About Martin de Laon
According to C.Settipani, Martin of Laon lost but was not killed in the battle of Lucofao (Bois-du-Fays) in 678-679 against Waratto and Ebroïn, Mayor of the Palace of Neustria
He was Count of Laon in the late 7th century. His ancestry is unknown. It has been speculated that he was the husband of Bertrada de Prüm, and father of her children, but this is not confirmed by any reliable source and there are chronology problems. Bertrada's birth date is estimated between 670 and 690, while Martin died in 678.
Summary for Martin de Laon:
Parents, Siblings, Spouse, and Children: Unknown. (It's speculated that he was the husband of Bertrada de Prüm, and father of her children, but this is not confirmed by any reliable source. Further, there are severe chronology problems based on Bertrada's likely birth date, between 670 and 690.)
Basic information:
Birth, Baptism, Marriage: Unknown.
Death: 678 at the Battle of Lucofao (near Laon) against Waratto, Mayor of the Palace of Neustria.
Burial: Unknown
Occupation: Austrasian dux.
Alternate names: Martin dux of Austrasia, Martin of Laon (this name is speculative, probably based on the location of his defeat and death).
- Caribert de Laon en Wikipedia Francaise
- En 721, il signe avec sa mère Bertrade l'Ancienne l'acte de fondation de l'abbaye de Prüm, puis la même année et toujours avec sa mère une donation faite à l'abbaye d'Echternach.
- D'après un acte de sa fille et son gendre, il est mort avant 762.
- Son père est inconnu. Ce père inconnu de Caribert est soit un Robertien, soit un Hugobertide.
- On a pensé qu'il était le comte ou duc Martin, frère ou cousin de Pépin de Herstal dont parle le continuateur de Frédégaire1, mais ce Martin doit son existence à une mauvaise interprétation de texte et, si ce Martin est bien existant, il n'est pas le père de Caribert, selon Christian Settipani2.
- Le nom de son épouse n'est pas mentionnée dans des documents contemporains ou ultérieurs. *Selon des études récentes cette épouse pourrait se prénommer Gisèle3.
En 744, sa fille Bertrade de Laon dite Berthe au Grand Pied, épouse4 Pépin le Bref, maire du palais et futur roi des francs.
Martin of Laon (b. c.660, d.680) was probably Count of Laon in the late 7th century. His ancestry is unknown.Is it possible that Martin married his niece, Bertrada?
- The name of Charibert´s wife is not known. Someones think he married Bertha, daughter of Theuderic III.
- He is the father of C(h)aribert (Heribert) of Laon, and maternal great-grandfather of Charlemagne.
- see Wikipedia
- Caribert (also spelled Charibert and Heribert), Count of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. Only his mother is known from contemporary records, although it has been suggested that his father may have been an earlier Martin of Laon.
- Some persons point Childebert or Hugobert as Father of Martin de Laon
- Others pretend him as a son of Ansegisel and Begga and brother of Pepin of Heristal.
- Childebert III the Adopted, king of Austrasia
- Hugobert
From "Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Volume 23" by Johannes Hoops:
Die Widergewinnung der einstigen familiären Machtstellung sowohl gegen inner-austrasische Konkurrenten als auch gegen die Obermacht des neustro-burg. Adels war schwierig und von Rückschlägen gekennzeichnet. Als nach dem Tod Kg. Chilperichs II. (675) für Austrasien wiedermals ein Kg. Dagobert II., erhoben wurde, gelangte nicht P. in das austrasische Hausmeieramt. Die Neustrier blieben beherrschend. P. wagte immerhin im Bündnis mit dem austrasischen dux Martin den Kampf gegen den neustrischen Hausmeier. Ebroin, der allerdings bei Lucofao in der Nähe von Laon in einer empfindlichen Niederlage endete: Martin starb, P. floh. Erst nach der Ermordung Kg. Dagoberts II. (679) und Hausmeier Ebroins (680) war der Neue neustrische Hausmeier Waratto (680 bis ca. 686), der einer um Rouen begüterten Adelsfamilie angehörte, bereit, P.s Vormachtstellung in einem gebietsmäßig verkleinerten Austrasien anzuerkennen. Gegen diese Politik des Ausgleichs opponierte Warattos Sohn Gislemar (zw. 681 und 684) zunächst erfolgreich, indem er seinen Vater aus dem Hausmeieramt verdrängte, das er selbst annahm, und P. bei Namur siegreich belagerte; doch starb er kurz darauf. Bf. Audoin von Rouen stellte den Frieden zw. P. und dem ins Hausmeieramt zurückgekehrten Waratto wieder her (13;9).
