Luzarches. m (before 1101) MATHIEU [I] Comte de Beaumont, son of IVES [II] Comte de Beaumont & his second wife Adelais --- (-1 Jan 1155).
Renaud I, comte de Clermont, was recorded as living in 1087 per Orderic Vital.
Renaud I (II) de Breteuil, Chamberlain of France, Lord of Creil & Clermont-en-Beauvaisis's Timeline
1010 |
Clermont, Oise, France
1030 |
September 5, 1030
Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, Oise, Picardy, France
1045 |
1087 |
Age 77
Clermont,Beauvais,Oise, France
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Chamberlain of Clermont
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