Matching family tree profiles for Louis Cordier
Immediate Family
About Louis Cordier
Louis Cordier, French Huguenot
Original name spelled Cortje. Arrived at the Cape in 1688 as a French Huguenot with his wife, Francoise Martinet, and 5 children - possibly on the 'Zuid-Bevelandt'. Four more children were born at the Cape. He was a merchant in Bournonville, Picardie, & lived with his second wife in Épense, Champagne. At the Cape he was a farmer who settled at Bethel, Drakenstein (Paarl). He died in 17032
Mooted Parents, Birth Place & Baptism Date very unlikely:
- According to Coertzen's The Huguenots of South Africa 1688-1988 p. 156, his place of origin was Orleans- probably from Bouchard's conjectures here about him being the son of the Catholic Louis & Jeanne Blessebois of Blois, Loir-et-Cher:
"It is possible that the refugee Louis Cordier came from the Orleanais. There was a Louis Cordier at Blois, but the name appears among the Catholic baptisms of that town. The son of a master lace-maker Louis Cordier and his wife Jeanne Blessebois, he was baptized on March 29, 1656. [Ms. T 75, A. TROUESSART (comp.), Registres de Saint-Solenne, B, II, 1652-1696: p. 48 (Bibl. mun. Blois) … Jeanne married Mathieu Frachas... The Frachas farm, however, was named Orleans, [121. BOTHA, French refugees, p. 118] a city with which he had no apparent connection. Was it perhaps chosen with reference to the French background of his wife’s father? There is some evidence to suggest that Francoise Martinet was from north-eastern France … The Cordier background, however, remains uncertain. He could possibly have come from the north-east like his wife; [He has been placed firmly in that area by S.F. DU TOIT (‘Hugenote- families uit Noord-Frankryk; hier en.. .daar’, Bulletin, Huguenot Society of South Africa, 4, 1966, p. 13). We may note, somewhat to the south, the Louis Cordier of Meaux, condemned to death, but sent to the galleys (HAAG and HAAG, France protestante, IV, pp. 58-59)]..again, a Cordier family lived at Espenel, near Pontaix in Dauphine, the Cape minister Pierre Simond’s home province. [E 5411, David Marcel, Actes, Pontaix, 1660-1674: Sept. 28, 1666, f. 186 (AD Drome).]… Simond may have recommended Louis Cordier as an elder at Drakenstein in 1691 because he was a fellow-Dauphinois, although of the other members of the first consistory there only Pierre Meyer came from that province. He may equally have been chosen as a man familiar with the Dutch language, a circumstance which would suggest a longer acquaintance with the United Provinces than had most Cape refugees. There were certainly Cordiers at Haarlem as early as 1627.[ BOTHA, French refugees, p. 38.] One thing, however, is certain. The Paris silk-weaver Jacques Cordier, in London and Amsterdam before the revocation, was not, on the evidence submitted by A.P. Hands and Irene Scouloudi, related to the Cape family.[ French Protestant refugees, p. 62. See also BOTHA, French refugees, pp. 63; 68.]" M.Boucher. (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA 125. p 119
Death of wife Marie Marquart 3 June 1679 in Bournonville
Marie Marquart femme de Louis Cordier demeurant a Bournonville est morte audit Lieu le 3 Juin 1679 et a ete enterre lendemain en presence audit Louis Cordier et Nicolas Jacquet qui ont signe. Signe Nicolas Jacquet, Louis Cordier et Drouet ministre
Marie Marquart, wife of Louis Cordier, residing in Bournonville, died there on 3 June 1679 and was buried the next day in the presence of Louis Cordier and Nicolas Jacquet who have signed. Signatures Nicolas Jacquet, Louis Cordier and minister Drouet.
[Transcription & Translation by Louis Scholtz, Aug 2016]
Bournonville - about 10 miles from Boulogne is in Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France - at the time it would have been in the province of Picardie.
Marriage to Francoise Martinet In Espense, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France 03/12/1679
Etat Civil - Acte de mariage/Mariage Date de l'acte : 1679.12.03 (03/12/1679) Lieu de l'acte : Epense (51) SUJET : MARTINET Francoise Père : Philippe + Mère : BURGEAT Marie CONJOINT : CORDIER Louis Infos complémentaires : Veuf de: MACART Marie(vf)
Civil Status - Certificate of Marriage / Wedding Date act: 1679.12.03 (03/12/1679) Place of execution: Epense (51) TOPIC: Francoise Martinet Father: Philippe + Mother: Marie BURGEAT SPOUSE: Louis CORDIER More info: Widower of: Macart Marie (vF)) on http://www.genealogie.com/v4/genealogie/Search.mvc/Search
Today third December sixteen hundred seventy-nine was blessed in this church the marriage of Louis Cordier widower of Maria Maquart and Francoise Martinet daughter of the deceased Philippe Martinet and Marie Burgeat residing in Donnement. Said Louis Cordier residing in Bournonville. In the presence of the brothers Jean and David Martinet, Theodore Layr and Jean Dommartin who all have signed Translation of a transcription from the archives: ETAT CIVIL, Baptêmes, mariages, sépultures 1626-1691, Registres paroissiaux. http://archives.marne.fr.
