Judicaël de Nantes (vers 979-1004) comte de Nantes de 992 à 1004.
Fils illégitime de Hoël Ier de Bretagne, il est élevé par sa grand mère Judith et le vicomte Haimon, frère utérin de son père.
Soutenu par Foulque III d'Anjou, il reprend possession du comté de Nantes après la défaite et la mort de Conan Ier de Bretagne à la seconde Bataille de Conquereuil. Compte tenu de son jeune âge le comte d'Anjou le place sous la tutelle de son vassal le vicomte Aimery III de Thouars qui portera le titre de comte de Nantes de 992 à 994.
Judicaël est vaincu par le nouveau comte de Rennes Geoffroi Ier Béranger en 994 et il doit lui rendre hommage. Il meurt prématurément en 1004 assassiné par trahison pendant qu'il se rendait de Nantes à la cour de son suzerain à Rennes. Il laisse deux enfants de son épouse nommée Mélisende :
Budic de Nantes qui lui succède à la tête du comté de Nantes Judith de Nantes qui épouse vers 1026 Alain Canhiart comte de Cornouaille
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p339.htm#i14775 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Research Notes:
The Chronicle of Nantes names "Judicael et Hoel" as the sons of Hoël "d'une concubine" stating that they were brought up by their paternal grandmother.
Marriage Information:
Judicaël married Melisende du MAINE, daughter of Hugues II, Comte du MAINE and Dame de VERMANDOIS. (Melisende du MAINE was born in 970.)
1. Hildeburge de NANTES+
2. Judith de NANTES+
3. Budic, Comte de NANTES+
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Brittany, Chapter 5: Comtes de Nantes, Judicaël de Nantes
Comte de Nantes 992-1004, évêque de Nantes
From Google Translate:
Judicaël of Nantes (around 979-1004) count of Nantes from 992 to 1004.
Illegitimate son of Hoël I of Brittany, he was raised by his grandmother Judith and Viscount Haimon, his father's uterine brother.
Supported by Fulk III of Anjou, he regained possession of the county of Nantes after the defeat and death of Conan I of Brittany at the second Battle of Conquereuil. Given his young age, the Count of Anjou placed him under the supervision of his vassal Viscount Aimery III of Thouars who would bear the title of Count of Nantes from 992 to 994.
Judicaël was defeated by the new Count of Rennes Geoffroi I Béranger in 994 and he had to pay homage to him. He died prematurely in 1004, assassinated by treason while traveling from Nantes to the court of his overlord in Rennes. He leaves two children from his wife named Mélisende:
Budic of Nantes who succeeded him at the head of the county of Nantes Judith of Nantes who married around 1026 Alain Canhiart count of Cornouaille
970 |
Nantes, Bretagne, France
1000 |
October 1000
Nantes, Duchy of Anjou (now Pays de la Loire), France
1020 |
1037 |
Age 67
Nantes, Bretagne, France
???? |