Immediate Family
About Osbern d'Arques
According to Charles Cawley, Osbern d'Arques was most likely a son of Godefroi d'Arques, who himself was a son of Osbern de Bolbec. The younger Osbern would then have been the brother of Guillaume (William) d'Arques and Giselbert (Gilbert) d'Arques.
The birth dates given in some sources for him (1059-1065) seem far too late and it seems more likely he would have been born a decade or two earlier.
It is most likely that the son named GIslbert who became Bishop of Evreux 1071-1112was not his son but rather a cousin a generation older. Please see explanation on his profile here: Giselbert (Gilbert II) FitzOsbern de Breteuil, bishop of Evreux
Osbern fathered one or two sons by a wife or wives whose name(s) is lost to history: Guillaume (William) and possibly Giselbert (Gilbert). Whether Agnes de Arches was his daughter, as claimed by some, needs better documentation.
MEDIEVAL LANDS (updated Oct 2019) https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/normacre.htm#_Toc492794580
probable son of GODEFROI Giffard and --- de Rouen, daughter of GOZELIN Vicomte de Rouen et d’Arques & his wife Emmeline
[OSBERN d'Arques . He is named in Europäische Stammtafeln[64] as possible son of Godefroi Giffard but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. Domesday Book records “Osbern d’Arques” holding numerous properties in Yorkshire[65].]
m ---. The name of Osbern's wife is not known. Osbern & his wife had [two] children:
(a) GUILLAUME . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
(b) GISELBERT (-1112). Orderic Vitalis records that, after the death of “Guillelmo Ebroicensium episcopo”, “Balduinus ducis capellanus” was appointed and was bishop for seven years, dated to 1070, and was in turn succeeded by “Gislebertus Osberni filius canonicus et archidiaconus Lexoviensis” who was bishop for more than 30 years[66]. Bishop of Evreux [67]. [CURATOR's NOTE: The Giselbert who was Bishop of Evreux was most likely not the son of this Osbern']
From Edmund Bogg's "Lower Warfeland, the Old City of York, and the Ainsty":
Bolton Percy is an Anglian foundation, a "botl", the word meaning an edifice of superior construction. This place has not only length of days, as its history, but also great ecclesiastical dignity. It would be known and, no doubt, used by the Romans when they held their camp at High and Low " Ac-ceaster."
In the Norman survey, Bodeltun is returned under two entries, both as of the land of William-de-Perci. But there appears to have been much dispute about the division of land hereabouts, for the men of the Ainsty affirm they have known William Malet to have been possessed of much of the land in Ainsty, and the men attached to the land considered themselves as his vassals.
For instance, 15 oxgangs in Horninctum (Hornington) were held by William-de-Percy, but which the men of the Wapentake declare that " Malet" ought to have. This William Malet held the Shrievalty in 1069, at the time York was burnt by the Danes.
So even then Bolton was a suitable residence for the Sheriff of Yorkshire. The dispute did not end with the above claim, but seemed to have waxed stronger, for Osbern-de-Arches also affirms that his ancestor, Gilbert d'Aufay, held some portions of this princely domain, to wit, land in Apeltune, Stivetun, Hornington, Oxeton-Coleton, and Torp, &c.
Gilbert d'Aufay was a near relative of the Conqueror, who held him in great favour, bestowing on him princely estates of the conquered people. But (Gilbert's) mind seems to have been adverse to this kind of annexation, and he disliked the acceptance of land which by right belonged to another. So strong was his determination on this point, and so unalterable his will, that he returned to Normandy without keeping in his possession a single acre of English soil.
But that which Gilbert renounced, Osbern-de-Archis, a younger kinsman, seems to have gladly accepted, choosing for his seat Thorp, which, by the addition of his name, " D'Archis," in due time became known as Thorparch.
From 'List 17: Prebendaries: Bilton ', Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 6: York (1999), pp. 56-57:
Bilton (W.R.) manor of Osbern de Arches 1086 (Yorks. DB fos. 329, 379v).
Church of Bilton ord. as preb. by abp. 17 Nov. 1294 (Reg. Romeyn II 19-22).
