Rabbi Shmule (Schmalka) ha-Levi Horowitz, ABD Tarnow

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Rabbi Shmule (Schmalka) ha-Levi Horowitz, ABD Tarnow (1615 - 1696)

Hebrew: הרב שמואל (שמעלקע) הלוי הורוביץ, ''הארוך'' אב''ד טארנא
Birthplace: Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Death: August 19, 1696 (80-81)
Tarnow, Tarnów County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of Yehoshua "Haaroch" HaLevi Horowitz and Mrs. Yehoshua Horowitz
Husband of ? born Charif and Sarah Horowitz, [1st wife]
Father of Aaron Halevi Horowitz; Rabbi Meir Halevi Horowitz, [Maharam of Tiktin]; Chava Rokeach; Mordechai Halevi Horowitz and R' Yehuda Arye Leibish Horowitz, A.B.D. Jaroslaw
Brother of Rabbi Aryeh Judah Leib Segal Horowitz and Pinchas Ha'Levi Horowitz
Half brother of Zalman Horowitz; Nechama Horowitz; Nissel Horowitz and Raizel Reizel Horowitz

Occupation: Rabbi & Av Bet Din, אב"ד טארנוב, Rabbi- Cities of Shendishuv, and Tarnow
Label: יארצייט כא אב
Notes: אמרו עליו שהיה לו נשמת ר' פנחס בן יאיר
Managed by: Ofir Friedman
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Shmule (Schmalka) ha-Levi Horowitz, ABD Tarnow

Meir Halevi Gover 12/01/2018: NGS performed 2016 for the Rabbi Meir 'Tiktiner' Halevi Horowitz cluster, swabbed by cluster member Rabbi Meir Alter Halevi Horowitz (the Third Bostoner Rebbe) proved positive R1a-YP5304+ Haplogroup. NGS performed 2016 for the Moshe Joshua Halevi Horowicz cluster, swabbed by cluster member Brian Baruch Halevi Horowicz-Hill proved positive on the the very same R1a-YP5304+ Haplogroup.


Jacobi's Shmuel Shmelke V

About הרב שמואל (שמעלקע) הלוי הורוביץ, ''הארוך'' אב''ד טארנא (עברית)

רבי שמעלקע רבה של טרנוב. ר' שמפלקא? אבדק"ק אפטא הנקרא דער הויכע רבי שמעלקא

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Rabbi Shmule (Schmalka) ha-Levi Horowitz, ABD Tarnow's Timeline

Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Tarnov,, Tarnow, Tarnów County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Age 50
rabbi of Sędziszów
August 19, 1696
Age 81
Tarnow, Tarnów County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
August 1696
Age 81