Épense in Marne, would have been in the Province of Champagne at the time
Children of the marriage:
1.Suzanne b. 7 March 1681 in Epense, France - d. 1715 "Etat Civil - Acte de naissance /Naissance; Date de 'acte: 1681.03.07 (07/03/1681); Lieu de l'acte Epense; Sujet: Cordier Suzanne; Pere: Louis; Mere: Martinet Francoise; Lieu d' origine: Bournonville." x Louis Fourie
(SV/Prog) Louis is described as 'marchand' (trader) at the time of this birth:
Susanne Cordier f. de Louis, marchand [ot] a Bournonville et de Francoise Martinet né le 7 et bapt. le 10 mars 1681. Parr. Abraham Maréchal marr. Marquerite Jeanson. Drouet
Susanna Cordier daughter of Louis, merchant from Bournonville and Francoise Martinet born on the 7th and baptised on the 10th March 1681. Godfather Abraham Maréchal godmother Marquerite Jeanson. Drouet [minister] - https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:9396-ZKVY-7?i=63&wc=9WLY-SP....
2. Jeanne b 2 Feb 1683 Etat Civil - Acte de naissance/Naissance Date de l'acte : 1683.02.02 (02/02/1683) Lieu de l'acte : Epense (51) SUJET : CORDIER Jeanne Père : Louis Mère : MARTINET Francoise Lieu d'origine : Bournonville INFOS COMPLEMENTAIRES RPR x Matthieu Fracassé – farm called Orleans
3. Louise b. c 1682 , d. 22 Nov 1774 x Daniel Jacobs xx Jacques Jacob Pienaar
4. Maria b. c 1684 x Francois du Preez
5. Jean b. c 1685, x 24 Apr 1712 Jeanne Terrier
6. Jacobus (Jacques) 25 Oct 1689 Stellenbosch, farmer of Leeuwenthuijn, situated by the Oliquastberg in the Wagenmaakersvalleij
7. Maarten Cordier b. c 1691
8. Philippe bap 26 Oct 1698 Drakenstein x Elisabeth Malherbe 1715
Arrival at the Cape in 1688
Cordier arrived in 1688 with his wife, Francoise Martinet, and three daughters Susanne, Jeanne and Louise. (M.Boucher. (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA 125. p 119) Other sources add two more children: Maria and Jean
One points out that they must have arrived about 1688, for the next year their son, Jacques Cordier, was baptised, and in his will, dated 1713, the latter states his age as 25 years.
Possible ship “Zuid Bevelandt” (http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/sahug16.shtml The Olive Tree Genealogy) which belonged to the Chamber of Zeeland. Left the Netherlands on 22 April, 1688 , & arrived in Table Bay on 19 August, 1688. (The weather was so bad that they only disembarked on the 26 August)
Settled on 1 Januarie 1689 at 'Bethel', Paarl as a Landbouer = Tenant Farmer?
Approaches van der Stel with Rev. Simon, J de Savoye, D de Ruelle & A de Villiers for a separate French congregation in Nov 1689
After the arrival of the French Refugees the first church arrangements made were that Reverend Simond should preach at Stellenbosch and Drakenstein on alternate Sundays until such time as a church could be built. Stellenbosch had an established Consistory of its own, and the Refugees, therefore, did not feel satisfied to form a portion of that congregation. In November, 1689, they approached Simon van der Stel and his Council with the request for permission to have a separate congregation. Before leaving Holland they had been promised their own clergyman. From this they had presumed that they were to have their own congregation. According to the resolutions of the Council of the 28th of that month, it is clear that this petition was not well received. During the debate van der Stel spoke with impatience and some vehemence. " What," said he, "here are men who have fled from France on account of the religious persecutions in that country and who have sought refuge in other countries, especially in Holland; men, who, that they might lead lazy and indolent lives under the cloak of being zealots, members and supporters of the Protestant faith, obtained a passage to the Cape in the Company's ships that they might earn their living as agriculturists and by other industry ; who have been treated with every kindness by us, yea ! even better than our own nation. Not only will they want their own church, but they will be wanting their own magistrate, Commander-in-Chief and Prince"
After due deliberation the Council decided to reprimand the petitioners and bring them to their senses by advising them to do their duty, so that their impertinence's might be checked and their plots prevented in time. The deputation was composed of Rev. Simond, as spokesman, Jacques de Savoye, David de Ruelle, Abraham de Villiers and Louis Cordier. They had waited outside the Council Chamber while the debate was in progress, and were now called in. The Governor asked the pastor to read to the deputation the oath of allegiance, which every Cape freeman had to take. Before dismissing them he strictly warned them to conduct themselves in accordance with their oath, and in future not to trouble him with such impertinent requests, but to be satisfied with the Consistory at Stellenbosch. [Extracted from the Full text of "The French refugees at the Cape http://www.archive.org/stream/frenchrefugeesat00both/frenchrefugees...]