In English:
The defeated former power family fought against both internal Austrasian competitors and against the rulers of Neustria. The nobility were difficult to control and setbacks were significant. As after the death of King Chilperichs II (675) of Austrasia in battle against King Dagobert II, Pepin had not yet become Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia. The Neustrians remained in control. Pepin ventured nevertheless into battle against the Mayor of the Palace of Neustria in an alliance with Austrasian dux Martin. Ebroin delivered a decisive defeat to Pepin at Lucofao near Laon: Martin died, Pepin fled. (According to German Wikipedia, this took place in 678.) Then after the assassinations of King Dagobert II (679) and Mayor of the Palace Ebroin (680), a new Mayor of the Palace of Neustria Waratto (680 to c. 686), who came from a noble family with properties near Rouen, readily acknowledged Pepin’s supremacy in a coup of a reduced Austrasia. Against this political background, Waratto’s son Gislemar first successfully (between 681 and 684) displaced his father from the role of Mayor of the Palace that he himself had sought, and Pepin in Namur triumphed; but he died shortly after that. Bishop Audoin of Rouen restored peace between Pepin and Waratto, allowing him to return as Mayor of the Palace.
Martin van Laon in de Nederlandse Wikipedia
- Martin van Laon (* ca. 660 - † 680) was graaf van Laon.[1]
- Hij was getrouwd met Bertrada de oudere en kreeg met haar een zoon: Charibert van Laon. Zijn kleindochter Bertrada van Laon was de moeder van de latere keizer Karel de Grote.
- 1.↑ Het is niet zeker of hij graaf van Laon was, maar we hebben weet van een dux Martin die bij Laon een veldslag uitvocht.
English Notes
- 1. It is not certain whether he was Count of Laon, but we know of one "dux Martin" of Laon who waged a battle.
- Martin's place on this part of the tree is only probable. In any case, if he is in fact the great-grandfather of Charlemagne, then this serves only as a place-marker, as he has a more definite spot in the family tree along another line.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
The Foundation for Medieval Genealogy does not name the husband of Bertrada, maternal great grandfather of Charlemagne. According to their page on Merovingian Nobility, this is what is clearly known of this person:
--- . m BERTRADA, daughter of ---.
The editor of Einhard's Annals in the MGH SS series records that "Pippinus…uxoris pater et Avia Charibertus et Bertradana" founded the monastery of Prüm[533]. This is presumably based on the charter dated 23 Jun 720 under which "Bertrada seu Berta et filius meus Chairibertus" donated property to Prüm, witnessed by "Bernarius, Chrodolande, Theodericus"[534], although the charter is probably spurious as it predates the foundation of the abbey.
It is assumed that this refers to the mother of Charibert, father of Queen Bertrada, although another possibility is that it refers to the wife of Charibert and an otherwise unknown son of Charibert, brother of Queen Bertrada.
The Monumenta Epternacensia records a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[535]. [Three] children:
a) HARDRAD (-after 720).
The Monumenta Epternacensia records a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[536].
b) CHARIBERT [Heribert] (-after 23 Jun 720).
