CHILDREN: Jacob, M, 1766 in Virginia; John, M, 1770 in Virginia; Peter, M, 1775 in Virginia; Nancy, F 18 Feb 1788 in Berkeley, Virginia; Phebe Ann Demarest F 21 May 1790 in Derry, Columbia, Pennsylvania; Mary, F, abt 1792 in Henry, Kentucky (ancestry.com)
GRITTON, John Sr. - Pension #S13203Surnames: GRITTON, HUTTON, RAY#00050VolunteerSun, 22 Aug 1999Name: GRITTON, JOHN SR. Pension #: S13203 State: PA Age: 76 Ap. Date: 3 Dec 1832 GRITTON, JOHN, SR.: I was born in the town of Winchester Va. in 1755 & my parents moved to Westmoreland Co., Pa, when I was about 15 year of age & I lived on the Youghany River when I was first called into service in the month of May 1775..In April of 1780 I sailed down the Ohio (to Kentucky) & in the month of July 1780 , served in Capt. McGary's Company at McGary's Station, now in Mercer Co., Ky...then in the Fall of 1782, under Capt. James Ray served as an Indian Spy at McMurtry's Station in Mercer Co.Affiant 1: Gen. James Ray Gen. James Ray: He is well aquainted with James Gritton from the spring of 1780 when he came to Kentucky & have known him ever since. Affiant 2: James Hutton James Hutton: Have known him since he first came to Ky in the spring of 1780.
1745 |
Berkeley County, Province of Virginia
1766 |
1770 |
1775 |
1788 |
February 18, 1788
Berkeley County, Virginia, United States
1790 |
1792 |
1798 |
Age 53
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