Ninian Glendonwyn of Glendonwyn and Parton

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Ninian Glendonwyn of Glendonwyn and Parton

Also Known As: "Glendinning"
Birthplace: Castle Douglas, Dumfries-shire, Scotland
Death: 1541 (58-60)
Immediate Family:

Son of John Glendonwyn, of Glendonwyn and Parton and Elizabeth Sinclair
Husband of Janet Glendonwyn (Dunbar)
Father of John Glendoning, of Parton
Brother of Adam Glendonwyn
Half brother of Bartholomew Glendonwyn and Simon Glendonwyn

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Ninian Glendonwyn of Glendonwyn and Parton

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Ninian Glendonwyn [Glendinning], of Glendonwyn and Parton

 - 1541

Gender Male

   Died  	1541  [1, 3] 

Father John Glendonwyn [Glendinning], of Glendonwyn and Parton

   Mother  	Elizabeth Sinclair 

Family 1 Katherine Maxwell

   Married  	Y  [2] 


   >	1. John Glendonwyn [Glendinning], of Parton, b. 1510

Family 2 Janet Dunbar

   Married  	Bef 5 Dec 1528  [1] 


       [S541] Stirnet Genealogy, Peter Barns-Graham, Dunbar02 (Reliability: 3)

[S541] Stirnet Genealogy, Peter Barns-Graham, Maxwell02 (Reliability: 3)
[S541] Stirnet Genealogy, Peter Barns-Graham, Glendonwyn1 (Reliability: 3)

John G.lendonwyn of Glendonwyn & Parton, eldest-surviving son of Sir Simon & Lady Elizabeth Lindsey, succeeded to Parton in 1478. John married c.1460 Agnes, daughter of Robert 2nd Lord Maxwell & wife Janest, daughter of Sir John Forrester of Corstorphine. John died o.1510. A.Bartholomew, eldest son married before July 12, 1492, Margaret, daughter of Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar. B.Simon slain in the Kings service in 1504. C.Ninian (by John’s 2nd wife Elizabeth, daughter of William 2nd Lord Sinclair & wife Christian Leslie (daughter of George 1st Earl of’ Rothes.) “see XXI” D.Adam (by John’s 2nd wife) E.Janet (by John’s 2nd wife) married Gilbert Grierson.

  • ************************************* GLENDONWYN, or Glendoning, as it has been often wrote, is probably a local firname, and was affumed by the proprietor of the territory known of old by that name, which comprehended a confiderable diftrict of Eskdale, Eufdale, Liddifdale, and weft parts of Teviotdale, when firnames began firft to be ufed in Scotland. But, paffing over all conjectural and traditional accounts of theorigin, and the imperfect hiftory of the firft generations of this family, we fhall only begin where we can inftruct their fucceffion by authentic evidents, viz. I. ADAM of Glendonwyn de eodem, a man of rank and figure in the reign of king Alexander III.
This appears by an original document ftill preferved, viz. a charter to him from John Macgill of that ilk, of all his part of the lands andbaronies of Clifton and Merbotil in the fhire of Roxburgh, to be held of the king; to which fir Alexander and fir William Lindfay, Alexander de Menteith, knights, etc. are witneffes. 

This charter, which we have feen, has no date, but, by the witneffes, muft have been granted in the reign of king Alexander III, or before the 1286, in which year the king died. By a daughter of fir John ofTowers, he left a fon. II. Sir ADAM of Glendoning, who fucceeded him. He was in all times a firm and faithful friend of king Robert Bruce, and a conftant companion of James lord Douglas,called Good fir James. As many of his lands held of the houfe of Douglas, he obtained a difcharge from Archibald lord of Galloway, brother of good fir James, of all his bygone feu-duties, anno 1313. There is a charter from king Robert Bruce, Adæ de Glendonwyne de eodem, militi, etc. of twenty fhillings fterling yearly, payable to his majefty out of the caftleward duties of the caftle of Roxburgh, dated 12th April 1320. He got alfo another from the fame great king, confirming to him, pro fideli fervitio nobis impenfo, the lands of Falfhope in Roxburghfhire, with feveral other lands lying in the foreft of Jedburgh, anno 1325. He left iffue by a daughter of

Walchope of that ilk, four fons.

1. Sir Adam, his heir. 2. Sir Simon, who early fhewed the fpirit of a hero, and often fought gallantly againft the enemies of his country. He died in the field by the fide of the brave earl of Douglas at the memorable battle of Otterburn, in the year 1388. 3. Matthew, devoted himfelf to the church, and was confecrated bifhop of Glafgow, anno 1389. He was appointed commiffioner, together with the bifhop of Dunkeld, to treat with the Englifh, having full power to conclude a peace, anno 1390, and again in 1404. 4. Sir John, who was one of the confervators of the peace with the Englifh, anno1398.

Sir Adam was fucceeded by his eldeft fon. III. Sir ADAM, who, being general receiver of all the earl of Douglas's rents, got a difcharge from William earl of Douglas, 4th September 1380, of his whole intromiffions preceding that date, the earl acknowledging himfelf L.16 : 12 : 10 in fir Adam's debt, which he had expended in the earl's affairs. He got a charter from king Robert II. of the feu-duties of Scarborough that were payable to the caftle of Roxburgh, dated the fourteenth year of his reign, that is 1385. He was fent with fir Henry Douglas of Lugton, envoys of the king of Scotland to king Richard of England, then in Picardy, before whom the faid king fwore to the obfervation of a truce, at Lenlyngham 18th June 1389. He obtained from the fame king Robert a charter of confirmation of feveral charters granted by James earl of Douglas, of many lands and baronies.

The 1ft, Dilecto et fideli noftro Adæ de Glendonwyne, militi, omnes et fingulas terras de Eafter Fawhope, which fir John Towers had refigned in fir Adam's favours.

The 2d, Domino Adæ de Glendonwyne, militi, pro homagio et fervitio nobis impenfo, omnes teras noftras de Brecallow, Etc. in vicecomitat. de Dumfries.

The 3d Alexandro de Walchope, omnes terras de Walchope, etc. etc. upon his own refignation, et heredibusmafculis de corpore fuo ; quibus forte deficientibus, domino Adæ de Glendonwyne, militi, et heredibus fuis, etc. etc. The confirmation is dated 4th December 1389.

This fir Adam appears to have been much about the court of king Robert III. being witnefs to many of that prince's charters, particularly to a confirmation of the lands of Minto to fir William Stewart of Jedburgh, anno1390. There is a confirmation by Archibald earl of Douglas, of a charter, dilecti noftri domini Adæ de Glendonwyne, militis, domini ejufdem, mortifying certain of his lands in the barony of Hawick, for the foundation of a chapel in the parifh of Wefterker, with a fuitable maintenance for a chaplain thereto, for the fafety of the fouls of James late earl of Douglas, and fir Simon ofGlendonwyn his brothergerman; alfo for his own foul, Margaret his wife, and their children, etc. dated Glendonwyn 9th December, and confirmed the penult day of the fame month, in the year 1391. By the faid Margaret, daughter of fir John and fifter of fir James Douglas firft lord Dalkeith (omitted in the Peerage, page 489) he had two fons. 1. Sir Simon, his heir. 2. Matthew Glendonwin of Glenraith.

Sir Adam died anno 1397, and was fucceeded by his fon, IV. Sir SIMON Glendoning, a man of fpirit and great parts. As there had been always a firm friendfhip betwixt the houfe of Douglas and Glendoning, this fir Simon had a fhare in the atchievements of both the third and fourth earls, and was concerned in all the tranfactions of thefe great men. He became furety to the Englifh for keeping the peace in all the earl of Douglas's lands on the borders, together with his uncle fir John, as before obferved, anno 1398. He got letters of fafe conduct from king Henry IV, to travel through England in company with feveral other eminent knights, anno 1409. In 1406, he got two other fafe conducts from the faid king to go to the court of England, together with Archibald and James the earl of Douglas's fons, John Stewart fon of the duke of Albany, Henry earl Crawford, fir William Graham anceftor of the duke of Montrose etc. In an indenture made betwixt Henry king of England and Archibald earl of Douglas, dated at London 14th March 1407, fir Simon is a witnefs. And when the earl obtained leave to go to Scotland, upon his giving fecurity to return and furrender himfelf prifoner again, his own two fons and fir Simon, fon and heir of fir Adam of Glendoning, are hoftages required, anno 1408.