"Bertrada seu Berta et filius meus Chairibertus" donated property to Prüm by charter dated 23 Jun 720[537], although the charter is probably spurious as it predates the foundation of the abbey. The Monumenta Epternacensia record a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[538].
m ---. The name of Charibert´s wife is not known. Charibert & his wife had one child:
i) BERTRADA [Berta] "au Grand Pied" ([720]-Choisy-au-Bac, near Compiègne 12 Jun 783[539], bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
The Annales Laurissenses record the marriage in 749 of "Bertradem cognomine Bertam, Cariberti Laudunensis comitis filiam" and "Pippinus"[540]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus"[541]. Pepin planned to divorce his wife, but was convinced otherwise by Pope Paul I in 762. After the death of her husband, Bertrada assumed a prominent role in government. She tried unsuccessfully to reconcile her two sons, meeting with Carloman at Seltz and also travelling to Italy in 770[542]. The necrology of Argenteuil Priory records the death "IV Id Jul" of "Bertrada regina"[543].
m ([743/44]%29 PEPIN maior domus, son of CHARLES "Martel" maior domus of Austrasia and Neustria [Carolingian] & his first wife Chrothrudis (715-Saint-Denis 24 Sep 768, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
He succeeded in 751 as PEPIN “le Bref” King of the Franks.
c) [WETA . "
Asuarius" abbot of Prüm noted a donation to the abbey by "filia in Christo Wetane", which names "genetricis tue [Wetane] Bertradane" and "Cario et coniuge tue Wettane", by undated charter dated to [762/804][544]. It is not certain that "Bertradane" was the same person as the mother of Charibert, although the common connection with Prüm indicates that this is possible. If this is correct, the charter is probably datable to the earliest part of the suggested date range, assuming that the date of Bertrada's 720 charter (see above) is correct and at that date her son Charibert was already an adult.
m CARIO .]
The following are unproven speculations:
Martin's father should be Bishop of Metz: Ansigisen d' Austrasia and his mother should be Beggue (St. Beggue) de Landen. His paternal grandparents should be Arnoul de Metz and Clothilde (Dode) de Heristal; his maternal grandparents should be Pepin d' Austrasia and Itte de Landen. He should have a brother and a sister, named Pepin II and Clotilde. He should be the second oldest of the three children.
He was Count of Laon in the late 7th century. His ancestry is unknown. It has been speculated that he was the husband of Bertrada de Prüm, and father of her children, but this is not confirmed by any reliable source and there are chronology problems. Bertrada's birth date is estimated between 670 and 690, while Martin died in 678.
Summary for Martin de Laon:
Parents, Siblings, Spouse, and Children: Unknown. (It's speculated that he was the husband of Bertrada de Prüm, and father of her children, but this is not confirmed by any reliable source. Further, there are severe chronology problems based on Bertrada's likely birth date, between 670 and 690.)
Basic information:
Birth, Baptism, Marriage: Unknown.
Death: 678 at the Battle of Lucofao (near Laon) against Waratto, Mayor of the Palace of Neustria.
Burial: Unknown
Occupation: Austrasian dux.
Alternate names: Martin dux of Austrasia, Martin of Laon (this name is speculative, probably based on the location of his defeat and death).
Caribert de Laon en Wikipedia Francaise En 721, il signe avec sa mère Bertrade l'Ancienne l'acte de fondation de l'abbaye de Prüm, puis la même année et toujours avec sa mère une donation faite à l'abbaye d'Echternach. D'après un acte de sa fille et son gendre, il est mort avant 762. Son père est inconnu. Ce père inconnu de Caribert est soit un Robertien, soit un Hugobertide. On a pensé qu'il était le comte ou duc Martin, frère ou cousin de Pépin de Herstal dont parle le continuateur de Frédégaire1, mais ce Martin doit son existence à une mauvaise interprétation de texte et, si ce Martin est bien existant, il n'est pas le père de Caribert, selon Christian Settipani2. Le nom de son épouse n'est pas mentionnée dans des documents contemporains ou ultérieurs. *Selon des études récentes cette épouse pourrait se prénommer Gisèle3. En 744, sa fille Bertrade de Laon dite Berthe au Grand Pied, épouse4 Pépin le Bref, maire du palais et futur roi des francs.