1291 £20 (Taxatio pp. 299a, 323a).
From Boston Spa and Thorp Arch Conservation Areas, An Archaeological/Historical Summary, WYAAS 2008:
‘Torp’ (Thorp Arch) was first mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, and is much older than the neighbouring Boston Spa.
Prior to 1066 Torp comprised of three manors held by three landowners. ‘Torp’ comes from the Danish word meaning hamlet. After the conquest in 1066, the three manors were handed over to Osbern de Arches, whose surname originated from ‘Arques’ in Normandy and was subsequently incorporated into the place name: ‘Thorp Arch’ is therefore an amalgamation of Danish and Norman influence.
The Domesday Book mentions a church, a priest and the site of a mill at Thorp Arch. The earliest structural evidence present in the current church at Thorp Arch dates to the mid 12th century, but it is likely to be the site of the earlier Saxon church. A pre-conquest cross-shaft is built into the west wall of the south porch of the church, and this, coupled with the fact that the church was built about a quarter of a mile from the village of Thorp Arch, could suggest that the church was built upon a site of prior religious interest.
The location of the parish church away from the associated settlement is unusual, with the church normally providing the focal point to village life. It is thought that its location on the highest small hill in the area may also be significant.
Certainly a substantial residence must have existed for Osbern de Arches, who became the High Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1100 AD [Curators NOTE: THis is doubtful], and Thorp Arch was his most important manor, so it is entirely plausible that such a residence could exist here. However, evidence for this relies upon the 1st edition six inches to the mile OS map of 1846-7, which marks the ‘site of the Castle of the de Arches’ at the western end of Thorp Arch village green. This is an excellent site for a castle as it overlooks the river and the ancient ford.
Ben M. Angel notes: The reference to Osbern de Arches as High Sheriff of Yorkshire is not supported by the Wikipedia page on High Sheriff of Yorkshire. A list of High Sheriffs exists for the position following the Conquest:
House of Normandy (1066 to 1115)
1066-1068 Gamel, son of Osbern
1068-1069 William Malet
1069-1086 Hugh, son of Baldric
1086-1087 Erneis de Burun
1087-1093 Ralph de Paganel or Paynell
1093-1095 Geoffrey Bainard
1095-1100 H (full name unknown)
1100-1100 Bertram de Verdon
1110-1115 Osbert of Lincoln [NOTE: This is not the same as Osbern d'Arques]
Ben M. Angel notes: He is listed as one of the "great names of the north" and religious benefactor in The Monastic Order in Yorkshire:
St Mary's commended itself to the Norman kings because of its urban location in a region of political turmoil, and was clearly regarded by them as a royal foundation. As a result of the king's need for a loyal outpost in the most troublesome part of his conquered territories, he came to rely heavily on St. Mary's. William II entrusted to Abbot Stephen the task of arresting Abbot Benedict of Selby [72], and it is a measure of Stephen's stature as a political figure that Archbishop Thomas II (1109-14), when embroiled in the primary dispute with Canterbury, requested him to use his influence with the king on York's behalf [73].
In return for its support of the Norman regime, St. Mary's acquired considerable privileges, and the close connections with the royal house meant that the abbey attracted endowments from leading northern barons. At some time between 1088 and 1093, William II issued a charter of confirmation for the monks [74]. In this, in addition to those grants made by himself and his father, which have already been mentioned, William confirmed additional grants by Count Alan of Richmond, 'burgum in quo ecclesia sita est a Galmon usque Cliftonam et versus aquani' ('the borough in which the church is located from Galmon as far as Clifton and towards the water') - the basis of the abby's future dominance in the area called Bootham outside the city, Overton, the churches of Boston (Lincolnshire) with the site of a mill, Gilling (Richmond), and Catterick.
