Rav Shalom Shachna of Lublin (1490-1558), teacher and father-in-law of the Rema.
His grandfather and namesake was Rav of Neustadt and the Gadol Hador in Austria, who along with the Maharil founded the minhagei Ashkenaz that are still prevalent until today.
He established the Lublin Yeshiva in 1515 and was succeeded by Rav Shlomo Luria, the Maharshal. Source
In 1515 Shachna established the yeshiva in Lublin, which had the third largest Jewish community in Poland in this period. Shachna became famous as a teacher, and students came to Lublin from all over Europe to study there. The yeshiva became a center of learning of both Talmud and Kabbalah; the Rosh yeshiva received the title of rector and equal rights to those in Polish universities with the permission of the King in 1567. (This, as well as the great scholarship of those who studied there, have led some to refer to Lublin as "the Jewish Oxford".) Shachna was succeeded as head of Lublin Yeshiva by Solomon Luria, (the Maharshal).
Only one of Shachna's writings, the treatise Pesachim be-Inyan Kiddushin has been published - Shachna was known for his modesty, and enjoined his son Israel from printing any of his manuscripts.
Shalom Shachna (died 1558), was a rabbi and Talmudist, and Rosh Yeshiva of several great Acharonim including Moses Isserles, who was also his son-in-law.
In 1522 was a head of Yeshiva in Lublin, in 12.12.1541 became chief rabbi of Poland.
In 1532, King Zigmont 1st of Poland gave him the privilege to live anywhere in Poland, and he was exempt of any taxes except for 3 gold coins a year.
He is mentioned in a letter from King Zigmont 1st to the Viaboda (ruler) of Lublin, dated April 23, 1540.
[The Jews of Poland and Lithuania Until 5408, p118]
SHAKNA, SHALOM; By : Executive Committee of the Editorial Board. Bernhard Friedberg
Polish Talmudist; born about 1510; died at Lublin Oct. 29, 1558. He was a pupil of Jacob Pollak, founder of the method of Talmudic study known as the Pilpul. By the year 1528 he had already become famous as a teacher, and hundreds flocked to Lublin to receive instruction at his yeshibah. Many of his pupils became recognized rabbinical authorities, among them being: MosesIsserles of Cracow (Shakna's son-in-law); Moses Heilprin, author of "Zikron Mosheh"; Solomon ben Judah, rabbi of Lublin; and Ḥayyim ben Bezaleel, rabbi at Friedberg.
Shakna on his death-bed, from motives of extreme modesty, enjoined his son R. Israel from printing any of his (Shakna's) manuscripts. One of his writings, however, namely, the treatise "Pesaḳim be-'Inyan Ḳiddushin," was edited by Moses, son of the physician Samuel (Cracow, 1540 ?).
Bibliography: Grätz, Gesch. 3d ed., ix. 436;
http://www.hebrewbooks.org/36762 page 53
כלילת יופי, חלק ב', עמוד כ"ו
1490 |
Lublin, Poland
1525 |
1532 |
Lublin, Poland
1558 |
October 29, 1558
Age 68
Lublin, Lubelskie, Polska (Poland)
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Lublin, Poland