Martin of Laon (b. c.660, d.680) was probably Count of Laon in the late 7th century. His ancestry is unknown.Is it possible that Martin married his niece, Bertrada?
The name of Charibert´s wife is not known. Someones think he married Bertha, daughter of Theuderic III. He is the father of C(h)aribert (Heribert) of Laon, and maternal great-grandfather of Charlemagne. see Wikipedia Caribert (also spelled Charibert and Heribert), Count of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. Only his mother is known from contemporary records, although it has been suggested that his father may have been an earlier Martin of Laon. -------------------------------------------------------
Some persons point Childebert or Hugobert as Father of Martin de Laon Others pretend him as a son of Ansegisel and Begga and brother of Pepin of Heristal. Childebert III the Adopted, king of Austrasia Hugobert
From "Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Volume 23" by Johannes Hoops:
Die Widergewinnung der einstigen familiären Machtstellung sowohl gegen inner-austrasische Konkurrenten als auch gegen die Obermacht des neustro-burg. Adels war schwierig und von Rückschlägen gekennzeichnet. Als nach dem Tod Kg. Chilperichs II. (675) für Austrasien wiedermals ein Kg. Dagobert II., erhoben wurde, gelangte nicht P. in das austrasische Hausmeieramt. Die Neustrier blieben beherrschend. P. wagte immerhin im Bündnis mit dem austrasischen dux Martin den Kampf gegen den neustrischen Hausmeier. Ebroin, der allerdings bei Lucofao in der Nähe von Laon in einer empfindlichen Niederlage endete: Martin starb, P. floh. Erst nach der Ermordung Kg. Dagoberts II. (679) und Hausmeier Ebroins (680) war der Neue neustrische Hausmeier Waratto (680 bis ca. 686), der einer um Rouen begüterten Adelsfamilie angehörte, bereit, P.s Vormachtstellung in einem gebietsmäßig verkleinerten Austrasien anzuerkennen. Gegen diese Politik des Ausgleichs opponierte Warattos Sohn Gislemar (zw. 681 und 684) zunächst erfolgreich, indem er seinen Vater aus dem Hausmeieramt verdrängte, das er selbst annahm, und P. bei Namur siegreich belagerte; doch starb er kurz darauf. Bf. Audoin von Rouen stellte den Frieden zw. P. und dem ins Hausmeieramt zurückgekehrten Waratto wieder her (13;9).
In English:
The defeated former power family fought against both internal Austrasian competitors and against the rulers of Neustria. The nobility were difficult to control and setbacks were significant. As after the death of King Chilperichs II (675) of Austrasia in battle against King Dagobert II, Pepin had not yet become Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia. The Neustrians remained in control. Pepin ventured nevertheless into battle against the Mayor of the Palace of Neustria in an alliance with Austrasian dux Martin. Ebroin delivered a decisive defeat to Pepin at Lucofao near Laon: Martin died, Pepin fled. (According to German Wikipedia, this took place in 678.) Then after the assassinations of King Dagobert II (679) and Mayor of the Palace Ebroin (680), a new Mayor of the Palace of Neustria Waratto (680 to c. 686), who came from a noble family with properties near Rouen, readily acknowledged Pepin’s supremacy in a coup of a reduced Austrasia. Against this political background, Waratto’s son Gislemar first successfully (between 681 and 684) displaced his father from the role of Mayor of the Palace that he himself had sought, and Pepin in Namur triumphed; but he died shortly after that. Bishop Audoin of Rouen restored peace between Pepin and Waratto, allowing him to return as Mayor of the Palace.