The charter also makes clear that within this first five years, some of the great names of the north had become benefactors; among them Berengar de Todenai, Hugh Fitz Baldric, Osbern de Arches, Gilbert de Grant, Ilbert I de Lacy. In an effort perhaps to disclaim undue royal influence, William conceded that the monks 'post obitum abbatis ejusdem ecclesie ex eadent congregatione eligatur alius' ('after the death of the abbot of the church, another shall be elected from the same congregation'), and he further laid the basis of the abbot's judicial powers by ordering that if the sheriff or his ministers should have any complaint against any of the abbey's men, the complaint was to be heard on a day appointed at the gate of the abbey, and not brought to the shire or hundred court. The abbot enjoyed jurisdiction over the forest on his own lands, and a host of other privileges normally reserved for the king [75].
72. See above, p.28 (However, the abbey was then demoralized by scandal. The monks had amassed in the treasury nearly 800 pounds of silver, and this proved too much of a temptation for two monks, who stole the money and fled from the abbey. Benedict had them followed to Northampton, and then arrested and castrated. The Selby monks were enraged at the abbot's savage treatment of their colleagues, and the scandal reached the ears of William II. he ordered Stephen, abbot of St. Mary's Abbey, York, who was at court at the time, to arrest Benedict; Stephen was reluctant to do so and indeed allowed Benedict to avoid arrest, but the hostility of the monks forced Benedict's resignation.)
73. Hugh the Chanter, History of the Church of York, pp. 42-43.
74. BL MS Harley 236, fo. 2r-v; EYC, no. 350
75. See the comments by Anne Dawtry: "The Benedictine revival in the north: the last bulwark of Anglo-Saxon monasticism?" in The Church and National Identity, Studies in Church History, 18, ed. S. Mews (Oxford 1982), pp. 87-98 (pp. 92-93). Stephen was also granted by Henry I custody of all the king's forests: RRAN, 11, no. 836; EYC, 1. no. 351.
- Osbern de Arches ... ; 167262740. Osbern de Arches, born 1064. He was the son of 334525480. Geoffrey Count Arches de Bolbec and 334525481. Beatrice FitzGozelin.
- of Osbern De Arches are:
- 83631370 i. William de Arches, born 1090; married Jueta
- ii. Agnes Lady Appleton de Arches, born Abt. 1100; married Robert de Faucomberge; born Abt. 1100.
4. Osbern D' ARCHES (Guillaume D' Vicomte d'Arques 3, Godfrey DES Viscomte des Arques 2, Godfrey 'des Arques' DE Viscomte des Arques 1) was born about 1059 in Arques, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died about 1116 in Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England about age 57. Osbern married Wife of Osbern D' (ARCHES) UNKNOWN circa 1090. Wife was born circa 1070 and died of Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England.
Children from this marriage were:
6. i. William D' ARCHES Lord of Thorp Arches was born about 1095 in Newton Kyme or Scagglethorpe, Yorkshire, England and died about 1154 in Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England about age 59.
7. ii. Agnes D' ARCHES Lady Appleton was born circa 1100 in York, East Riding, Yorkshire, England and died of Rise, Holderness, Yorkshire, England.
From Jim Weber's research:
ID: I04883
Name: Osbern de ARCHES , of Thorp Arches [1]
Sex: M
ALIA: Osbern d' /Arques/
Birth: ABT 1059 in Arques-la-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
Death: ABT 1115 in Thorp Arch, West Riding Yorkshire, England [2]
Note: Domesday Tenant of Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
Father: William Vicomte d' ARQUES
b: ABT 1035 in Arques-la-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
Mother: Beatrice de BOLBEC
b: ABT 1035 in Bolbec, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
1. William de ARCHES , Lord of Thorp Arches b: 1090 in Newton Kyme or Scagglethorpe, Yorkshire, England
2. Agnes de ARCHES , Lady Appleton b: ABT 1095 in Appleton, North Riding Yorkshire, England
1. Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 3083
2. Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com
Page: Rosie Bevan, 23 Dec 2004
Osbern d'Arques's Timeline
1040 |
Arques-la-Bataille, Département de la Seine-Maritime, Région Haute-Normandie, France
1095 |
Of, Catfoss, Yorkshire, England
Newton Kyme, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, England
1115 |
Age 75
Thorp Arch, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, (Present UK)
???? |