He got a charter from that earl of the lands of Wythyn, Glencrofs, Crownyarton, etc. in the fhire of Roxburgh, dated at London 20th Feb. 1406. And another of the hereditary office of bailiary of the regality of Eskdale, 26th April 1407. He married lady Mary Douglas, daughter of Archibald fourth earl of Douglas and firft duke of Turenne, by lady Margaret Stewart his wife, daughter of king Robert III. and by her had iffue three fons. 1. Sir Simon, his heir. 2. John de Glendoning, who got a charter under the great feal of the lands of Kingslands, 2d March 1440. He followed the fortune of James ninth earl of Douglas, fettled in England, and was progenitor of feverals of his name in that kingdom. 3. Bartholomew, took orders in the church. He was chaplain to the chapel of Wefterker, but was deprived of his charge for non-refidence, by Andrew bifhop of Glafgow, anno 1459. He died in the beginning of the reign of king James II. and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon. 

V. Sir SIMON of Glendoning. Etc. He made a great figure in Scotland, and was highly efteemed by king James II. from whom he had the honour of knighthood. He commanded a brave and warlike race of men well refpected on the borders. Vefted with the moft extended jufticiary powers within his own lands, particularly in Glendoning, and with privilege of regality in the adjacent country, of which he was hereditary bailie, and his family having made fome moft noble alliances by marriages ; he maintained a character of authority, which made him on many honourable occafions ftand in the rank of the moft potent barons of the kingdom. He was one of the guarantees of a treaty of peace with king Henry VI. of England, together with the earls of Douglas, Angus, Rofs, Murray, Crawford Etc. anno 1449 ; and is amongft the feveral great lords who were guarantees of peace in the years 1451-53-57-59, etc.

He got a charter under the great feal, of a twenty pound land in the barony of AuldRoxburgh, anno 1450. Upon his own refignation, he obtained another from king James II. Simoni de Glendoning de eodem, militi, totas terras baronie de Partone in fenefcallatu de Kirdcudbright, cum omnibus curiis, furia, foffa; etc. una cum advocatione eccleftæ ejufdem, etc. dated 23d February 1458. He was again guarantee of a treaty with the Englifh, together with the earls of Athole, Crawford, Huntly, Argyle, Etc. Etc. anno 1464, where he is defigned fir Simon Glendoning of Parton, by which title this family have been often promifcuoufly defigned with that of Glendoning.

He married lady Elifabeth Lindfay, daughter of Alexander earl of Crawford (omitted in the Peerage, page 157) by whom he had four fons. 1. John, his heir. 2. Alexander, who probably was progenitor of the Glendonings of Drumrask. 3. Archibald. 4. Matthew, who got a charter under the great feal, of lands of Quhitfdale, Glenkirk, etc. dated 18th March 1489. Sir Simon was fucceeded by his eldest fon. VI. JOHN of Glendoning and Parton, who by many authentic evidents appears to have been poffeffed of an immenfe eftate, viz. the 80 pound land of old extent of Glendoning, the lands and baronies of Clifton, Scarborough, Brecallow, Walchope, Watfterker, Langholm, and many others too numerous to be here inferted. He married, 1ft, Agnes, daughter of Robert lord Maxwell, who died without iffue. He married, 2dly, Elifabeth Sinclair, daughter of William lord Sinclair (omitted in the Peerage, page 621) by whom he had iffue four fons. 1. Bartholemew, defigned, in a precept after mentioned, his eldeft fon and apparent heir.

2. Ninian, who became his father's heir.

3. Simon.

4. Adam, father of John of Bifhopton.

He died in autumn 1503, and Bartholemew his eldeft fon before or immediately after him, without iffue. This appears by a precept granted by Johannes Glendoning de eodem, dominus de Scarsburgh, for infefting of George Madyr as heir to John his grandfather, in fome lands in the territory of Langholm, fhire of Roxburgh, of which he was fuperior, proceeding upon the king's brieve directed to him for that effect, to which he appointed thefe his fons his bailies, dated at Parton 14th July 1503. And of date the 7th of October that year, a like precept was granted by his then eldeft fon, Ninianus Glendonwin dominus de eodem, upon which George Gladftanes got fafine of the lands of Gladftanes lying in the fame territory and fhire of Roxburgh.