Receives Financial Help in 1690
Louis with his wife Francoise Martinet and four children, received assistance in 1690 In Distribution List 1690, and among Burghers of Drakenstein 1692 ‘with wife and five children.
Appointed as one of the first Deacons in the new French congregation in Drakenstein on 30th December, 1691
The Reverend Simond had some time before this addressed a letter to the Directorate regarding the French congregation, but no reply could, as yet, have been received. A favourable view was, however, taken by the supreme authorities, for they wrote to the Cape on the 17th December, 1690, and referred to Reverend Simond's letter and the deputation of the 28th November. They approved of a separate church being established at Drakenstein on the following conditions :
A Church Council or Consistory {Kerkenraad) was to be established composed of the French people, elders and deacons were to be elected and — if such could be found — they were to be those versed in the Dutch and French languages. A yearly list of names was to be submitted to the Council of Policy for approval.
On the 30th December, 1691, the first Consistory of the French congregation at Drakenstein was constituted. The office-bearers appointed were Claude Marais, Louis de Berault and Louis Cordier as elders, Abraham de Villiers, Pierre Meyer, Pierre Beneset and Pierre Rousseau as deacons.
Claude Marais had already held office as deacon of the Stellenbosch Church the previous year, 2 and de Berault retired as deacon from the Cape Town Church at the same time. [Extracted from the Full text of "The French refugees at the Cape http://www.archive.org/stream/frenchrefugeesat00both/frenchrefugees...]
Owned the farm 'Bethel' in 1692
Landbouer = Tenant Farmer? Settled on 1 Januarie 1689 at 'Bethel', Paarl.
1692 – owned the farm “Bethel” now Nantes, at Paarl Mountain
1692 among Burghers of Drakenstein with wife and five children.'
1702 Death
Inventory - Cordier, Louis - 1702, dated 1 September 1702 MOOC8/1, 73 Inventaris der goederen die nagelaten zijn bij den oorleden vrijborger aan Drakensteijn Louis Cordier
Reference no.: MOOC8/1.73 Testator(s):
Deceased Estate - 1 September 1702 Louis Cordier
1 September 1702
Inventaris der goederen die nagelaten zijn bij den oorleden vrijborger aan Drakensteijn Louis Cordier; soo als de twee schoonsoons van den overleedene voorn:t, genaamt Matthijs Fransjas, ende Louis Voerie ter Weeskamer hebben aangegeven en bekent gemaakt, die dese meede hebben ondertekent, namentlijk
Een stuck land, met daar op staande timmeragie, beplantingen en bepotingen leggende aan de Parel Diamant digte bij de vrije ingesetene haar koorenmolen aldaar, volgens den ervgrondbriev 8 p:s trekbeesten 2 jonge beesten die nog ongeleerd sijn 1 wagen halv-sleeten 1 ploegh 1 egge met ijsere tanden 5 mudde meel 4 sakken tarwe 10 zijldoekse zakken 6 halve leggers 7 verscheiden kleijne vaatjes 1 snap-haan 1 deegen 1 baijenet 1 veeren bedt met sijn overtreksel 2 oude kisten sonder slooten 3 ijsere potten 1 oud koperen keteltjen 1 tinne schotel 1 theeketel 1 rooster 1 convoor 1 ijsere potlepel 1 ijsere vleesvork 2 bijlen, een handbijl, en 1 zaagh 3 hamers 2 picken 1 graav 1 koe voet 1 strijk ijser 2 oude water emmers 2 oude rocken, een hoed, en 1 oude broek 1 asschop, en 2 vuur tangen 1 tafel, en 1 bank 1 ijsere koekepan
Aldus door de boven in't hooft genoemde persoonen geinventariseert, en ter Weeskamer overgelevert op den eersten September a:o 1702
Gecommitt:e Weesm:ren: H:cus Munkerus, 1702, J:s Cruse
Dit + merk is van Louis Voerie gestelt, dit merk + heeft Matthijs Fransjas eijgenhandig gestelt
In kennisse van mij: A: Coopman, Secret:s
(MOOC 8/1.73)
Liquidation of Estate: Between 27 June 1707 and 31 July 1710