Martin van Laon in de Nederlandse Wikipedia
Martin van Laon (* ca. 660 - † 680) was graaf van Laon.[1] Hij was getrouwd met Bertrada de oudere en kreeg met haar een zoon: Charibert van Laon. Zijn kleindochter Bertrada van Laon was de moeder van de latere keizer Karel de Grote. Noten
1.↑ Het is niet zeker of hij graaf van Laon was, maar we hebben weet van een dux Martin die bij Laon een veldslag uitvocht. English Notes
1. It is not certain whether he was Count of Laon, but we know of one "dux Martin" of Laon who waged a battle. Martin's place on this part of the tree is only probable. In any case, if he is in fact the great-grandfather of Charlemagne, then this serves only as a place-marker, as he has a more definite spot in the family tree along another line. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
The Foundation for Medieval Genealogy does not name the husband of Bertrada, maternal great grandfather of Charlemagne. According to their page on Merovingian Nobility, this is what is clearly known of this person:
--- . m BERTRADA, daughter of ---. The editor of Einhard's Annals in the MGH SS series records that "Pippinus…uxoris pater et Avia Charibertus et Bertradana" founded the monastery of Prüm[533]. This is presumably based on the charter dated 23 Jun 720 under which "Bertrada seu Berta et filius meus Chairibertus" donated property to Prüm, witnessed by "Bernarius, Chrodolande, Theodericus"[534], although the charter is probably spurious as it predates the foundation of the abbey.
It is assumed that this refers to the mother of Charibert, father of Queen Bertrada, although another possibility is that it refers to the wife of Charibert and an otherwise unknown son of Charibert, brother of Queen Bertrada.
The Monumenta Epternacensia records a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[535]. [Three] children:
a) HARDRAD (-after 720).
The Monumenta Epternacensia records a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[536].
b) CHARIBERT [Heribert] (-after 23 Jun 720).
"Bertrada seu Berta et filius meus Chairibertus" donated property to Prüm by charter dated 23 Jun 720[537], although the charter is probably spurious as it predates the foundation of the abbey. The Monumenta Epternacensia record a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[538].
m ---. The name of Charibert´s wife is not known. Charibert & his wife had one child:
i) BERTRADA [Berta] "au Grand Pied" ([720]-Choisy-au-Bac, near Compiègne 12 Jun 783[539], bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
The Annales Laurissenses record the marriage in 749 of "Bertradem cognomine Bertam, Cariberti Laudunensis comitis filiam" and "Pippinus"[540]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus"[541]. Pepin planned to divorce his wife, but was convinced otherwise by Pope Paul I in 762. After the death of her husband, Bertrada assumed a prominent role in government. She tried unsuccessfully to reconcile her two sons, meeting with Carloman at Seltz and also travelling to Italy in 770[542]. The necrology of Argenteuil Priory records the death "IV Id Jul" of "Bertrada regina"[543].
m ([743/44]%29 PEPIN maior domus, son of CHARLES "Martel" maior domus of Austrasia and Neustria [Carolingian] & his first wife Chrothrudis (715-Saint-Denis 24 Sep 768, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
He succeeded in 751 as PEPIN “le Bref” King of the Franks.
c) [WETA . "
Asuarius" abbot of Prüm noted a donation to the abbey by "filia in Christo Wetane", which names "genetricis tue [Wetane] Bertradane" and "Cario et coniuge tue Wettane", by undated charter dated to [762/804][544]. It is not certain that "Bertradane" was the same person as the mother of Charibert, although the common connection with Prüm indicates that this is possible. If this is correct, the charter is probably datable to the earliest part of the suggested date range, assuming that the date of Bertrada's 720 charter (see above) is correct and at that date her son Charibert was already an adult.
m CARIO .]
The following are unproven speculations:
Martin's father should be Bishop of Metz: Ansigisen d' Austrasia and his mother should be Beggue (St. Beggue) de Landen. His paternal grandparents should be Arnoul de Metz and Clothilde (Dode) de Heristal; his maternal grandparents should be Pepin d' Austrasia and Itte de Landen. He should have a brother and a sister, named Pepin II and Clotilde. He should be the second oldest of the three children. -------------------- http://www.our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p335.h...
read more
Martin was the count of Laon in the late 7th century.
Martin de Laon's Timeline
647 |
Landen, Austrasia, Frankish Kingdom
710 |
Age 63
???? |