VII. This NINIAN de Glendoning of that ilk, obtained a confirmation under the great feal, Niniano Glendonwyn, filio et hæredi Johannis Glendonwyn de Parten, etc. of the lands and barony of Scarsburgh in Roxburghfhire, dated 6th September 1510. There are three fafines, honorabili viro Niniano Glendonyng domino de Partone, filio et hæredi quondam honorabilis viri Johannes Glendonwin de eodem, of the eftate of Glendoning and others his lands in Roxburghfhire, proceeding upon precepts forth of chancery, dated 12th May, 29th Oct 12th Nov. 1513.

He afterwards obtained feveral charters under the great feal, Niniano Glendinwin de eodem, et Janetæ Dunbar ejus fponfæ, confirming the lands of Clifton, Parton, etc. etc. in the fhire of Roxburgh and ftewarty of Kirkcudbright, intra annos 1528 et 1537. By the faid Janet, daughter of fir John Dunbar of Mochrum, he left iffue a fon and fucceffor, VIII. JOHN, who, upon his father's refignation, got charter under the great feal, Johanni Glendonwin, filio et apparenti hæredi Niniani Glendonwyn de eodem, et Ifabella Gordon ejus fponfæ, of a number of lands in Dumfries-fhire and in the ftewarty of Kirkcudbright, dated 3d December 1531.

By the faid Ifabel, daughter of fir Robert Gordon of Lochinva, anceftor of vifcount Kenmuir (omitted in the Peerage, page 369) he left iffue three fons. 1. Alexander, his heir. 2. William of Garquhinye, of whom the Glendonings of Mochrum in dominio de Parton, were defcended. 3. Simon, who is witnefs to feveral deeds of his brother Alexander, and was father of George of Laggan.

He died about the year 1560, and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, IX. ALEXANDER GLENDONING of that ilk and Parton, who got fafine of the lands of Templefhiells, Caftlery, Anylton, and many others in Liddifdale, which belonged to Ninian Glendonwyn of that ilk his grandfather, by virtue of a precept of clare conftat from James earl of Bothwell, dated 16th April 1562. He was retoured heir to his father in 1572, and to his grandfather in the lands of Glendoning, etc. etc. 20th April 1585.

He married, 1ft, Alifon, daughter of Alexander Gordon of Troquhane, and got a charter under the great feal, to him and his faid fpoufe, of the lands of Glengunyoch, etc. dated 3d December 1564. By her he had a fon, John, who died before his father, without iffue. He married, 2dly, Nicolas, daughter of Robert Harries of Mabie, fon of Andrew third lord Harries, who became heir male of that noble family. By her he had three fons. 1. Robert, his heir. 2. Simon.

3. William ; both died young. He was fucceeded by his only furviving fon,

X. ROBERT, who was retoured heir to his brother John, and got a charter under the great feal, Roberto Glendoning, unico filio legitimo Alexandri Glendoning de Parton, totas et integras terras et baroniam de Parton. Infuper nos, pro fideli promptu et gratuito fervitio nobis per dictum Alexandrum impenfo, de novo damus, et de novo unimus, tenendas cum caftris, advocatione, etc. ut libera baronia in perpetuum, cum curiis, furia, foffa, etc. etc. 26th July 1595. He married dame Margaret Maxwell, daughter of William lord Harries, anceftor of the earl of Nithfdale, by Katherine Ker his wife, daughter of Mark lord of Newbottle, anceftor of the marquis of Lothian. (This lord Harries is omitted in Peerage, page 339 and 520, and only mentioned page 420 in the history of the family of Lothian.) This appears in particular by their contract, whereby John lord Harries, her brother-german, became bound to pay 9000 merks in name of his fifter's tocher ; and Alexander Glendoning of that ilk obliges himfelf to infeft and feafe his fon and her heretably, in fo much of his eftate of Eskdale, viz. the lands of Curcleugh, etc. Megdail, Parkdail, etc. Wafterker, Daldaren, etc. Broomholme, Ardkyne, Langholme, etc. etc. dated 14th January 1605, in which they are infeft 7th August 1506. [Probably a typing error, should read 1605 or 1606] By his faid wife he had a fon,

XI. JOHN, who fucceeded and got a charter under the great feal, confirming a charter of Robert Glendoning fiar of Parton, to John Glendoning his eldeft fon and apparent heir, of the lands and barony of Parton, extending to a L. 40 land of old extent. The confirmation is dated 11th December 1630. He joined Montrofe on his firft fetting up the king's ftandard at Dumfries in fpring 1644, for which he was on the 27th May that year denounced a traitor in open rebelion againft God, and a profeft enemy to holy religion ; in confequence, was outlawed and forfeited, and all his goods and gear fold by Robert Gordon commiffary of Dumfries, the 29th of October thereafter, part whereof was bought back by friends for behoof of his wife and children. He adhered with inviolable fidelity to the royal family during all their troubles, and was at laft forced to take refuge in foreign parts, where he remained till the reftoration. He married lady Ifabel Seton, daughter of George fecond earl of Winton, and fifter of Alexander vifcount Kingfton, (omitted in the Peerage, page 707,) as appears by the affectionate letters of that loyal lord to him, and is inftructed by other original documents, particularly by a precept from John Glendoning of that ilk, for infefting the faid lady Ifabel Seton his fpoufe, in the barony of Parton, etc. dated at Seton, 16th February 1629, and her infeftment following thereon the 3d of April thereafter

By his faid lady he had four fons. 1. George, who married Elifabeth, only child of William Glendoning of Gilfton; but died before his father without iffue. 2. James, fucceeded his father ; but died foon after him without iffue. 3. William, furvived his brother ; but died in a fhort time thereafter, alfo unmarried.

XII. 4. ROBERT, who fucceeded them, and carried on the line of the family. He got a charter under the great feal, of the lands and barony of Parton, etc. dated 2d of March 1698. He married Agnes Harries, a daughter of the family of Mabie, by whom he had three fons and two daughters. 1. George. --- 2. James. --- 3. John, all died young. 1ft daughter, Ifabel, alfo died unmarried. 2. Agnes, who became her father's heir. He was a man of great integrity, honour and benevolence, living a life of retirement moftly at Parton ; and dying anno 1720, was fucceeded by his only furviving child, XIII. AGNES de Glendoning, who was married to James Murray of Conheath, Efq; who, in confequence of the family fettlements, affumed the firname and arms of Glendoning

This James was fon of Gilbert Murray of Ur and Conheath, by Elifabeth his wife, eldeft daughter and heirefs of Alexander Maxwell of Conheath ; which Gilbert was fon of John Murray of Ur, fon of another John, fon and heir of Cuthbert Murray of Howelfet, fecond fon of Cuthbert; and brother of fir Charles Murray of Cockpool, progenitor of the Murrays earls of Annandale, (which Cuthbert of Howelfet, is omitted in the Peerage, page 23). By the faid Agnes, he had iffue one fon, Robert,

and two daughters. 1. Henrietta. --- 2. Elifabeth; who both died unmarried.

XIV. ROBERT GLENDONWYN or Glendoning, of that ilk and Parton, grandfon of the laft Robert, fucceeded his father and mother, and married Mary, only daughter and heirefs of Robert Neilfon of Barncalzie, by Catherine Maxwell his wife. Daughter of Alexander Maxwell of Terraughty, apparent heir-male of the family of Nithfdale. By her he had five fons and four daughters. 1. Robert. --- 2. James. --- 3. Simon, died before their father without iffue. 4. William. 5. Charles. 1ft daughter, Agnes. 2. Mary. --- 3. Elifabeth. --- 4. Margaret. Thefe three died young He died in November 1766, and is fucceeded by his eldeft furviving fon, XV. WILLIAM GLENDONING of Glendoning.

(Coat Of Arms) ARMS Quarterly; argent and fable, a crofs parted per crofs indented, and countercharged of the fame. CREST ; the fleeve of a coat or, upon the point of a fword. SUPPORTERS ; on the dexter fide, a knight in armour, holding in his right hand a lance erect; on the finifter, an angel, touching with one foot the ground, fhewing in his hand a twig of laurel. MOTTO ; Have faith in Chrift. CHIEF SEAT At Parton in the ftewartry of Kirkcudbright.

Ninian Glendonwyn of Glendonwyn and Parton is our second cousin 16 times removed.
Janet Milburn via Ruby Stewart (Gorton )

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Ninian Glendonwyn of Glendonwyn and Parton's Timeline

Castle Douglas, Dumfries-shire, Scotland
Parton, Kincardineshire, Scotland
Age 59