MOOC 13/1/1, 16 Generale Reekening van de plaets ende land gelegen aan Drakensteijn, welke door d'EE: Weesmeesteren alhier op den 27 Junij 1707 bij open[baare] vendutie aan de meestbiedenden sijn verkogt voor de kinderen en erfgenamen van Louijs Cordier ... Botha, C.G. - The French Refugees at the Cape p63 EIe boedel en inventaris MOOOC8/1.73 (1.9.1702 en MOOC10/1.44 (27 Junie 1707)
Estate Accounts - Cordier, Louis - 1710, accounts dated 31 July 1710, earliest date in accounts: 18 July 1707
"In the estate accounts of 1710.. when his land was sold and the proceeds distributed among his heirs, each of whom received 265 gulden,these heirs were named as:
- Matthijs Frissas [Jeanne's husband]
- Louijs Fourije [Susanne's husband]
- David Jacobs {Louisa's husband]
- Francoijs du Pree [Maria's husband]
- Jacob Cordier [bap Oct 1689]
- Jan Cordier [Jean?]
- Marten Cordier [b c 1691]
- Philip Cordier [bap Oct 1698]
CREST: CORDIER (CORTJE): Betekenis: Touslaer of handelaar in toue. Stamvader: Louis Cordier, Franse vlugteling. Kom Ca. 1688 hier aan, met sy vrou Francoise Martinet (4 kinders). Landbouer en een van die eerste ouderlinge van die Franse gemeente van Drakenstein. In 1692 het hy die plaas “Bethel” (vandag “Nantes”) naby die Paarlberg besit. Die van word nou ook Cortje of Cortjé gespel. Wapen: In goud ‘n rooi keper, in die skildhoof vergesel van twee druiwetrosse met blare en in die skildvoet van ‘n sekelmaan met ‘n menslike gesig. Die wapen word in 1946 vir die eerste keer vermeld. Dit toon groot ooreenkoms met die van die Henegouwse (Belgiese) familie Cordier.
- http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/dutoit/I576.html
- http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5204.htm
- Boucher, M. (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA 125. p 119)
- Stamouers Entry
- The Huguenot Heritage. The story of the Huguenots at the Cape by Lynne BRYER and Francois THERON. Chameleon Press. 1987. ISBN 0 620 11390
- http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/dutoit/I576.html
Louis Cordier's Timeline
1681 |
March 7, 1681
Épense, Champagne, France
Birth Registrationon in Epense, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne "Etat Civil - Acte de naissance/Naissance Date de l'acte : 1681.03.07 (07/03/1681) Lieu de l'acte : Epense (51) SUJET : CORDIER Suzanne Père : Louis Mère : MARTINET Francoise Lieu d'origine : Bournonville INFOS COMPLEMENTAIRES RPR " Civil Status - Birth / Birth Certificate ; Date of document: 1681.03.07 ( 07/03/1681 ) Epense is the place of the act ; Subject: Suzanne Cordier ; Father: Louis ; Mother: Francoise Martinet ; Place of origin : Bournonville. on http://www.genealogie.com/v4/genealogie/Search.mvc/Search |
1682 |
Guisnes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1683 |
February 2, 1683
Épense, Marne, Champagne, France
1685 |
March 29, 1685
Guînes, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1688 |
to South Africa
Arrival at the Cape in 1688 Cordier arrived in 1688 with his wife, Francoise Martinet, and three daughters Susanne, Jeanne and Louise. (M.Boucher. (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA 125. p 119) Other sources add two more children: Maria and Jean One points out that they must have arrived about 1688, for the next year their son, Jacques Cordier, was baptised, and in his will, dated 1713, the latter states his age as 25 years. Possible ship “Zuid Bevelandt” ( http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/sahug16.shtml The Olive Tree Genealogy) which belonged to the Chamber of Zeeland. Left the Netherlands on 22 April, 1688 , & arrived in Table Bay on 19 August, 1688. (The weather was so bad that they only disembarked on the 26 August) Settled on 1 Januarie 1689 at 'Bethel', Paarl as a Landbouer = Tenant Farmer? |
1689 |
October 23, 1689
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa