Historical records matching Odinel d'Umfraville, II
Immediate Family
About Odinel d'Umfraville, II
Odonell d' UMFRAVILLE Lord Prudhoe, Otterbourne, Harbottle, & Riddesdale (1125-1182) [Pedigree]
Son of Odinel d' UMFREVEILLE Baron Prudhoe (1094-1162)
Baron Prudhoe
b. ABT 1125, Prudhoe, Northumberland, Eng.
b. ABT 1150, of Northumberland, Eng.
d. 1182
d. ABT 1181, Prudhoe, Northumberland, Eng.
d. 1182
Married Alice LUCY (1129-)
Alice de UMFRAVIL m. William BERTRAM (-1205)
Margery D' UMFREVILLE (1165-1206) m. William d' AUBIGNY Lord of Belvoir Castle (1161-1236)
1. "Genealogical Server, www.genserv.com",
Cliff Manis.
2. "Magna Charta Sureties, 1215",
F. L. Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., William R. Beall, 1999, 5th Ed..
3. "Ancestry of the Presidents of the Church".
4. "The Complete Peerage",
5. "Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came
to America before 1700",
Frederick Lewis Weis, 1992, seventh edition.
The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of
sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650"
6. "Presidents GEDCOM File",
Otto-G. Richter, Brian Tompsett.
In 1173 William the Lion of Scotland invaded the North East to claim the earldom of Northumberland. The head of the Umfraville family, Odinel II, refused to support him and as a result the Scottish army tried to take Prudhoe Castle. The attempt failed as the Scots were not prepared to undertake a lengthy siege. The following year William attacked the castle again but found that Odinel had strengthened the garrison, and after a siege of just three days the Scottish army left. Following the siege, Odinel further improved the defences of the castle by adding a stone keep and a great hall.
Odinel de Umfraville (d. 1182)for a while maintained his family's cross-border connections. He was raised in the household of William the Lion's father, and witnessed charters for William himself. According to Jordan Fantosme the Scottish king expected Odinel to join him in war against Henry II in 1173, and was furious when disillusioned:
I'll be damned or excommunicated or shamed and discomfited, if I grant truce or respite to Odinel's castle; rather will I utterly destroy his happiness and his pleasure. Earl Henry, my father, held him dear and brought him up, but before the end of the day he will regret setting eyes on me. (Fantosme's Chronicle, 44\endash 7)
Odinel's caput at Prudhoe withstood a fierce attack in 1173, and though his subsidiary castle at Harbottle was captured in the following year, Prudhoe once more held out. Odinel himself escaped to raise a relieving force, before taking part in the battle at Alnwick on 13 July in which King William was captured. The damage to his lands had been such that he had to be paid £20 to enable him to garrison Prudhoe afterwards.
He had earlier married Alice, daughter of the justiciar Richard de Lucy, who brought him the Suffolk manor of Thorney Green. In 1177 he was present in London when Henry II arbitrated between the kings of Castile and Navarre, but remained essentially a northern magnate\emdash he is named as 'the most powerful of the potentates of Northumberland' in the miracles of St Oswin (Dugdale, Monasticon, 3.311), which describe him commandeering the serfs of Tynemouth Abbey to work on his castle's roofs. The context for this activity was probably the building of a new keep at Prudhoe, datable to the period after the Anglo-Scottish war. A benefactor to Hexham and Newminster, Odinel died in 1182, when his estates in Northumberland alone were valued at nearly £60 per annum; his estates elsewhere, in Yorkshire, Suffolk, and Rutland, may have doubled that.
Odonell was also called Odinel II de Umfraville, Baron of Prudhoe.
Odonell appeared in a document assessing him for scutage, a payment in lieu of military service, in 1166 at Northumberland. He had a grant of £20 out of the rental of the mines of Carlisle to retain Knights at Prudhoe on account of Scots raiding in 1173.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p376.htm#i26072 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Odinel d'Umfraville, II's Timeline
1125 |
Prudhoe, Northumberland, England
1157 |
Prudhoe, Northumberland, England (United Kingdom)
1159 |
Of Castle, Prudhoe, Northumberland, England
1160 |
Castle Prudhoe, Northumberland, England
1163 |
Redesdale, Northumberland, England (United Kingdom)
1165 |
Prudhoe, Northumberland, England
1167 |
Prudhoe Castle, Prudhoe, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
Of Castle, Prudhoe, Northumberland, England
1169 |
Of, Castle Prudhoe, Northumberland, England