Master of Arts. Apprentice to Patrick Cheyne (1570). Notary Public in Aberdeen. Advocate in Aberdeen; Burgess of Aberdeen (1594); Joint Sheriff Clerk of Aberdeenshire, 1595-97. Procurator for George, Earl Marischal. History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen: 304
In 1607 a quarrel arose between William Reid and his brother, Andrew, on the one part, and Habakkuk — otherwise Abacuth Bisset, W.S., on the other part. Bisset took out Iawburrows against William Reid, for whom John Gordon of Tulligreig, Sheriff-Depute of Aberdeen, became security for £500. Bisset then complained to the Privy Council (Vol. viii., p. 115) that the Reids had by all "indirect meanes," this long time, "procurit" his "hurte." Thus, on 2nd May, 1607 — a day appointed for the service of God, and " ane proclamit fast" — while the complainer was "going to the kirk [in Aberdeen] in a moist quiet and peciable maner without ony kynd of armoure" the said Andro, at the instigation of his said brother, waylaid him "in ane quiet vennell quhilk gois fra the said complenaris house to the kirk," and "with gantillat, plaitsleve, sword, daigair, and heyland durk " set upon him, and, with the guards of his sword, gave him " mony deidlie strykis in his heid, schoulderis, and small of his bak, and left him for deid ; sua that he lay bedfast ane lang space thairefter in grite disease and dolloure, and wes maid unable to use his calling for the intertenyment of his familie." The defenders still lie in waite for him, so that he dare not remain in Abirdene, the place of his dwelling, for fear of his life. Defenders not compearing were declared rebels. William Reid quickly threw a different light upon the matter, at the same time laying bare the cunning of Bisset. His statement bore that having lately been in Edinburgh for eight or nine days, the said Bisset, whom he had daily met there, "evir craftelie in all his counterfoote speiecheis with the said complenair, inquired of his dyet hameward." At last Bisset, hearing that complainer was obliged to repair with all diligence to his own house, where his wife was at the point of death, resolved "to mak his advantage of this the said complenair his necessitie," and caused deliver to him at the Nether Bow a copy of said charge. Bisset having failed in his proof, suspension was granted. A week later Reid had again to appeal to the Privy Council that Bisset, finding himself disappointed in the pursuit slated, has now raised criminal letters, under the borrowed name of the Advocate, charging complainer and Marione Rolland, his spouse, to answer for the crime of adultery. "Now they had been lawfully married 15 years ago in the kirk of Culsalmond by the late William Straith, minister there, and have ever since cohabited in Aberdeen ; their marriage has never been called in question ; all their bairns have been baptised by the bishop and ministers of Aberdeen, and the complainer himself has for divers years borne office in the kirk. In the whole course of his life he has approven himself an honest man, free of " havie and sclanderous imputations most foolishlie and miliciouslie gevin out aganis him be the said Abacuth, whose malice and wicked disposition is not only extendit aganis the said complenaris selff, . . . but aganis his innocint and young children, whom he preisses to his malicious and folische inventiones to caus be repute bastardis." Both parties compearing, the Lords found that the defender Abacuth has behaved himself " verie mnliciouslie " against the pursuer, and therefore "verie schairplie admonish him to forbear such form of doing hereafter." History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen: 304
Master William Reid married Marione Rolland They were married in 1592, at Culsalmond Church in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen: 304
William Reid: 1589. M.A. App. to Patrick Cheyne (1570). Notary Public. Joint Sheriff Clerk of Aberdeenshire, 1595-97- 2. Procurator for George, Earl Marischal. Proprietor of Barra. Married, in 1592, in Culsalmond Church, Marione Rolland, with issue, of whom : — 1. Alexander, advocate (1624). 2. Alexander, died before 1607. Alexander Wilsone, chirurgeon, Aberdeen, was placed on trial for man- slaughter by causing death " throche the miscuir of the said Alexr." History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen: 304
10 February 1594: The said day, Lodouick, Duke of Lennox, Erle Dernly, Lord Torboltoun, Obigny, and Methven, &c., lieutenant and justice to his maiestie owir the north pairtis of this realme, was creat and maid burges of this burght, . . . . . siclyk, Maister Willeam Reid was creat burges of gild of this burght, gratis, and at the request of the said Duke of Lennox. Extracts from the Council Registers of the Burgh of Aberdeen II: 106